Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Winning" while losing...

Ok so this is hopefully the last blog about Charlie Sheen. As much as his story is bizarre and entertaining, it's a little overdone. After his termination from Two and a Half Men was announced yesterday, he is clearly making a desperate attempt to stay relevant. In less than 24 hours he gained over 1 Million followers on Twitter, and he is now up to over 2,204,000. However, they are not all accepting of his lifestyle, he has a lot of critics.

He is Ustreaming every day with a show called "Sheen's Korner" where he attempts to win his audience over with his extremely bizarre behavior. His face is sunken in and gray and he does not look healthy. He is holding on to this last ounce of fame, and now that he is an "Unemployed winner" I'm sure he will use his erratic behavior to his advantage. It is big news right now, but very soon people will be over it and shift their interests to the next celebrity train wreck.

He is viciously attacking the producers and directors of Two and a Half Men, claiming he was the ONLY reason they had a successful show. Sheen may be right in the sense that, yes, he was the main character, but he also needs to realize this is a job, and he CAN be replaced.

He often refers to his kids and how they are his first priority. That scares me. Both him and his wife don't strike me as FIT parents, but if anyone should have them, it should be Brooke. Whether he is under the influence or not, Sheen's household is a toxic environment for the children. His two girlfriends, paparrazzi and media overload are not healthy for his twins. The fact that Sheen is so intent on staying significant in Hollywood, that I fear he would neglect his children to do so.

http://www.nydailynews.com/ says "Cops removed the couple's twin toddler boys from Sheen's house Tuesday, after Mueller told a judge Sheen punched her and threatened to send her decapitated head to her mother in a box."

Unfortunately, no one knows what is REALLY going on, and the media can portray his struggle any way they want. Honestly, I just hope he stays clean and gets help. Serious help. Hollywood is harmful place and there have been too many self-inflicted deaths that could have been prevented. If we keep tuning in and consuming his slow death, he will die.

Check out one of his Ustreams "Torpedoes of Truth Part 2" http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/13167959
Bizarre doesn't even give this justice.

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