This Thursday, March 31, 2011, don't forget to keep up your time with Piers Gibbon in The Colbert Report. This might be the first appearances of the actor in one of United States prestigious television show, right? Don't missed him and join the toughest conversation that will probably mark your evening.
And if you missed to catch him this evening, you can watch the replay of this evening episode of the show in other local or cable channel soon. We heard his voice in some well known shows on TV already but to speak in front of us, that is the most exciting appearances of Piers which will probably let you ask for more.
Witness the hilarious punches of words and other funny moments with him and the man who's been with us, a tireless host that will rock your world again.
The Comedy Central will give us the opportunity to follow him in some other ways. Don't forget the day as he visit The Colbert Report and be a part of his special participation as the guest star. For more, join us every week as we keep on giving you the best of the show after of this break. Before we can forget, you can visit the official website of Colbert Nation for additional details.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Just got into work, so this is a short one ;) but longer one later! I just wanted to share this freaky thing I read about in the online paper.
I was reading about this really really tall Chinese person who is 7ft3 or 224 cm tall and still growing, apparantly 4 cm a year! Poor guy has this strange decease where an organ (can't remember which one) produces too much of something, causing insane growth. Well it said in the article he is not the tallest man ever. Naturally I got curious and decided to look up who was the tallest man ever, and man I was shocked! If you think 7ft3 is already unimaginably tall, be ready to drop your jaw for this guy!
Jaw dropped? That there is Robert Wadlow with his dad. His dad was 5ft9 or 180 cm, which is not short. Robert Wadlow was a whopping 8ft9 or 272 cm when he died at the age of 22 in 1940. 8ft9!!!! Imagine standing talking to that guy, you'd have to stand a few feet away just to be able to talk without straining your neck! He also had that strange decease (aha pituitary gland I remember!). He was 5ft4 at the age of 4, which is how tall I am now! (1m63) A four year old who's as tall as me, now that's freaky. Poor dude died of a infection after he got a blister. His body just couldn't cope with the giant size, people like that never live very long. But pretty impressive huh! Just wanted to share that with everyone :D He had a size 12 shoe too, look at this! The other shoe is a size 8!
Back to work ;)
I was reading about this really really tall Chinese person who is 7ft3 or 224 cm tall and still growing, apparantly 4 cm a year! Poor guy has this strange decease where an organ (can't remember which one) produces too much of something, causing insane growth. Well it said in the article he is not the tallest man ever. Naturally I got curious and decided to look up who was the tallest man ever, and man I was shocked! If you think 7ft3 is already unimaginably tall, be ready to drop your jaw for this guy!
Jaw dropped? That there is Robert Wadlow with his dad. His dad was 5ft9 or 180 cm, which is not short. Robert Wadlow was a whopping 8ft9 or 272 cm when he died at the age of 22 in 1940. 8ft9!!!! Imagine standing talking to that guy, you'd have to stand a few feet away just to be able to talk without straining your neck! He also had that strange decease (aha pituitary gland I remember!). He was 5ft4 at the age of 4, which is how tall I am now! (1m63) A four year old who's as tall as me, now that's freaky. Poor dude died of a infection after he got a blister. His body just couldn't cope with the giant size, people like that never live very long. But pretty impressive huh! Just wanted to share that with everyone :D He had a size 12 shoe too, look at this! The other shoe is a size 8!
Back to work ;)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Busy twenties
If you're in your twenties, perhaps like me you've had moments thinking "time seems to be going a lot faster than in my teens and childhood!!". It really does seem that way. Being sixteen seems not to have been that long ago, in my head, but it's actually nearly 8 years ago now, 8!! That's crazy, where did all that time go! Maybe it's because when you're younger you long for being grown up, and once you are, you long to stop growing up already! And don't you agree that all the mayor events in your life seem to (ideally) fall in your twenties? Events like graduating, finding a job, moving out of the parent's house, moving in with a boyfriend/girlfriend, getting married, having a first child.. That's a lot of events!! And I'm almost 24 now, graduating and finding a job I managed to achieve so far, but I still live at home (for now).
I guess I still have six years before the big 3 0, and things can go fast all of the sudden, but don't you agree that ten years seems awfully short for most of life's mayor events to happen in! You just got out of childhood and BAM! time to be a real adult and have tons of responsibilities. After your thirties the life altering events seem to be over with usually. But time really is going so fast, can't believe so many years have gone by already.
