Monday, June 20, 2011

Another year older!

Today I'm 24 years old! Time sure has flown by! Just comes to show that you shouldn't delay everything or worry too much, life is short, waay too short, so sometimes you got to step out of the comfort zone, nothing special will happen sitting in your couch dreaming of it! It's good to take a little risk sometimes, who knows how things will turn out, if you never try you'll never know I always say. You can't have it all, but you can sure as hell try.

So what did I do for my bday? Well today I've been mostly working my ass off! It's so freaking busy today, I've been running around back and forth all day and going through massive paperwork. Not how I prefer to spend my birthday :P I sure could use a thorough massage after all this workstress! Now that would be a good present ;)!
But my boss remembered my birthday, which was really nice, she got me a really nice cake, and a cute little booklet to stick pictures in. Really nice. Due to the busy day it was kinda rushed though, cram in cake and back to work! But I'm glad there was some celebration of my day of birth!

And I indeed went out last weekend! For a moment there I was worried I wouldn't be able to, as one friend asked to move it to next week, and then one other said it would suit her better too, so it was all falling to bits! But it turned out great, as I'll now have two birthday drinky nights! I moved the original festivities to next Friday, and went out to dodgy Oostende (city by the coast) with my primary school friend and had a blast dancing and of course drinking. I hadn't seen her in a gazillion years until I met her at the hair salon last year, she's a hairdressr. Since then we've been going out again, and I have a great new old friend.
There's quite a bit of crime in Oostende, especially in the street with all the bars, there's always a copcar, and often fighting. Hence the dodgyness. I always feel like I'm going to the Bronx, whenever I'm there, so I don't go there that often :D But it was my birthplace, so I guess it was suitable to celebrate my birth there ! Good times were had anyhow. Next Friday hopefully less dodgy surroundings :D

Did my nails too as I mentioned, very happy with it, although it took two whole hours, boring as hell. But I love having such nice nails for the first time. I've always hated having chewed up nails, but I couldn't help it, damn hard to stop doing it. Now I can't bite, so hopefully this will help kicking that annoying habit!

Phew almost time to go home, finally, this was a damn hectic day, should have taken the day off. Oh in other news my trial period is up and I now have a permanent contract, hooray. And I think i'm pretty good at my job, I really got the hang of it, and judging from the hectic state of old account records, I'm better than the last person. So yay me.

Tonight more cake! And blowing some candles, better think of a good birthday wish.

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