Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bucket list

The whole blogworld seems to be doing these lately, so I thought I shouldn't be left behind and join in the bucket list parade. Also I'm going mad here at work doing the accounts and I can't think of anything profound to write about, also my head hurts :p so trivial post it is! I'll try and keep the list within the range of the possible. How about ten things I'd like to achieve by the time I'm thirty. Which is 6.3 more years, loads of time.

1. Go on a trip to Australia for lots of exploring and see wild kangaroes! Also meet up at last with my Australian friend in Perth

2. Find a place to take singing classes and take it up again, as I used to really love going as a teen

3. Move out of parents house, either alone or with someone (the latter is preferable, all alone is all alone really, unless I get a cat or something.. but a cat doesn't help with the rent or other things :D!)

4. Have a great someone to spend life with

5. Adopt a pet of my very own, preferably a dog as I grew up with dogs and love them, but a kitty to sleep on my lap would be great too. Let's say I get both! Even better.

6. Visit Saint Petersburg in Russia, which is said to be beautiful, and speak in Russian to lots of Russian people. Hopefully I will not have forgotten all the Russian I studied by then.

7.Save up for a nice house with a decent garden for hopefully late twenties

8.Get proposed to (I'm counting on you, the men in the world, to make this happen)

9.Find a lovely house after saving up, in which I will put a giant book closet, Beauty and the Beast style, filled with all my books.

10.Have a baby

Alright this is the list, I know lots of cliché settling down items, but I guess I'm just overly romantic that way. No clue if it will turn out that way, previous future fantasies have definately not always become reality. But that's the way of life. Like John Lennon once said: Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.

Oh, and speaking of bucket lists, the movie "the bucket list" with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson is great! Very funny, sad and touching all at the same time, gem of a film. If you're into non-commercial films, check it out, you might really enjoy it.

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