I wonder what my life will be like at thirty. Will all those events have happened yet? Would be pretty crazy, can't imagine that right now, but it might. Sometimes I think it never will, haven't had much luck in love. I'm not in a hurry, but every now and then; when I see friends happy living with the man of their dreams, thinking about their future together, I feel sad and worried sometimes. The whole settling down part is important to me, I always knew I wanted a family. But I want it to be perfect and with the perfect guy, someone who truly loves, someone I have fun with. And when the time is right, when perhaps I get pregnant some day, I'd want my man to be happy, in a kiss me belly in joy romantic kind of way. Maybe it's corny, but it's what I hope I'll have some day. I'm in no way baby crazy, but I'm a woman, it's something we think about. For now, I just want to be loved by someone..
My dad just had a birthday last weekend, he's 55 now. He's already nagging about being a grandfather. Really dad, I'm not yet 24! It's his own fault for waiting to have me until thirty! He'll just have to deal he'll probably be closing in on 60 by the time he has a grandkid he can play with. He'll be a great grandad though, although I'm sure he'll get the kids all hyper and crazy with his mad playing. It's something nice to look forward to.
Some day
Monday, March 28, 2011
Stop the horror
Today I'd like to talk about something close to my heart: animal rights. I'm a real animal lover and if I was able to pick my dreamjob it would be to rescue animals. Unfortunately my studies do not fall in that category, and I wasn't science smart enough to consider studying to be a vet. I am, however, very passionate about animal rights and get very angry when I read or see things about cruelty towards animals. So I decided to use my blog a bit every now and then to write about things in the world that shouldn't happen.
Today I'd like to discuss the horrors of the sealhunt in Canada. I've always loved seals, I think they look so cute and chubby and they look so sweet when they're lying in the sun enjoying the weather. I know nature is cruel and a lot of big mammals eat seals, but that's unfortunately how hunter-prey works. What I do not understand is the huge quota for this year's seal hunt. A whopping 400.000 seals will be killed this year, more than ever. And not just any seals, seals under three months of age, infants lying to rest defenseless.
I have nothing against people wanting to earn a living and killing animals for food (that's just the way of the world), but 400.000 is rediculous.
It's plain selfish. "There are no jobs here and it brings in buckets of money, so we'll just kill more and more, good for us!" They don't think about the wellfare of the animals, seals are not endangered so we shouldn't care how many they kill. If Canada and some other continue continue preying on infant seals, they will get in trouble. 400.000 is too much, the seal population will lose many of its young and hence a whole generation gets lost. Also, the most valuable part of the seal is not the meat but the fur, a non-essential luxury product that no-one really needs. Hence, most of the killings are for pointless things.
Europe banned all seal productsm which really pissed off the seal hunters, but thanks to China it did little good. Still, I'm proud that, like the US, Europe recognizes that it is a brutal practice and cannot be fully justified. People can't just do as they please without thinking of the consequences for the animals. It is unsure whether China will go for all those seal products, but they're going to go forward and kill that many anyway. It is the highest quota since the quotas were introduced in 1971. Unbelievable.
Not only is the amount of kills incomprehensible, the way of killing is brutal. The poor little seals are killed right in front of the mother, who is unable to help, with a club or also named hakapik. The formerly snowy landscape turns into a field of bloody gory mess.
Sorry for the gory picture, but sometimes it's necessary to see the reality. Many reports have been claimed saying the cubs are killed in an inhumane manner and are left to suffer for an eternity. These reports were claimed at moments when the hunters were unaware that they were being watched. A while back a number of vets were sent out to conduct a research, and they concluded that 98% of the kills were humanely. The killings were however done in the presence of the vets, which makes the reports pointless. Do they seriously think the hunters will be cruel when they are being watched for that purpose? They're not stupid. When they are not being watched, seals are left seriously wounded while hunters go after other seals, causing indescribable suffering. Some claims have been made that seals have even been known to be skinned while still alive. The hunters simply don't see the seals as living, feeling beings. They're money. And when money is involved, compassion dissapears.
The giant amount is more than likely approved due to regional politics played by the Prime Minister in view of upcoming elections.
What's worse is that due to the serious lack of ice cover this year a lot of cubs will drown. More the reason to call off the hunt or reduce the number so that enough cubs are left to grow up and uphold the population.
But who cares over there right?
South Park was right. I blame Canada too.
PS: Nothing against the Canadian people of course, lots of great people there, this slaughter thing just angers me.
