Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jennifer Lopez: Serial Wifey

Now that we all know that the "perfect couple" have split, let's look back on the lives of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony.

Some would say JLO is a "serial wife." Marriage is not something she is a stranger to. Her marriage to Marc Anthony was her third (NOT including her engagement to Ben Affleck). However, it was her longest, so that has to account for something!

After seven years of marriage, the couple released this statement to People magazine on July 15, 2011:

"We have decided to end our marriage. This was a very difficult decision. We have come to an amicable conclusion on all matters. It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time."

Lopez's first marriage was in 1997 to Miami waiter, Ojani Noa. Even though they divorced in 1998, he remained relevant in her life until 2009 for a plethora of reasons; some good, but mostly bad.

In 2001, after their divorce, their platonic relationship enabled Lopez to hire Noa as the manager of her Pasadena restaurant Madre's. Unfortunately, he was fired in 2002, just a year after his hire, prompting him to sue Ms. Lopez, resulting in a confidentiality agreement.

In 2006, Lopez sued Noa who planned on publishing a book that contained intimate details of their short marriage, claiming it violated the terms of their confidentiality agreement. She was awarded $545,000 in the case.

FINALLY, in 2009, Noa planned to release a film called, "How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The JLo and Ojani Noa Story," which was said to contain "home video footage." Once again, Lopez claimed it was a violation of her privacy as well as breaking their confidentiality agreement.

Whew. Enough of this guy.

Now we have her marriage to her back up dancer, Cris Judd, which lasted a whole nine months; from September 2001, to June 2002.

Her 2002 engagement to Ben Affleck (which is ironic seeing as she just divorced Judd), was called off in January of 2004, despite the six-carat pink diamond ring worth a reported $1.2 million. To this day, I still believe that the movie "Gigli," which they acted together in, has something to do with the end of their engagement. Why? Watch the movie and see for yourself. That's if you can finish it without pulling your hair out.
Lopez sporting her boulder. I wouldn't even consider it a "rock."

Now, these relationships mentioned above were marriages and an engagement. That does not include her steamy relationship with Sean Combs (also known as Diddy), which lasted two and a half years. That relationship ended following a shooting at Club New York in Midtown Manhattan that involved Diddy and his entourage. Lopez got so scared that she decided to call it quits. So much for being "Jenny from the block..."
Lopez and Diddy in her infamous VMA getup
So, what now?

Lopez and Anthony had twins together, 3-year-old Max and Emme. Who will have custody? They claim that this was a clean split. Hopefully, they will maintain their tolerance of each other for the children's sake!

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