Saturday, July 23, 2011

Amy Winehouse dies: Reason remains unknown (VIDEO FROM CONCERT INCLUDED)

The 27-year-old pop sensation was found dead in her London home today. Cause of death remains unknown.

During her latest European tour, she was questioned about her reckless and incoherent behavior on stage during a Belgrade performance in June.

In a 2008 interview, her own mother even said that she would not be surprised if her daughter, Amy, died before her. In that same chilling interview, her mom said:

I've known for a long time that my daughter has problems. But seeing it on screen rammed it home. I realise my daughter could be dead within the year. We're watching her kill herself, slowly.

'I've already come to terms with her dead. I've steeled myself to ask her what ground she wants to be buried in, which cemetery. Because the drugs will get her if she stays on this road.

'I look at Heath Ledger and Britney. She's on their path. It's like watching a car crash - this person throwing all these gifts away.

The troubled singer has a past of drug and alcohol abuse along with many stints in rehab (that were clearly unsuccessful).

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