Today I'd like to discuss the horrors of the sealhunt in Canada. I've always loved seals, I think they look so cute and chubby and they look so sweet when they're lying in the sun enjoying the weather. I know nature is cruel and a lot of big mammals eat seals, but that's unfortunately how hunter-prey works. What I do not understand is the huge quota for this year's seal hunt. A whopping 400.000 seals will be killed this year, more than ever. And not just any seals, seals under three months of age, infants lying to rest defenseless.
I have nothing against people wanting to earn a living and killing animals for food (that's just the way of the world), but 400.000 is rediculous.
It's plain selfish. "There are no jobs here and it brings in buckets of money, so we'll just kill more and more, good for us!" They don't think about the wellfare of the animals, seals are not endangered so we shouldn't care how many they kill. If Canada and some other continue continue preying on infant seals, they will get in trouble. 400.000 is too much, the seal population will lose many of its young and hence a whole generation gets lost. Also, the most valuable part of the seal is not the meat but the fur, a non-essential luxury product that no-one really needs. Hence, most of the killings are for pointless things.
Europe banned all seal productsm which really pissed off the seal hunters, but thanks to China it did little good. Still, I'm proud that, like the US, Europe recognizes that it is a brutal practice and cannot be fully justified. People can't just do as they please without thinking of the consequences for the animals. It is unsure whether China will go for all those seal products, but they're going to go forward and kill that many anyway. It is the highest quota since the quotas were introduced in 1971. Unbelievable.
Not only is the amount of kills incomprehensible, the way of killing is brutal. The poor little seals are killed right in front of the mother, who is unable to help, with a club or also named hakapik. The formerly snowy landscape turns into a field of bloody gory mess.
Sorry for the gory picture, but sometimes it's necessary to see the reality. Many reports have been claimed saying the cubs are killed in an inhumane manner and are left to suffer for an eternity. These reports were claimed at moments when the hunters were unaware that they were being watched. A while back a number of vets were sent out to conduct a research, and they concluded that 98% of the kills were humanely. The killings were however done in the presence of the vets, which makes the reports pointless. Do they seriously think the hunters will be cruel when they are being watched for that purpose? They're not stupid. When they are not being watched, seals are left seriously wounded while hunters go after other seals, causing indescribable suffering. Some claims have been made that seals have even been known to be skinned while still alive. The hunters simply don't see the seals as living, feeling beings. They're money. And when money is involved, compassion dissapears.
The giant amount is more than likely approved due to regional politics played by the Prime Minister in view of upcoming elections.
What's worse is that due to the serious lack of ice cover this year a lot of cubs will drown. More the reason to call off the hunt or reduce the number so that enough cubs are left to grow up and uphold the population.
But who cares over there right?
South Park was right. I blame Canada too.
PS: Nothing against the Canadian people of course, lots of great people there, this slaughter thing just angers me.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
It's a lovely sunny day today and for lunch I went to the supermarket to find something to eat, and what did I spot!! Strawberrieeeees!! I looooove strawberries, shiny red, sweet, lucious goodness, I just had to have some! I took me a box of those expensive Spanish strawberries and felt like a little girl all over again at the lunchtable with my plate full of my favourite fruit!
If you don't like strawberries, you're dead to me :p HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE STRAWBERRIES! unless you're allergic, possible death is a a valid reason.
There is something sensuous about strawberries don't you think? Biting into one always makes me feel in a state of arousal :D There's a good reason why strawberries are used as a means of foreplay sometimes :D preferably with some chocolate, mmmm. Would definately get me in the mood for looove !

I was born in June so I was a summer baby and enjoyed me loads of fruit mashes in my first months of life, hence my great love for fruit. I always look forward to the first time I get to eat a strawberry again after a long winter, you just immediately feel "summer is near". Unfortunately summer no longer = vacation :(
Right now there's only the foreign strawberries from Spain, and they're quite good! But nothing equals our very own Belgian strawberries, which won't be ready till June. They are sooo much better than the Spanish ones, even sweeter and juicier. If you're ever in Belgium in late spring, try our strawberries, they're fabulous.
A typical way Belgian tea-rooms or snackplaces like to serve them is combined with our famous waffles, which is a must say a very good combination. Belgium is not so bad! See, I do like Belgium, in spite of it's downsides, I'm even promoting it. Belgium should pay me for all the good publicity! It can use it after all the no goverment for over a year crap.
Here, have a waffle, Belgium's great! Come to Belgium.
