Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random Thursday!

Yea I just invented that right now. I have no inspiration again and I'm utterly bored here and dying to go home! So here's some pics that I encountered in my loooong hours of browsing random sites that made me smile or caused some sort of reaction :D Hope they will do the same for you.

Think you have too many freckles? Just look at this girl! And in spite of it, she's still a gorgeous redhead. Who wants traditional pretty anyway. It's always the same stickthin beachy blonde with big knockers and a tan body, it's getting boring, there are so many different kinds of beauty out there. Same goes for men. We don't need you (I don't anyway) to be supertall and muscular and tan and atlethic and thin. Sometimes the most gorgeous people are the ones that don't fall in that stereotypical beauty box, you gotta have that something I think. :)

How I felt in secondary school ! Usually people are either good at languages and learning things by heart, or maths and science and such. I am the former for sure, maths just confuses me. I understand the basic formulas, but when you get deeper into it, I just go huh? wtf! And don't even get me started on those insane problem solving questions, I just do NOT get those! Luckily the other part of my brain works very well. I love languages and history and writing, but maths? Not for me.

This really made me laugh. These birds really are freaking everywhere, and they are possibly the most stupid birds on the planet. I don't know how many times when driving I had to brake and wait for a dumn pidgeon to stop eating and get out of the way. No wonder so many get run over. You're lucky I love animals and brake pidgeon. Better not get me killed by swerving for you stupid bird.


I don't think I have to tell you what this looks like? Yuk, microwave food is really disgusting.

Not the mermaid you were looking for

Can someone please explain the US to me?

Awkward. But I think most of us have experienced the trying not to look like a single lonely loser moment while surrounded by "love".

Original way to apologize, although I'm sceptical about the outcome :D

And to finish my random Thursday with a bang, here's a Jesus joke.

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