Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer is here

Summer has definitely arrived here in Belgium, boy is it hot today! Yesterday it was a good 27 degrees by the coast, where I live, which is nice and warm, but bearable. Today here at work in Brussels it's a whopping 32 degrees, and I'm absolutely melting. Naturally, as is the Belgian way, it'll be 19 degrees again by Wednesday. Heat here is a lot more unbearable than in usual hot countries, it's very stiffling and it's like a big weight falling on top of you, it feels a lot hotter than it is. I'm already burned from yesterday, stupid celtic skintype.

It sucks to be stuck here at work on such a hot day, there's feck all to do anyway. I want to be in the garden under the big parasol, eating water melon and drinking wine in my bikini whilst reading a book. Perfect summer afternoon. But no, summer holidays are over for me, I'll never have so much time off again, not until I retire. And with the current changes to the pension age, I'll probably have to work till I'm 70 0_o* , fun.
I'm going to die on the train tonight. If another morbidly obese person decides to sit next to me again on that tiny bench I'm going to explode.

It's been a long time since I felt heat like this here in Belgium, but that's probably because I live by the coast, it's always a bit cooler there and there's the sea breeze. Here in the middle of the country and in the big city, it's like a sauna. And the dress I'm wearing is not light enough. I want it oooooff! But that would probably raise some eyebrows. I'm now sure I am going to die in Australia, where it will be even hotter. I should probably bring a giant sombrero hat and one of those tiny fans.

And to all those mad people lying in the glaring sun for ages, how on earth can you stand that!! You're going to end up looking like this:

Your tan doesn't seem so appealing now, does it ;) ?

I have way too long hair too, and lots of it, so it's like having a giant blanket on my back.


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