THis ends my promotion of strawberries. Have some yourself, you know you want to..
Nicholas Gonzalez and Elizabeth Peña Returned in Off The Map Season 1
Now that we witnessed the stunning performances of Nicholas Gonzalez and Elizabeth Peña last March 23, 2011 in another ABC's medical drama-series, Off The Map, you will probably ask for more, right? Although for now, it is hard for us to determine the next appearances of the show, we really salute the two guest star who played the role of Mateo and Inez in "Everything's As It Should Be."
And of course, for more about of what happened to the last evening episode of the show, here's the synopsis which can guide you to one of Off The Map remarkable storyline that awaits you.
Next week, join the soft-hearted doctors once again for another story that will take you to their exciting journey somewhere in Southern American country far from their usual world in United States.
And of course, for more about of what happened to the last evening episode of the show, here's the synopsis which can guide you to one of Off The Map remarkable storyline that awaits you.
"A contentious transplant arrives at the clinic and thanks to an old friend of Ben (Martin Henderson). The new love interest of Mina (Mamie Gumer) arouses jealous feelings in Tommy (Zach Gilford)."Please refer to reviews and recaps of the show for other important details you shouldn't missed with Nicholas and Elizabeth. A few taps of your computer keyboards will take you to those other important info that awaits you.
Next week, join the soft-hearted doctors once again for another story that will take you to their exciting journey somewhere in Southern American country far from their usual world in United States.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Another day in paradise
It's another funfunfun day at the office today. My co-worker, who sits on the desk accross from me (desk to desk), seems to be in a really foul mood today. I have only a few co-workers (the ambassador, the first secretary, ambassador's assistant, the driver and the other lady in the consular section where I am). She was here only a few months before me, but she's close to her fifties I think, she travelled around a lot with her husband who gets placed in different countries. She's German, so I shall refer to her as the German lady.
I don't know if it's a German thing, or if being snappy and annoyed one day and perfectly pleasant the next is just her personality but it is really confusing!! How can you form an opinion of someone if one day she's all talkative and friendly, at the other she doesn't say a word and gets annoyed when I point out something.
Now I must admit, she has a lot more to do than me apparantly. There's a lot more people coming in for passports than for visa's and this week it's been insanely quiet visawise, so I probably don't look very busy here on my computer (she can't see my screen luckily, as I tend to browse the internet all day when I have no tasks) She also gets a lot of annoying mails from headquarters in Dublin, nagging about whatever is wrong with someone's passport applications. I notice because every now and then I hear a very annoyed sigh or a "ah no" exclamation, or more loud sighs whenever the phone rings again.
Wise as I am, I tend not to enter into conversation with her when I notice she's aggravated about something, because she tends to get snappy. Take just ten minutes ago as an example. Here I was just sitting innocently at desk when the phone rang, she picks up, it's someone inquiring about their visa. She tries to transfer the call to me, but it doesn't go through. I say "hmm that's strange, happens to me sometimes.". Irritated mumbling in response as she tries again. I suggest in a very normal just casually asking tone:"Did you press transfer before putting down the receiver?" And then she totally shocks me by saying in an extremely rude and snappy voice:"Of course I pressed tranfer, I've been working here for six months, I know how to transfer a call!" I was totally dumbstruck! It was just a friendly question, would it be that impossible to forget to press that one button?
Bloody hell!
There goes my initial impression that I has nothing but nice co-workers. So another downside to this job! Stuck with a really strange German lady, who mostly doesn't say a word and seems to really dislike her job. Not my fault that I'm not busy today, and she's overloaded. She never lets me deal with passport customers at the front desk, if I do, she says I should call her over. I'd be more than willing to help her is she's swamped, would give me something to do!

Another annoying factor about German lady is that she speaks at the top of her voice on the phone and to people behind the window at the front desk. It's almost like yelling. If I have a customer too, I can't understand what they're saying because she talks so loud, and the same goes for the phone. That's really annoying, and she doesn't seem to have a clue she does it. Even the First Secretary joked about it once to me. Maybe I should start doing it too, bet she'd end up saying snappy about it.
Anyway sorry for the little rant, but I was utterly shocked!
I wish we had a radio here. All my temp jobs had a radio, it's common to have a bit of radio playing in the background in Belgian offices, which is really nice I think. No radio here, and because it's mostly just the two of us here, it's so silent sometimes, very tedious.
