Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day off tomorrow!

Ah tomorrow I have a mid-week day off, so no alarm at 6 o'clock! As I haven't taken a single day off yet all year, these holidays are a great relief.
It's Belgium's national holiday (I feel a joke about the irony of celebrating a country where many people in it would prefer it to be split up coming on), so there will be fireworks and things like that going on.
I might have a peek at the fireworks on the beach, if the weather is good, always enjoyed those and for big events as the national holiday they are usually very good.

The First Secretary invited us all for drinks tonight in honour of the (haha) national holiday. Should be fun! Haven't had much time to get to know everyone better, besides at work, so will be nice to be in more casual surroundings and have some drinks together! Unfortunately that means I'll have to take the train pretty late, and will have to walk in semi-darkness to the metro O_o. Slightly concerned about that, with all the stories I hear of Irish tourists being mugged. A few months ago an Irish mom told me over the phone about her 17-year old son being mugged by gunpoint near the station, they took his wallet, passport, laptop, phone, everything. And the poor boy was of course totally traumatised. But I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm in a fairly safe part of the city as all the EU buildings are here, and I only have three stops on the metro. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for the train, as the station can be a bit iffy when there aren't any commuters about.

So if you don't hear me soon, I may have been attacked :p Nah, I'll be fine. But I won't be getting my laptop out, that's for sure. Brussels can be a bit unsafe, as most big cities, but it's not exactly a murder capital. But I better keep my phone on me, as otherwise I will find dozens of frantic messages from my mother wondering whether I'm still alive, why I'm not answering, and so on :D Ah to be an only daughter!

The weather is also driving me fairly crazy here at the moment. Hot, cold, hot cold, make up your damn mind! I'm always either dressed too warm or too cold. But I guess it could be worse, I read there's a heatwave in the States, 45 degrees Celcius and up! Even 50+ in Texas! Poor people. Not a good time for a citytrip to NY, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

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