Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thanks, but no thanks.

Another weird moment at the embassy! Had an Iranian doctor here yesterday who wanted to get a visa for his mother and sister to go to Ireland, where he works. They were all nice enough, and I was my sweet enchanting self, so all was well. I sent them an email later in the day explaining them how to proceed with their visa application. I just got an email back this morning, saying thanks for all the help and "my mother would like to invite you for dinner in a restaurant to eat with us to show her gratitude, would you like to accept?".

Picture me staring at the screen, feeling slightly awkward. Maybe it's a culture difference, but in Belgium people generally don't ask random people out for dinner, especially not young women when you are about 40. Perhaps I seemed like an elligable bachelorette for her doctor son. Slightly puzzled on how to respond now, don't want to seem rude. Awkward.

Also wondering how his mother and sister would communicate with me on said dinner, they don't speak of word of English, only Iranian. I'm quite multilingual, but Iranian is not on my list of languages. So I'd have to talk to the man the whole time, with his sister and mother watching. Curiouser and curiouser indeed.

In the words of Jack Sparrow: "I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means no."

In other news, I was right about the train being hell last night. Not only was there another big delay, half an hour extra on it, but the temperature was staggering. No airco, so it was like a tropical greenhouse in there, 40 degrees for sure, so everyone was sweating like mad. The whole, sweat is pouring down your chest, melting literally, kind of heat. And to be in it for 2.5 hours, wow, did I want a shower when I got home! I felt like I just had a sexy time marathon, with all the sweat and exhaustion, but none of the pleasure. And tonight more of the same -_-
But not to worry, tomorrow will be cold again, so I can complain about being too cold then ;)

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