Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random Thursday

It's Thursday and I think we all need a laugh by now. Almost Friday!

The fact that she's also pulling a duckface makes this picture even more priceless.

Again, sorry Americans :p What on earth is he making, it looks like a dragon. And I can't even begin to comprehend how anyone can get that fat.

Such a beautiful photo, you don't see many babies that small smiling like that. This has to put a smile on your face. Makes you want to go all coochiewoochiewoo.

A woman scorned.. judging by the fist she's making, he's in for some asskicking.

Germany, sore losers since 1918.


Haha I must admit this is probably true. Men never seem to have to wait as long in the toilets, we always have to queue for an eternity. And you know when you've been drinking for a while, once you start needing to go, you will probably need to go every twenty minutes :p

Can't waaaait

In Sovjet Russia..

See you next time!

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