Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Goodbye Harry!

As most of you know this week the very last Harry Potter film will be out in the cinema. I admit, I'm a fan, although more of the books than the movies. I think I started reading the books around 15 years old, and was totally hooked. I know it's not a high standing piece of literature, but it's a page-turner and funny and exciting, it doesn't always have to Dostojevski. Sometimes light reading is exactly what you need. I've seen all the films, some I really liked, some I found dissapointing, but I'm really excited to see this one.
I thought the last one was really good, I loved the darker atmosphere, and I can't wait to see the epic battle in Hogwarts.

I don't really understand why they are still dubbing the film into Dutch for children (which they only do for kids' films in Belgium). It's not really a film for kids under ten anymore. Unless they like seeing death and killings and destruction.

I still remember years ago, thinking how long it would be until I could see the last film and how much older I would be by then. Alas, the day has come, no more Harry and also nearly mid o_O twenties now. Time sure does fly, there's no time to stand still and think too much. You have to take whatever comes your way and see where it goes and try to have as much fun as you can along the way. Thinking things through too much is just a waste of time, do the things you want to do with the people you want to do it with. Sometimes the best moments are the ones you probably wouldn't have experienced if you thought just with your head.

But back to Harry! I will definitely go very soon, hear that tudumtudumdum tune for the last time in the cinema. Probably there will be some tears, I'm a softie, and I have to admit a lot of people die in it. Sorry for the spoilers people, but if you haven't read the books by now, you must not like the films that much. And I think you can pretty much expect it, with the giant battle that is in it. No worries, no telling on who dies. But there will be sad moments, so sensitive people, bring some tissues. Hopefully I will get to go this weekend, followed by a good night out, have a toast to Harry (or several toasts). I'm thinking of maybe seeing it in the 3D version, but I know the 3D isn't good in every movie. And as 3D is often wasted on darker films, maybe 2D would be fine enough, as it is several euro more for that 1D more, I'm sceptical. Also those damn glasses are annoying. So if anyone has seen it let me know! I'm sure many people will blog about this, as loads of you are also in your twenties, and have grown up with these books. We've really grown up now.

It truly is

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