Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday five

Kate from Kate as of Late regularly makes Friday fives posts and invited people to join her in writing about five random things that pop in your head and would like to share. As I don't really know what subject to write about today, I thought I'd join her Friday Five posts.

So here you go, my Friday Five's:

1. At last the working week is over! Right now I'm fed up with going all the way to Brussels and this week just has been very busy and stressful, so I can't wait for a relaxing weekend! And very much looking forward to going out tonight with the girls for some birthday celebrations. We'll also be talking about our trip to Spain, which is in September. Still a while away, but I'm really looking forward to it, as it's been a whole year since I've been anywhere. And I do love to travel. But yay, tonight party fun time. And possible tomorrow! I'm on a roll here.

Everything is now in order to go ahead and book my flight to Australia for December! I have my visa card, and I checked with my boss if I can take the time off, and I can! Checked the flight, and it should costs me just over 1500 euro, which is quite a lot but o well. I'm not a big spender and I like to save up, so spending that much at once will hurt a little! But I'm super excited about it, and I can't wait to see Perth and surroundings and hang out with my Aussie friends. My mom is not too fond of the plan, she says she'll be worried about me the whole time and thinks it's way too far, but my mom is very protective, and I'm sure I'll be perfectly safe. YAY Australia ! I feel superadventurous doing this on my own, and it's going to be so great to spend xmas and new year in the sun on the other side of the world, and get away from everything at home. Hope I don't fall in love with the country too much, or I might not want to go home :D

3. Almost summer sales! Finally I can use the money I got from my parents for my birthday and get some nice things! I'm going to need loads, a lot of my summer clothes could use some updating and I need to get a few bits and pieces for my travels as well. It'll be hot in Spain and even hotter in Australia, so I could use some really light things. And some more work clothes. As it's an embassy, I like to look presentable. But I'm not a very casual wear type of person anyway, you won't see me in a pair of trainers. I'm quite girly, I refused to wear trousers when I was three, and for years after, because trousers were too boyish haha. Unless the trousers had flowers on them, then it was ok :D I got over that though :p Although I still wear a lot more skirts and dresses than trousers.

4. No more new episodes of all my series ! :( I'm very fond of tv, as it's my way of relaxing after a looong day at work, and now that summer is here, all the series I was watching have ended until autumn, so I'm stuck to watching random things on the discovery channel and animal planet. But True Blood is starting their new season in a few day, sos hooray, at least one thing, and I do love True Blood (not just because of the sexy vampires I swear ;), it's a very exciting series, although there's quite a bit of nudity and blood and gore. But I'm no prude, and I love the books as well.

5. I've run out of things to say umm. Seriously getting bored here, not much to do this afternoon. Been amusing myself by answering questions on Yahoo answers. Some of the questions are quite hilarious I must say, it really shows you how weird/dumb/uneducated/pervy people are.
Here are some examples:

The Gandalf one I found particularly funny :p

Have a great weekend everyone!

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