Sunday, April 3, 2011

A shot of happiness

Yes, that there is me! On the beach in Oostende, enjoying a beautiful summer night. It's one of my favorite pics with me in it, because it's a shot of me in a happy carefree moment. My boyfriend took the shot then, two years ago nearly. My life was pretty perfect at that moment and it shows in how happy I'm skipping across the sand with the wind in my hair. It's great how pictures can capture a perfect moment. That's why I love photography, I'm not an expert at it, but I love going through old photo albums and remembering all those moments caught on camera. Moments that will never come back again, but thanks to those pictures always remembered.

So right now I'm going to show you a little collection of some of my favourite great moments pictures (that are on my computer, I'm too lazy for childhood photo scanning right now :p hey it's weekend, at least I'm posting something :p) As the pictures are a bit big, you'll have to click on them to see them in full :)

That's a pretty old picture of me as a teenager, just 17 I was. My mom took it, I remember the garden had lots of flowers that year, and outdoors shots are always so much prettier. And I do love flowers, later I want a big garden with lots of them. I was wearing one of my favourite outfits, I got that outfit for a special occasion (my brother's confirmation I think) and I just loved the romantic feel of it. I like that sort of thing. And well I always thought it was a lovely shot of me as a romantic naive dreamy teenager.

This is a picture I took myself of my beautiful Ireland. I took this in Renvyle, Connemara, which is deep in the countryside of western Ireland. At that moment I was at the beach, sun was going down, and the view just took my breath away. Ireland has some lovely beaches, not hot and Caribbean like , but with islands in the distance, mountains in the background, silvery sand and so quiet and peaceful. I think this picture shows that feeling.

Paris by night. In 2009 I went to Paris with my boyfriend, and it was so perfect and romantic, although freezing cold. February is not the right time to go to Paris people :p Although it's nice to keep each other warm :) Saw some beautiful things and got a beautiful ring under the Eifel tower for Valentine's day. Pretty amazing. Will always remember it.

Here's one on a trip to Italy two years ago nearly in summer. We happened to stumble on an archeological site whilst driving around, and this weird tunnel-like spot really intrigued me. It felt like I was suddenly in a fantasy place on a dark quest. It was really special. I love this shot of me being all ooooOOooh this is cool. Although Rome and Florence were stunning cities, and loved seeing them for real, this was kinda my favorite spot of the whole trip :)

That's it for today. Hope you liked my random pics, and enjoy your Sunday!

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