Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prince Charming, where the f*** are you???

Do you still remember when you were a young girl, watching disney films, love seemed such a promising and quite easy thing. You figured one day, when you'd be a bit older, you'd fall in love with this amazing man, he'd ask you to marry and you'd have babies and he'd totally adore you and all would be great! As a teenager you already started realising slightly that it's not as easy as that, you would come to the conclusion that some guys are jerks and you would get your heart broken. But still hope remained, it was normal to go through a few heartbreaks before finding mr right! He'd come along soon enough, so you got over the jerks and went on your merry way to fall in love once again.

But for some he doesn't come along soon enough. Sometimes you have to wait years before you find someone again. Happened to me once in college, not fun, especially not when surrounded by people in really long relationships and throwing it in your face. You just wanna punch those annoying happy people! You're wondering where the f*** your prince Charming is, did his train get delayed or what?

I guess for some of us the rollercoasterride that is life is slighty bumpier and loopier than for others. But it will happen guys, don't despair !

So what do you all look for in a man (or a woman if any of you who read me are men). Do you think you have very high standards?
I do think I have a type, but to be honest that doesn't mean much, you can have the hots easily for a guy who looks a certain way but end up with a guy who looks totally the opposite.
I once met a man who said he always loved girls like me, pale, little freckly, with reddish hair, and he married a tanned woman with black hair and dark eyes. So having a type, doesn't mean you refuse to date other types.

What's my type? hmm..

Let's think, I usually get weak in the knees for guys with the following appearance:
- blue eyes (or green)
- curly hair
- dark hair
- relatively pale usually
- tall (but not giantesk)

And so far most guys I dated had all or some of those qualities. But honestly, I'm not that fussed :D As long as there's a spark (we're talking just looks here, of course personality is key) a guy might just as well be tanny, dark eyed and light haired.
The most important thing, something that isn't always very clear when you first go out with someone, is his/her personality. Sure, you get the general idea in the beginning, but people tend to hold back the annoying for later on unfortunately.
I know there's plenty of fish in the sea, but people hate hearing that, the sea is a bloody big place and how do you know what fish to pick? If only the holy grail appeared over someone's head if he's your mr perfect, looking would be a lot easier.

Maybe that hilarious facebook group is right: sometimes your knight in shining armour is just a retard in tin foil. It happens to all of us at some point.

But hey, as feminists would say, be your own knight! Hell yea. Elizabeth the First didn't need no knight either!

Ugh who am I kidding? I want loooooooove. Corny, romantic, barfingly perfect to others loooove

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