Thursday, March 31, 2011


Just got into work, so this is a short one ;) but longer one later! I just wanted to share this freaky thing I read about in the online paper.
I was reading about this really really tall Chinese person who is 7ft3 or 224 cm tall and still growing, apparantly 4 cm a year! Poor guy has this strange decease where an organ (can't remember which one) produces too much of something, causing insane growth. Well it said in the article he is not the tallest man ever. Naturally I got curious and decided to look up who was the tallest man ever, and man I was shocked! If you think 7ft3 is already unimaginably tall, be ready to drop your jaw for this guy!

Jaw dropped? That there is Robert Wadlow with his dad. His dad was 5ft9 or 180 cm, which is not short. Robert Wadlow was a whopping 8ft9 or 272 cm when he died at the age of 22 in 1940. 8ft9!!!! Imagine standing talking to that guy, you'd have to stand a few feet away just to be able to talk without straining your neck! He also had that strange decease (aha pituitary gland I remember!). He was 5ft4 at the age of 4, which is how tall I am now! (1m63) A four year old who's as tall as me, now that's freaky. Poor dude died of a infection after he got a blister. His body just couldn't cope with the giant size, people like that never live very long. But pretty impressive huh! Just wanted to share that with everyone :D He had a size 12 shoe too, look at this! The other shoe is a size 8!

Back to work ;)

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