Monday, July 18, 2011

62-year-old Florida woman stuck in a swamp for four days, survives.

Kathleen Shino, 62, of Holiday, Florida, went for her daily walk on Friday, June 19.

However, she did not return home.

Her daughter, Kristi Fusco, who she speaks to on a daily basis, was curious as to why she hadn't heard from her the following Saturday. By Sunday, she filed a police report.

That's when panic set in.

Despite local searches, and even searches near the mangroves that Shino was trapped in, she was never found.

Miraculously, on June 21, four days after Shino went missing, the local sheriff's office and Police Department got a frantic phone call from Alexia Cuartas and her daughter, Alexandra Echazabal. They were in the backyard of their Koala Drive home when they heard what they thought was a bird or frog in the lake behind the house. When they realized that the faint moans were coming from a human, they immediately took action.

Alexandra, 30, talking about where she heard the faint moans of Shino
She was found in to the mangroves, up to her neck in mud.

Now you must be wondering, "How did Kathleen Shino get trapped in the swamp in the first place?"

It is still a mystery.

Even after a month of investigating and trying to figure how she ended up in the swamp, Shino is still unaware of how she got there. She says she does not remember. She remembers walking by the bank that she always passes during her daily walks. Next thing she knew, she was nearly submerged in a swamp surrounded by thick branches.

Shino says she kept track of the days by counting leaves. In a Today Show interview, she says "I never knew how long 24 hours was.." Throughout those four days, she could not eat, drink or sleep. When she was found, she was clinging to life, depleted of energy.

Now remember, she is 62 years old!

A month later, she is slowly regaining energy, and now she is even able to laugh a little about the incident. She still shudders at some of the memories, but she hopes she will soon know what really happened on that horrible Friday.

As if this story could not get any more inspiring, Shino suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, and normally travels with crutches. However, that tragic Friday, she left the house without her crutches. "She is the strongest woman I know," says Fusco.

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