Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scary man

Only just got in this morning when the excitement began! The doors that lead into the embassy (these giant vault-like doors) were all open wide because there's works on the roof all day and the workers can't use the entry card the whole day to get in and out. Me and my German co-worker just got in when suddenly this man appeared, he just walked right into our office! Who does that? It clearly said outside that we weren't open to the public until ten, and it was pretty obvious that people aren't supposed to just walse right in our office. German colleague said we weren't open until ten, which he said wasn't correct as he said he checked our website and it said nine. She answered, understandably agitated by this annoyed man in our office, that he was incorrect and it should definitely say ten.

Then he got really pissed off and said to my colleague to not take such a rude tone with him and not to get impolite and that he wasn't going anywhere until we checked the website. I told him he wasn't supposed to be in our office, that the doors were open for workers, and that there's a room for the public which opens at ten. He yelled some more and said to just check the website. He just stood there arms crossed and looking very aggressive, I was quite shocked and not so at ease. We have bulletproof glass seperating the public area from our office, so we're always pretty safe from possible psycho's, so to have this man in our office was quite a scary experience. Of course the website said ten o'clock and not nine. We pointed it out to him, and he was suddenly flustered and said 'oh I thought I read nine, I'll come back later.' and then he up and left. Pretty relieved about that! He already had gotten really aggressive over the phone and through mail with my colleague, so it wasn't a one time bad mood. And I was just told he was really rude to the receptionist downstairs as well. Phew. We closed our door after that!

Exciting morning that's for sure. Very busy today, but I thought I'd tell you all about my dangerous encounter :D! Looking forward to the weekend already, everyone is going on holiday and there are soooo many visas to be done on top of everything else I have to do. Phew, I need a break. But I only have twenty two days off a year and I have to save everything up for my trips, most of it anyway. Have taken one day off since I started working here six months ago. It sure is tough I can tell you, so I hope the trips will be worth it!

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