Sigh, maybe not ideal job after all.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Smoking ban
Belgium finally decided on having a smoking ban! Well, not Belgium, more like the European Union nudged Belgium to stop procrastinating and do it now. First it was going to be 2011, then 2012, then 2014 (the politicians were worried about the complaining voters), but the EU and the Health Department told them that's three more years of living in smoke. So they did it. And to this I say YAAAAAAY!
Finally I can go to the pub without suffocating to death.
Lots of Belgians are displeased, and not a little bit. I was reading an article about the ban on one of the news websites, and my my you should read the comments!You'd think they banned beer. "Facism, discrimination, selfish non-smokers, too much perfume and farms smell too and nobody's banning that, there goes the pub atmosphere..blablabla"
Those are just a few of the comments I read by disgruntled smokers. Really! Selfish non-smokers?? How rude! So just because we had the cleverness of not getting addicted to a cancer-causing smokestick, we are forced to spend our nights out with your bad habit in our face. How is that for selfish. What about all the people who work in pubs and spent night after night in the smoke of dozens of people's cigarettes, their lungs must be pitchblack, smokers or no.
My own grandfather died of lung cancer caused by years and years of smoking since the age of 15, so I know first-hand what that little cigarette can cause.
Smoke does not make the pub's atmosphere better. Just because we're used to it, doesn't mean drinking is not the same without it. How much effort does it take to go outside for a few minutes if you simple must have your smoke? And hey maybe now you won't smoke one cigarette after another like my friend does on nights out if you need to go outside for it.
There's no fun in sitting in front of a friend who smokes through the night, blowing smoke in your face. Not only does the stink of the smoke get in your clothes, hair and even skin, it often causes me to have a sore throat.
In Ireland they've had a smoking ban for years now and I always enjoy the absence of the smell and not having to air or wash clothes every time you go out. They complained a bit at first, but now everyone is used to it, and there's no bother. People still go to the pub, and smokers still come too, they go outside and chat other people who smoke up even! Smirting it's called. So not so bad!
I guess none of them realise the risk they're taking smoking for many years, to most, lung cancer happens to others, it's far from their bedside. And most come with the argument non-smokers can get lung cancer too. True, but the odds for smokers are a lot higher. And there are other downsides too. Avid smokers usually end up with yellow nails, yellow teeth, the worst breath in the world (I know because of a teacher I used to have explaining something close to me, yuk! horrible smell), a scary cough, wheezy breathing when doing exercise..
All for that cigarette.
Be smart, don't start. That's what my mom always said, and it sunk in.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Mike "The Situation" gets humiliated on The Roast of Donald Trump Usher Raymond getting kicked in the face by a fan
Monday blues
Hi everyone, I'm back. Sorry for the lack of posting, but I was enjoying my well earned long weekend. First one since I started working, and it felt good. The hardest thing to get used to when you start working permanently after college is the lack of holidays. School and college provide so much time off, that 20 days vacation time in a whole year when working really sucks. All you have is weekends! And they pass insanely quickly. 20 is not a lot. City jobs give a lot more holidays, my dad works for the railway and he has like 45 days off(or more), lucky bastard. My mom has like 40 too cause she works for the commune. Embassies are not the city :(, so although I really like this job it does have downsides. These are: too damn far away, too few vacation days, only half of my train subscription is paid (which sucks cause it's a whopping 293 euro a month) - city jobs pay the entire thing- and too few co-works + nobody my age. Those are the downsides.
So I wouldn't mind a city job one day! But you need to do an exam to get it nowadays, and they are hard, and you need to be lucky to be to one to get it. I didn't need to do an exam for the embassy, just a job interview, although a difficult one, mad situational questions, hate those!

Anyway back to work today :( not another long weekend till end of April for Easter. Had another stressed morning due to the train being late again, 20 min! It really is starting to get on my nerves, Belgian trains suck, they are barely ever perfectly on time. And if you already have a four hour commute a day, those extra minutes really make you want to punch a trainperson in the face. Beware dad.
