Friday, July 15, 2011

To anonymous

Yesterday and again today even, I had my first infamous 'anonymous' bitchy comment. At first I was slightly taken aback, but then I realised pretty much everyone who has a blog gets a visit from someone who does not approve of what you write, is offended for some reason or other, and instead of just leaving the blog decides to leave an offensive comment, just for the fun of it.
You'd think most of these anonymous people would then move on and never visit your blog again, but no, my anonymous decided to come back and bitch some more about how my writing sucks and how reading it is like watching paint dry. Well then my dear anonymous, if I'm that dull, leave, read a blog you actually enjoy. It's a free world, whether I am good at writing or not is not up to me to judge, but I enjoy it so I will continue to do it. There are thousands of blogs out there, some by amazing writers, some by people who just like to write their thoughts down. As everyone is different, not everyone will enjoy what you write. So if you hate it that much, stop acting like an asshole insulting people you don't know, and find something else to do.
If you decide to call me a bitch some more well

What seems to have ticked anonymous off most is my collection of funny pictures I post on Random Thursday, especially the laughing with America ones. Making jokes about America apparently is a sign that you are anti-American, hate all things America and hence I am clearly a redheaded bitch from Europe. To make things clear, I do not hate America, nor do I dislike Americans. Some of my nicest readers are Americans and I'm very fond of them. I'd love to go and travel to America some day and explore the beautiful and diverse country it is. I repeat, I have nothing at all against Americans, after all, you saved our ass during WWII (also the Russians, spasiba for that Russians!), without you guys we wouldn't have made it, so we're all very fond of you over here.
Silly stereotypical pictures mocking Americans (and other people) are all over many many funny websites, if we can't make stupid jokes about things like that, the world will sure be a boring place. Every country mocks other countries, as within a country people will mock the other counties or states. Everyone loves to make fun of stereotypes, which doesn't mean everyone is like that, it's just about having a laugh.
The US is a big powerful country, the news almost always involves the US, and there are about a million films about the US saving the world. Hence it's always amusing to mock the not so perfect aspects of the States.
I'm not against mocking my own country. Heck, we haven't had a government for over a year because the politicians of the southern French-speaking part of Belgium and the northern Dutch-speaking part can't get along and cannot come to an agreement. It's like watching kids trying to divide a pile of sweets. In many countries people would start protesting and getting angry, but not the Belgians, we're used to this tug-o-war, and we ceased to give a toss. Some men have decided to grow their beards until we have a government as a form of protest, but that's about it. They are slowly starting to resemble Gandalf by now.

There's stereotypes and jokes about pretty much every country in the world, having a laugh with it doesn't mean you truly believe it or that you dislike the country. E.g. the French are rude and have going on strikes as their favourite acitivy; the Irish are all drunks; the English are hooligans, the Germans have no sense of humour, the Spanish are lazy, the Russians are loud and drink vodka all day long, the Dutch are stingy, the Italians are womanisers, .. and the list goes on. Is this true for some people in those countries, probably, but it's just a stereotype and is for the most part not true for most. The American stereotype is that they eat nothing but fast food and are over the top religious. As it is a huge country, there's people like that, but NOT ALL anonymous. Those pictures are probably even made by Americans, having a laugh mocking themselves.

So alright, I'm done ranting about that. So I hope I made my point about that aspect of anonymous' bitchy comment. Just wanted to make that clear, in case any other people take those jokes a tad too seriously.

For all of you who follow my blog and like reading what I write, thank you so much, it's so nice to know that whatever I scribble down here is decent enough that now 51 people want to follow and read it. I never thought I'd reach 50, so I was extatic when I did. Hugs to you all, and have a smashing weekend.

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