Monday, July 25, 2011

For Norway

I would like to dedicate today's post to the 92 people who were killed by a raging madman in Norway on the 22nd of July. I was really shocked to hear what happened, and I think everyone has one question on their mind concerning this tragedy: why?

What on earth possessed this man to set off a bomb in the city, killing seven, and then go on a shooting rampage on an island where teenagers are enjoying the summer in a youth camp. They were just kids, what could they have possibly done wrong? I guess there is no explaining the reasonings of a madman.

It's scary to realise that no place is safe anymore, not even a youth camp on a small island where they teach kids about tolerance and democracy, along with just having fun being kids. I can't imagine the horror of being chased and shot by a man dressed as a policeman nonetheless,and seeing your friends being killed, for an hour and a half until any help arrives. How do you get over something like that? And those poor parents. Norway is such a peaceful country normally, nobody would have expected something like that to ever happen there. People there are totally blown away by it. The man can, according to Norwegian law, normally only get a maximum penalty of 21 years. Let's hope they make a change, so that this psychopath never sets foot outside a prison ever again.

To all those poor kids, who won't get to experience so many things, RIP, my heart goes out to you.

And try and be tolerant and accepting, put your prejudices aside and just treat people right. There is too much violence in the world already

Don't take life for granted, you never know when will be your last day. So stop worrying about everything, live and love to the fullest, take a chance, because it goes by so very fast.

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