Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The child within

If you were born in the late 80's like me, you did most of your growing up during the 90's. Thanks to my great memory I can recall lots of childhood memories, so I thought today I'd share some, as I don't have any deep blogging ideas at the moment. But random can be fun too!

As a child I looooved to watch cartoons and disney films. That tv madness has continued throughout my life and I still looove tv. I'm not going to bore you with Belgian cartoons I watched, as most of you are from the US you wouldn't know most of them. Except maybe the Simpsons, hugely popular while I was in primary school. Thanks to the Simpsons I had a good basic knowledge of English when I had English classes for the first time. It is where my profound love for the English language started. "Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart, I dooooo." Yup I watched it a looooot :p Ah tv, the great educator.

My main childhood toy, before teenagehood, was of course Barbie. I'm sure many of you also have fond memories of playing with your barbies. I used to invite my friends over and we'd all play in the attic and act out stories. My friends were often frustrated with me because of my flair for the drama. Acting out perfect lives bored me, I needed me some action and drama and bloodshed! I still have memories of playing single mother, in love, but my o my the boyfriend was also the boyfriend of all the single mothers of the street, a man who lusted after easy prey. Or I'd make my friends be poor and let their children be taken away by the child services! Or I'd accidentally get my friend's barbie in a car crash or have their poor child drown. Yup I liked some crazyness. I didn't have any Kens, so I used my brother's action mans as husband or evil seductors. Unfortunately the actions mans tended to have an unusual look, one had a gun stuck in his hand, one was a military dude, one was a ninja. One of my friends was totally freaked out by ninja action man, because the eyes moved, she felt like he was possessed. Totally hilarious, I used to chase her with it.
I also had a baby doll with her eyes permanently closed, so I played the baby was blind. Fun!
The last barbie I bought was at 12, there were suddenly all these new types of barbies and I just had to have some before at 13 barbies were deemed uncool and playing with them when in secondary school was not done :D I also remember that in the later barbie years the stories me and friends were acting out started getting a little sexual, very funny to remember, I guess it was the hormones and the curiosity appearing. Hey, better to act out sex with barbies than what then actually already doing it as many young teens nowadays. At least we were still kids.

My favourite music in the 90's? I must admit it was:
Yup, I looooved the Spice Girls, all the girls did at 11-12 years of age. We performed rehearsed danceacts on the playground, I was Baby Spice. I wanted to be Ginger Spice, but everyone said I should be Baby because I was all sweet and sugary and poneytaily too. Sigh! Labels even at that age!
I'm sure loads of you secretly loved the Spice Girls too. "I tell you what I want, what I really really want.." Go on, you know the rest ;)

As a young teenager the computer era suddenly came into existence. Yes, I'm old enough to have known non-computer days! Wow. I think I was about 12 when my parents got our first computer.
I spent many many many hours on it playing:
And when I say many hours, I really do mean many many many. Me and my friend spent an entire summer going back and forth to each other's house playing the sims. I still remember our parents saying "It's sunny outside, go play outside." "NO, siiiiims!!"
Yes, very addictive. What isn't fun about playing God and be in charge of fake humans. Making them have jobs, children, lovelifes..until everything was perfect. Now, as perfect stories tend to bore me, I sometimes had the idea of "what would happen if I let him swim and take away the ladder.. or remove the door and let him fire a toy rocket..or prevent the child service lady from getting the screaming baby by removing all doors.." mwhaha

I recently saw they made a whole new sims, the Sims Medieval. It said it was totally different, with quests and everything. You're in charge of a monarch at first and you need to build up a kingdom and do quests, and the more you do the more new characters you unlock and can be in charge of, OOoooOO. Suddenly my inner child was awakened, I just had to play it. Unfortunately games costs a fortune now, so I did the evil deed of illegally downloading the game. After a lot of confusion trying to figure out the crack, I made it work! Only got to play it for very short due to the need to get to bed early, but it's looking fun! I'll probably get bored of it in a few weeks, just as what happened when I had another childhood fallback when the Sims 2 came out, but right now I can't wait to get home to play it! weee

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