Monday, April 11, 2011

I don't like Mondays

Sorry for the lack of posting, but I'm swamped today at work! In the weekend I've been enjoying the sun, and figured I'd post at work as usual, but my collegue is on leave, leaving me with everything!

There's been a million calls, a million passport and visa applications, unexplainable bills, a missing person, and to top it all of the alarm is messed up and keeps beeping every 30 seconds. Fun!

I haven't been able to relax and read all your blogs once! I'm getting seriously behind on the stories.

What a crappy Monday! I'm going to be absolutely knackered tonight. Also I forgot to bring my laptop charger :( noooo will be a long boring trainride of two hours. Working life is hard! When people say college is the best time of your life, they are pretty much right. So much free time! All I have now is the weekend and 20 days off a year, which is pretty low compared to several months in college. Life as an adult sure is hard. But at least I have money.

If you're still in college, enjoy it while it lasts! It will be over before you know it, and then it's working until you're retired. And the way things are going, we'll probably be working till 70. Fun! I might be a little less enthousiastic over the phone by then.

Oh night out was fun by the way, although I forgot how insanely smokey the bars in Gent are, and I didn't get to dance :( Friends of friend kept taking us to boring bars. How dissapointing!

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