Friday, June 17, 2011

Almost 24

Monday I'll be 24 , so this weekend I'll be celebrating with probably a certain amount of alcoholic drinks! I can definitely use it, I've had a rough week, and I need to let my hair down and get a little confidence boost. Possible I might go dancing, I love to dance, but to my annoyance every place plays this techno music and I really can't dance to that! So hopefully I'll find a place with good music where I can shake my moneymaker.

And I'm getting my nails done woo! First manicure ever :D I've always wanted prettier nails, as I bite them, and stubs aren't that pretty. So when my mom told me about her co-worker's daughter doing nails for cheap, I thought why not! It would be fun, and will help with the confidence! And who doesn't want to look extra sexy for their birthday celebration! Hooray, pretty hands. Expect hand pictures in one of the next posts :D
Although typing might be annoying as I've never had long nails before. And thanks to exercising and less snacking I got rid of the desk job belly, so hooray, just in time for summer.

Besides that I don't have anything big planned, hopefully I'll get cake, unfortunately no presents yet :( Sales are coming up and I'm going to need quite a big amount of new clothes, for work and for my travels, so mom suggested we go shopping then and I pick some things out for my birthday. Which is nice, but means no presents on birthday itself and no unwrapping. I do love to unwrap. But maybe my brother will get me something!
So birthday will remain unsurprising and not that amazing as usual hah! But I suppose that's for most people.

You all have a good weekend now, and if any of you are going out as well, let's all make a toast:

But no beer for me though, I don't like the taste of beer, too bitter, sweet femine crap all the way!

As the Irish say

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