Monday, April 18, 2011

Fantasy fair!

So I went to the fantasy fair this Saturday :) I mentioned my love for fantasy in my 'geekyness' post, and the yearly fantasy fair in Holland where I looove to go to. Most people dress up for it, so naturally I do too. Maybe it's silly, but sometimes you have to let out your inner child and have a bit of fun! It was quite a long drive to get there, but totally worth it. The weather was nice for this time of the year, quite sunny, about 20 degrees, so that really helps create an atmosphere. The fair is set on the grounds of a castle, and wow it's so beautiful there. So green and foresty, and water everywhere and little bridges, it's an idyllic garden and the perfect setting for a fantasy fair.

What can a person do there you wonder? Well there's lots! There's a whole bunch of stands all over the place, where you can buy random fantasy related trinkets, books, medieval drinks, paintings..etc There are also book signings, lectures, medieval fighting reenactments, workshops, costume contest, live folk music.. Things like that :)
And everywhere you see people with amazing costumes. I bought mine online, as I can't make anything myself unfortunately. I got a long blue medieval dress, and added some elf ears, and a head circled jewelry thing, to make it look elfy. I thought it looked pretty nice, although compared to some others (some people really go all out, and look like they stepped right out of the Tudors) mine felt inadequate :D But those really fancy costumes, corsets and all, cost a fortune to get made or bought online, and that's a bit over the top for just one day. Most people go for medieval style things, but some have these giant wings and paint their faces, which is really cool to see.

I know it's not for everyone, but I really had so much fun, and I'm secretly thinking of going to the one in Arcen (Germany) in September as well :p Why not eh! I'd love to wear one of those fancy costumes with a corset, as I'm totally in love with anything vintage, but I don't really know where to find that.
Oh and I had mead beer, which was sooo good! It's like beer with a sweet honey flavour, really nice. Medieval times must have been fun, well, not counting the whole plague bit.

I'll add some pictures on here tonight! Was hoping to add them here at work, but I didn't know the USB ports were all blocked, sigh! How can work not trust us :p

UPDATE: here they are! clicky for bigger :) Hope you like!

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