Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random Thursday

Random Thursday is back! This time without 'only in America' jokes, in case more anonymous Americans without a sense of humour take offence. Extra long this week as I didn't post it last week, hope you all like as I spent ages looking for these pics, very fun during bored at work times.
Hope you are all having a good week, and remember to keep on smiling, no matter how bleak it gets.

Talk about always smiling, this is the funniest headstone I've ever seen. It sure does Mitchell, it sure does.

Cause: lack of adhesive ducks (big bang theory in case you're confused)

Not funny, but I sure wish I was in a place like that right now. I'm in serious need of some fresh air and some beautiful scenery. I'm tired of smelling car fumes and hobo pee and being surrounded by buildings here in Brussels. Need some time away!

Wouldn't mind spending my honeymoon there! Heck wouldn't mind spending tonight there! What a gorgeous romantic place. Could use some of that too! And some sunshine, July has been nothing but cold and rainy. I'm still wearing clothes I wore in February for crying out loud.

Raspberry berets, only Prince can rock them.

Just smile awkwardly and mumble 'yes yes thank you, it's my birthday, yes.'

As a commuter, this one really cracked me up.

Exactly what I was thinking, now where is my cider!

Music today..I just don't get it.

That is one big pooch. You can forget about furniture, and you won't be needing a carpet either. How much must this dog eat!!

Ah the dream wedding of all women. Perfect hair, perfect dress, perfect teeth O_o

This is for all of you with clown phobia ;)

I initially added a horrible hairy manboob picture, which really caught my off guard in my quest for good pics, and I wanted to share that reaction with you :p But as I don't want you to all suffocate on your tea, here's something less revolting :D

Homework win! :D

Have a good day ;) For me it's almost weekend as I'm taking a day off tomorrow, hooray!

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