I'm all for giving your baby a special name, a name not every other kid in his or her class will have. I have an unusual name myself (I know it's not unusual in America, but it is in Europe), and I always enjoyed having a more unique name. I know several Stephanies, Nathalies, Sarahs, which were popular names for girls in my generation. I would not have liked having such a common name and having a whole bunch of friends with the same name. There is however a limit to how unique you can go. Picking a name from another country: why not, I love English and Irish names myself, and refuse to pick a boring Flemish name, I don't like any of them. So even though I'll probably need to repeat many times it's pronounced in English and not in some weird Flemish way, it'll still be a normal name. The Irish names might not be handy, as they are spelled all gaelicy, and people would be all ?huh?, so I might need to go for something easily pronouncable here, like Jack or Alice or something. I've got plenty of time to think that over still, not pregnant yet!
Some people tend to go over the top on uniqueness. Just take the celebrities. Just because you're famous, it doesn't mean your child won't be mocked for it's rediculous not really a name name. Here are some examples.
Fifi Trixibelle (daughter of Bob Geldoff): Is your daughter a chihuahua Bob? Do you think she'll still enjoy being called Fifi at 40? I think not.
Kal-el (Nicolas Cage's son): Clearly Nicholas Cage loves superman. Is it wrong to name your child after a character you love? No, but there are limits, what if you like Star Trek. 'Spock' might not be the most fun name to have. Maybe he should've gone for Clark.
Pilot Inspektor (son of Jason Lee): I'm lost for words, really, what were you thinking?? Fun for a 5-year old, but imagine the wedding: "I, Pilot Inspektor Lee, take you.."
Messiah Ya’majesty( son of T.I. (rapper)): This one overshines them all, really WWYT! Hope he never meets the queen of England, might get awkward.
Audio Science (daughter of Shannyn Sossamon): Sounds like a class you take in university, possible a pretty cool one. But as name? Pretty weird. Hope this kid ends up in the music business.
Reignbeau(daughter of Ving Rhames) : Changes the spelling makes it so much cooler..
Kyd(son of David Duchovny and Tea Leoni): Couldn't think of a name or just didn't bother.
Free(son of Barbara Hershey and David Carradine): Hmm, wonder what his middle name is. If it's Willy, I'll die of laughter.
Rebel, Racer and Rogue(sons of Robert Rodriguez) : Cool words don't necessarily mean cool names. Hope they don't have any more kids, what's next? Rocket? Rider? Rock Em Sock Em Robot?
Tu Morrow(daughter of Rob Morrow): You're only a day awaaaay.
THe celebrities definately take the cake, but your average Joe also makes some unusual choices sometimes.
What I really dislike is unisex names that aren't really unisex, it's like saying I really wanted a boy/girl, but unfortunately nature thought otherwise, but o well I'm not going to bother to pick a different name. It's like the Chandler triplet in Friends.
Take these for example:
Adrianna: really manly, good luck getting a girlfriend or a career in sports, poor boy.
Joseph: You're pretty, what's your name? "Joseph" Oh.Pretty...
Ariel: The little mermaid is now a little merman.
Baby: (Is this actually a name?) Nobody puts Baby in a corner! Oh wait, something's wrong here.
Duncan: Forcing your daughter to be a tomboy from day one!
But, all of the above are lovely compared to the names these cruel parents gave their children:
It may cause a good laugh whilst name browsing and finding a hilarious combination with your last name, but don't actually name your kid this. He/She will hate you forever when realising what you did!
Check out the names of these poor children. Bring on the wedgies.
Fanny Pack
Fanny Whiffer (omg is all I can say to this)
Rubella Graves
Hugh Jass (although really funny..)
Anita Bath (well found!)
Nice Carr
Love Lee Couch (You'd think nothing would sound funny with the last name Couch, think again!)
Valentine Bender
Willie B. Long
Acne Fountain
Lotta Bull
More names like this can be found in the book : Bad Baby Names: The Worst True Names Parents Saddled Their Kids With, and You Can Too!
Some parents just hate their kids:
Yes someone actually named their kid Shithead. Poor woman insists it is pronounced Shi-TAYD. Yea nobody is buying that. America should consider banning certain names. Things like that would never be allowed here, rediculous first names or in combination with both are forbidden. Also other names that can damage the child are also not allowed. Might want to consider that in the States (and other countries that allow rude names)
Named out of spite. The parents, from New Zealand, originally wanted to name their kid "4Real", because when they saw the sonogram, they realised it was "4 real". And they wanted it spelled with a 4. This was not allowed, so they decided on Superman instead, which was allowed. Much better.
Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon
Are you kidding me, how is this allowed?? Overly religious much?
Doctor Love
Hope he turns out to be a doctor, would be funny "calling Dr. Doctor Love to the ER.." Lets hope he is a ladiesman.
Possibly even worse then Shithead. Being Goth is one thing, but this is just mean.
Remember people, a name is for life! So choose wisely!
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