Friday, March 18, 2011

8 million Beliebers are heartbroken

It's official... Justin Bieber is off the market, and Justin Timberlake is back ON. Good for people my age, bad for tweens all around the world. Selena Gomez tells E! News yesterday that she is "hurt" from all of the backlash she is getting from hardcore Bieber fans. I would be scared for my life if I was her. His fans are INTENSE. Selena, 18, and Justin, 17, are arguably the most famous teens in the world. The fact that they are together is not surprising and almost generic, however, if you're "in love," you're in love. Beiber subtweeted recently "I love you sooo much," which clearly put his fans into a frenzy. Even though he does not clearly state who he is writing to, one can only assume that he is writing to Miss Gomez. Could they be the next Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens? Hopefully without the naked pictures (Vanessa). Let's hope that Gomez keeps her clean image, I personally think she's adorable. She speaks well and she always looks classy. I give it.......... one year. I know that's a lifetime in Hollywood, but I have a little bit of faith in these two.

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