Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pregnacy: It's the New Fad

Acadamy Award winner Benicio Del Toro is going to be a dad! Most notably known for his roles in Traffic and The Usual Suspects, the 44-year-old's rep announced the exciting news on April 11th. So who's the lucky lady? None other than Kimberly Stewart (wait... what?). Yes, the same socialite daughter of famed rockstar, Rod Stewart. "Benicio is the father and is very supportive. Although they are not a couple, they are looking forward to the arrival of the baby." Not a couple??? Wow. This brings the premarital Hollywood pregnancy situation to a whole new level. Mike Huckabee will have a ball with this one. But kudos to you, Benicio, for supporting your baby mama.

For all of you who are not familiar with Mike Huckabee, he was the one who called out Natalie Portman for being pregnant out of wedlock. After her Oscar win, Huckabee says the Black Swan star should have gotten "a wedding ring" instead of finding out "the perfect gift" of having a baby. Hollywood wasn't so happy. At least we know who won't be voting for him if he runs for president.

The lovely and amazing yet narrowcasted Kate Hudson: One of my favorite actresses, is pregnant with baby number two. Already mother to adorable Ryder, 6, from Black Crows lead singer Chris Robinson, she is now openly sporting her baby bumb for everyone to see. In a recent interview on Entertainment Tonight, she said she believed she was having a girl. When I heard the news, I couldn't believe Alex Rodriguez was going to be a father. Oh wait, just kidding, this baby is with Muse rocker Matthew Bellamy. Who is that? I didn't know either. Clearly, she has been out of the spotlight because I was almost positive she was still dating A-Rod, and they broke up last year. Anyhow, in the current issue of InStyle magazine, she quotes in regards to her boyfriend and father of her unborn child, "I love that Matthew knows how to express himself. He shows his love. He communicates." She was recently asked 'why she loves him' because no one knew who this mystery man was. She was recently seen in Rio de Janeiro kayaking and enjoying her pregnancy to the fullest. I'm rooting for you, Kate! I really do wish her the best.

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