Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New observations

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posting in the weekend, but you know how it goes. But I'm back again and man is it slow at work now! It's been busy the last few weeks as a lot of people are planning to travel and need visas, but apparently everyone is gone now, and there's nobody coming in and barely any phonecalls. Soon half of the office will be on holiday and I'll be here on my ownsie. Think I'll be bringing a radio then, so I'm not sitting here in utter silence. Will be annoying to see everyone leave on holiday, but in September it's my turn, then I'll be in the sun while it'll be probably quite cool here.

So today I decided to catch you up on my observations on online dating so far! I must say I'm finding it fairly hilarious so far. Seems to me online dating is quite popular in the US, so many Americans on there, they are far more likely to find someone on there I think. I have gotten quite a few messages so far, some from friendly fun people from other countries, which is nice as I like talking to interesting people. But random conversations aren't that amusing to tell about, so I'll go right to the weirdoes! So much more fun.
I had a few of them so far, some rather stalky.

nr 1. Forty something New Zealand man who is planning a trip to Belgium and who constantly starts talking to me on the chat window every time I'm on the site: I'm too nice to tell you to feck off, but my utter lack of response should inform you that I am not, and I repeat, NOT interested in you. Find someone your own age! Unless you're Brad Pitt or something (which he is not), you're not going to find a twenty something girl interested in you.

nr 2. Really unattractive Belgian guy who actually lives near me, who has sent me two mails basically nagging me to please reply as he is interested and 'wants to chat', sorry but you kinda repulse me. He looks a bit like how I'd imagine Harry Potter's fat cousin Dudley to look like. Not a compliment. Also seeing how the same person looks at your profile several times a day, is rather awkward.

nr 3. Rude guy, who clearly thinks he's 'all that' and basically offends me at first and then says I'm rather pretty and says let's meet up when I'm in Belgium and have some fun. No thanks, your mail rather made me want to punch you in your sensitive area, let alone I'd want to have some 'fun' with you.

There were more annoying e-mails, but these three jumped out to me most!

Funny about Okcupid is that you can immediately tell if you've been 'dismissed' by someone. You can see who visits your homepage. So it is pretty obvious when you send someone a mail, they look at your profile and not respond, that they are clearly not liking what they see! Harry's cousin is clearly not aware of this.
Also funny is when you choose 'what are you looking for' two of the options are 'casual sex' and 'activity partners'. Someone please enlighten me on what the difference is between those two exactly. Perhaps 'activity partners' sounds slightly less vulgar, but I'm guessing it means the same thing. Or I'm totally mistaken and it means you are actually looking for some hiking buddies.

Dear lord another e-mail from an old person, why is it that guys in their forties always seem to look for girls starting from 18 years old? That seems rather sick to me. I find people my age too old to date 18 year-olds, let alone people in their mid forties. Some strange men on there I can tell you. And from what I heard from the normal people, there are just as many creepy and vulgar girls as men. I should interview some people, and see what their opinion is of the whole thing.

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