Friday, April 8, 2011

Friends will be friends

It's so hard to find a really good friend, the kind of friend who you can have a blast with but who also be there to pick up the phone and listen to your distress or who will go drinking with you when you really really need a drink.
You learn very quickly that some friend are not willing to go through much trouble for you. Like an Irish quotation I once read in a pub, to some people, "friends in need are a bloody nuisance".
Unfortunately many friends I've had were not the supportive kind. Especially as a teenager, which was a rather difficult phase in life for me, friends were mostly just there for the fun. Support went as far as a pat on the back and saying "you'll be ok", or "well that's awful, but you'll get over it!". I guess many people have difficulties in knowing what to say to help friends feel better, they just get awkward and mumble something and RUN AWAY! Monthy Python and the Holy Grail-style.
I think I understand now though, a lot of people just don't know what to say or how to help when someone is going through something they don't understand or can't relate to at all.

Luckily, some friends know exactly what to do, and those are the keepers, the ones you can count on and won't make you feel like you're a bit mad in the head and you really should get over it already and please not talk about it.
I've got a great friend right now, who is always there to pick up the phone, who threatens to hack off mean people's thingies off with her archeological instruments if they're not nice to me, and who is more than willing for an alcoholic night when needed!
In fact, we're having one tonight! Hooray! Looking forward to it very much, been having a few tough weeks, so I really need to let my hair down a bit! We're going to a well-known bar in Gent, my college city, with a few other people, for drinking and dancing. I loooove dancing! If the music isn't crap anyway. No techno crap! Will be wearing my pretty going-out dress, the one that magically makes my boobs look twice as large, hooray for that!

Of course I also have other good friends :), like my old friend who although slightly out of touch now, used to cheer me up by just making me laugh my ass off over the phone. He had no idea how to deal with emotions, so he made up for it by being hilarious. Worked great for me! Talking about sad things just makes you even more sad really, laughing is the cure!

I hope I get to meet more friends like that, they're priceless.

Enjoy your weekend!

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