Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hi everyone

Sorry for the lack of posting, but I had four days off this weekend! It was really great, I really needed some relaxy time. And the weather was absolutely fabulous, especially Friday and Saturday, about 25 degrees! That's pretty great for April. I went on long walks with the dogs, went to the shops with my mom and discovered this lovely new store with cute vintage outfits! I really love everything vintage looking, I've always been interested in things from the past. I got this lovely black polka dot tight dress, the sleeveless 50's style dress. I must say my figure looks pretty great in it! And when you find a dress like that, you just can't not buy it :D I'm definately going back to that store.

Saturday I went to Gent with a friend, a really lovely Belgian city. If you're ever here, check it out, it's got this lovely old centre and great bars and restaurants. If you like trying out new drinks, there are bars with like a hundred different Belgian beers (we are the beer country after all, not Germany as some people think!! The best beer in the world (voted every year) has often been a Belgian one) and also bars with many many flavours of Jenever (a really nice spirit drink, schnapps-like). So in conclusion, Gent is a great night out. I went to college there, and everyone who visits it seems to really love it. Here are some pics to give you a general impression:

So well, I went to the cinema, to cool down a bit from the heat. I went to see Source code, that new film with Jake Gyllenhaal (what a man btw). I'll be sure to add a review, but I can tell you already it was definately worth seeing, although I'm still puzzled on the end. It's not a straight forward film, but I enjoyed it.

I spent a lot of time relaxing in the garden with a lovely glass of wine and a book. Sometimes what more does a girl need! So overall, a great long weekend was had :) Next weekend is three days, so a little longer weekend again, which is great!

Anyhow, hope you all had a good weekend as well! Back to working hard (or hardly working)!

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