Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy twenties

If you're in your twenties, perhaps like me you've had moments thinking "time seems to be going a lot faster than in my teens and childhood!!". It really does seem that way. Being sixteen seems not to have been that long ago, in my head, but it's actually nearly 8 years ago now, 8!! That's crazy, where did all that time go! Maybe it's because when you're younger you long for being grown up, and once you are, you long to stop growing up already! And don't you agree that all the mayor events in your life seem to (ideally) fall in your twenties? Events like graduating, finding a job, moving out of the parent's house, moving in with a boyfriend/girlfriend, getting married, having a first child.. That's a lot of events!! And I'm almost 24 now, graduating and finding a job I managed to achieve so far, but I still live at home (for now).

I guess I still have six years before the big 3 0, and things can go fast all of the sudden, but don't you agree that ten years seems awfully short for most of life's mayor events to happen in! You just got out of childhood and BAM! time to be a real adult and have tons of responsibilities. After your thirties the life altering events seem to be over with usually. But time really is going so fast, can't believe so many years have gone by already.

I wonder what my life will be like at thirty. Will all those events have happened yet? Would be pretty crazy, can't imagine that right now, but it might. Sometimes I think it never will, haven't had much luck in love. I'm not in a hurry, but every now and then; when I see friends happy living with the man of their dreams, thinking about their future together, I feel sad and worried sometimes. The whole settling down part is important to me, I always knew I wanted a family. But I want it to be perfect and with the perfect guy, someone who truly loves, someone I have fun with. And when the time is right, when perhaps I get pregnant some day, I'd want my man to be happy, in a kiss me belly in joy romantic kind of way. Maybe it's corny, but it's what I hope I'll have some day. I'm in no way baby crazy, but I'm a woman, it's something we think about. For now, I just want to be loved by someone..

My dad just had a birthday last weekend, he's 55 now. He's already nagging about being a grandfather. Really dad, I'm not yet 24! It's his own fault for waiting to have me until thirty! He'll just have to deal he'll probably be closing in on 60 by the time he has a grandkid he can play with. He'll be a great grandad though, although I'm sure he'll get the kids all hyper and crazy with his mad playing. It's something nice to look forward to.

Some day

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