Friday, July 22, 2011

British TV reality dating show for people with Tourette’s, autism, "The Undateables," to premiere in 2012

From The Sun in the UK:

A TV dating show will feature single people with Tourette's.
Channel 4 series The Undateables hopes to prove there is someone for everyone.

Tourette's syndrome sufferers often uncontrollably shout swear words.

The four one-hour episodes - to be shown next year - also involve people with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, and sleeping disorder narcolepsy, who could nod off at any time.

Contestants will be paired up by a dating agency which has disabled and able-bodied people on its books.

Experts will be consulted to ensure the issues are handled sensitively.

C4 deputy head of factual entertainment Liam Humphreys said: "We want to challenge people's perceptions about what is considered to be 'normal', but ultimately, this isn't a series about disability. It's about a universal desire - to find love."

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