Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Online dating

Lately I've been reading a lot of blogs where people are trying online dating. I was actually surprised to see how many people give it a go and how many actually meet a decent man on there (and some not so decent). Apparently one out of five couples meet online now, which is quite staggering.

As my new attitude towards life is all about going for things now, I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I figured I could at least get some amusing posts out of it. And as I am currently in an involutarily celibate period, I figured some flirtations and attention from men would do me good, all in the greater good of not letting the hormones drive me crazy. So I made a profile on a free and well-known international dating site, put up one of my more attractive photos and a descriptive profile and thought I'd see what would happen. I did not expect to get responses that quick. I looked around myself a bit too, and noticed that my initial thoughts of those sites being filled with nerdy, unattractive, older people were not correct. (although there's of course quite a few of those) There are a lot of people with high-profile jobs, who actually have very funny and intelligent profiles. I guess unless you have a million hobbies and have a million friends it's not always that easy anymore to find the perfect man or gall. Especially if you have a job that takes up a lot of your time, like mine. The only places for me to meet someone at the moment are the train haha, not very likely, or the pub. And pubs aren't always great for that, lots of guys who want to flirt and/or get in your pants, which can be amusing but not really what you're looking for.

Not that I'm very relationshippy at the moment. A guy will need to seriously woo me for me to even consider getting out there again. But in spite of that, I'm up for some amusement and seeing what's out there, all for the love of the blog eh. I need something to keep you guys entertained! And I'd like to settle down at some point in my life, so moping around about how cupid keeps turning out to be just another flying dwarf, won't amount to anything. I need to get over this unhappiness towards love. Maybe someone will make that happen for me, let's hope.

So what have I found so far on this online dating thing? I've already gotten quite a few messages. To men who are looking for a match, I can give you some advice.
"hey wts up? like ur profile, wanna chat sum time?" is not a good first impression. I have nothing against text language, in texts. If you're looking to get a woman's attention, please use full sentences. You sound like a moron. No matter how hot you look, if you talk like that, you're off to the bin dude.

Also, older men, sorry but this girl is not into the whole sugardaddy thing. Older men freak me out, perhaps it's the result of my mom telling me not to go with strange older men, but I can honestly say it doesn't do it for me. I also look barely 20, so you'd probably look like a pedo dating me. I wouldn't go older than 28, and I'd rather date someone who's slightly younger than a lot older. I don't know why. Although it depends really. My friend's fiance is seven years older than her and he acts a lot younger, and he doesn't look his age either. I guess I don't like the serious, mature type. Having a lot of laughs, doing fun and silly things is something I really want, so I guess I assume people around thirty and over have their feet on the ground more.
So Australian dude living in Holland, slightly balding and slighty overweight, thanks for the compliments but the thought of dating you gives me the heebie jeebies.

Creepy shaved head French dude with hilarious moustache, I'm probably not responding to your mail as well.

There's actually quite a few people out there just looking for someone fun to talk to and just be friendly, which is great. I very much enjoy talking to people all over the world, so if you sound like a normal friendly person, I'll probably respond.

Also, the site is pretty amusing, lots of funny personality test to keep me amused at work. It's not blocked, hooray! So I'm free to explore online dating and have a good laugh with the hilarity that often surrounds the whole ritual about it.

That's it for today, more about my experiment with the online dating world later!

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