Friday, July 22, 2011

I seee you!

I saw a naked man this morning! Nope not in my bed I'm afraid, but from the office! Someone from Enterprise Ireland (they share our floor) mentioned how one of the apartments in the apartment block across from the back of our builing has no curtains. You can see right in their living room and bedroom from the back offices windows'. My back is facing the windows so I hadn't noticed, but the lady of EI has a better view, and it seems the couple living in the apartment has the tendancy to sleep naked and prance around naked and do naughty things, all with no clue that they're giving us a show.

I'm in the office alone today and this morning I remembered what she'd said, and I turned around. I could indeed see into the bedroom and saw people in the bed. Suddenly the guy rearranged the covers in his sleep, and BAM full blown nudity for me to see! Who said office work is boring! I felt very sneaky and giggly all morning peering into the apartment :D An hour later I noticed them getting up, both stark naked walking around. Some time later they were dressed and making out in the sofa. I felt like a regular peeping tom, but hey it's really quiet today and I need some form of entertainment. And the guy is not bad looking haha :D. Their fault for not getting curtains, if we can see them, I'm sure they can see that there's an office across from them and realise that we might look out the window occasionally. Half the people here have seen them naked by now. Some have even seen them having sexy time in the bed. Slightly awkward :D

Anyway, had a great time with the co-workers Wednesday. My boss is really cool! Going out with her and meeting some people of the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU, which should be fun! Will be nice to meet some new people from around here, they're all Irish of course, but I should fit in nicely. My Belgian accent has practically dissapeared, pretty proud of that, I've always wanted to be fluent and non foreign sounding in my English. Mission accomplished!

Rather enjoying being by myself here, I found AOL radio on the internet and am really liking having some background music. Really makes a big difference!

Have a great weekend!

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