Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I finally found out where I'm going on holiday this year! I'm going to Almeria, the very south of Spain. You can see it right there on the map. Why Almeria you say? Well, at the end of secondary school me and my group of friends said we should go on a trip together. That unfortunately never happened, you know how those type of spur of the moment plans tend to go, but we recently mentioned it and said let's do it now! We talked for a bit about where we could go, and we thought about our friend Romina (also from secondary school) who is now married and living in Almeria since a few years. We haven't seen her since we were 18, so we though wouldn't it be great if we could surprise her and show up there!

We all thought it was a fabulous idea. To make for a great surprise, we thought we would contact her husband (who's Welsh. yes she's Belgian, he's Welsh, and they live in Spain, complicated stuff). So they told me to contact him, as I'm the whole English linguist person. And I did, and he was all for it, and now we're looking for a hotel and/or a car. YAY!
Finally some plans are forming! We're planning to go end of September, as in summer it would just be unbearably hot there. September will be a nice 25-30 degrees, which is hot, but not "I'm melting, o what a world what a world!" hot.

I have never been that low in Spain, so I'm quite excited to see what it's like. No way I'm going to lie by the beach/pool all day and just do nothing, that's totally not my thing. Also, I'd burn to a crisp. I want to go exploring and see everything! And take lots of pictures, which I will then of course share with all of you! Except the crazy drunken ones. Unless you insist :p

One thing I will definately need to bring is sunblock, factor 50 or more! Now before you say:"How will you tan if you put on that high a factor?" I CANT TAN! Nope not at all.
First I go:
And after that I go back to being as pale as ever. I blame it on the hair. I have skintype nr 1, or the 'celtic skintype', which means I can forget about ever tanning and I'm not allowed to go under a sunbed due to big risk of skincancer. Oh well, pale is the new tan! And a redhead with a tan would look kinda silly anyway.

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