Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: VID (Very Important Diliquent)

Soon to be her fourth visit to jail since 2007, one would think Miss Lohan would get special VIP treatment for being a frequent guest. Or did she? After stealing (or mistakenly walking out with) a $2,500 necklace and violating her probation, she was ‘awarded’ 120 days behind bars with $75,000 bail after processing at the lockup.

Without ‘F--- you’ on her nails, an extra low V-neck to accentuate her famous cleavage or a skin colored mini dress, she seemed to respect the court system this time around, covering herself up from head to toe. She immediately posted bail following her exit from the courthouse in handcuffs, and she stands a free woman until her trial in June. Ironically, her charge is for violating the probation of one of her past DUIs, not the theft of the necklace. Judge Sautner reduced her theft charge to a misdemeanor, ultimately because she says the necklace ‘was worth less than $1,000 dollars. Despite the fact that some say this is “celebrity justice,” Lohan got a big break. If she was charged with a felony, she could have been facing up to three years in prison.

Not only has this store gotten immense publicity from this entire incident, but Lindsay Lohan has probably made Kamofie & Co. Jewelry in Los Angeles more money than they could have ever expected. It’s bizarre how the media can work in a subversive way; someone steals from you, you end up benefitting. Only in Hollywood.

According to Nancy Dillon of the New York Daily News, “In addition to the jail time, the judge also ordered Lohan to perform 120 hours of community service at the county morgue and 360 hours at a women's center.” He wanted Lohan to see the hardships that women face in reality. But Lindsay Lohan doesn’t live in reality, she lives in the spotlight and her hungry career is nourished by her inability to stay out of trouble.

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