Last week was the same thing, some crane fell right on the tracks of a often travelled section, completely destroying all the cables and blocking everything. All the trains going to and from Brussels had to take a giant detour causing every train to be massively delayed. Gah! I was muttering swears on the train a lot last week, I am not a patient person when it comes to waiting on public transport. Also I hate slow drivers, when I finally reach the station at night, I hop in my car and want to race home, so when this old or talkative person drives 45 km/h in front of me I get really really annoyed. You dont want to be in my car then :p MOOOOOOOOOVE YOU
Commutes are not got for my stress level :D
Oh Saint Patrick's day was alright, bit hectic! Didn't enjoy the festivities organised by work much, as I was set in the cloak room with someone from the Permanent Represtation of Ireland to the EU, for three hours. So saw lots of people, but not much fun was had! Nobody even brough us a drink! That kinda sucked, it was insanely busy and not at all like the First Secretary had said that once everyone was there we could enjoy the celebrations and someone else would take over. We were stuck there and nobody came to take over! Stupid recession, they can't even get someone else to do the cloak room. There were plenty of students carrying drinks and so, why couldn't they do it! Ok, it wasn't really tiring, and I mostly chatted away, but I had expected to get some drinks in me to celebrate Paddy Day! Very dissapointing! They got me all the way to Leuven on a holiday for three hours of standing in a cloak room and no perks? Me no likey!
Everyone travel to Ireland and spend lots of money so I don't have to be cloakroom lady next year!
Hope some of you got to be drunk in honor of St Paddy at least :D
So I wouldn't mind a city job one day! But you need to do an exam to get it nowadays, and they are hard, and you need to be lucky to be to one to get it. I didn't need to do an exam for the embassy, just a job interview, although a difficult one, mad situational questions, hate those!
Anyway back to work today :( not another long weekend till end of April for Easter. Had another stressed morning due to the train being late again, 20 min! It really is starting to get on my nerves, Belgian trains suck, they are barely ever perfectly on time. And if you already have a four hour commute a day, those extra minutes really make you want to punch a trainperson in the face. Beware dad.
Last week was the same thing, some crane fell right on the tracks of a often travelled section, completely destroying all the cables and blocking everything. All the trains going to and from Brussels had to take a giant detour causing every train to be massively delayed. Gah! I was muttering swears on the train a lot last week, I am not a patient person when it comes to waiting on public transport. Also I hate slow drivers, when I finally reach the station at night, I hop in my car and want to race home, so when this old or talkative person drives 45 km/h in front of me I get really really annoyed. You dont want to be in my car then :p MOOOOOOOOOVE YOU
Commutes are not got for my stress level :D
Oh Saint Patrick's day was alright, bit hectic! Didn't enjoy the festivities organised by work much, as I was set in the cloak room with someone from the Permanent Represtation of Ireland to the EU, for three hours. So saw lots of people, but not much fun was had! Nobody even brough us a drink! That kinda sucked, it was insanely busy and not at all like the First Secretary had said that once everyone was there we could enjoy the celebrations and someone else would take over. We were stuck there and nobody came to take over! Stupid recession, they can't even get someone else to do the cloak room. There were plenty of students carrying drinks and so, why couldn't they do it! Ok, it wasn't really tiring, and I mostly chatted away, but I had expected to get some drinks in me to celebrate Paddy Day! Very dissapointing! They got me all the way to Leuven on a holiday for three hours of standing in a cloak room and no perks? Me no likey!
Everyone travel to Ireland and spend lots of money so I don't have to be cloakroom lady next year!
Hope some of you got to be drunk in honor of St Paddy at least :D
Saint Patrick's Day,
Friday, March 18, 2011
8 million Beliebers are heartbroken
It's official... Justin Bieber is off the market, and Justin Timberlake is back ON. Good for people my age, bad for tweens all around the world. Selena Gomez tells E! News yesterday that she is "hurt" from all of the backlash she is getting from hardcore Bieber fans. I would be scared for my life if I was her. His fans are INTENSE. Selena, 18, and Justin, 17, are arguably the most famous teens in the world. The fact that they are together is not surprising and almost generic, however, if you're "in love," you're in love. Beiber subtweeted recently "I love you sooo much," which clearly put his fans into a frenzy. Even though he does not clearly state who he is writing to, one can only assume that he is writing to Miss Gomez. Could they be the next Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens? Hopefully without the naked pictures (Vanessa). Let's hope that Gomez keeps her clean image, I personally think she's adorable. She speaks well and she always looks classy. I give it.......... one year. I know that's a lifetime in Hollywood, but I have a little bit of faith in these two.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Lá Fhéile Pádraig (St paddy's!)
Thursday is St Patrick's day, the national holiday of Ireland. Now that I work for the Irish Embassy, the day is more significant now. Having always been a big fan of the green isle, I usually tried to celebrate a bit by joining in the fun atmosphere in the Irish pub, but nobody celebrates st Paddy's like the Irish! This year I will get to experience just that. The Embassy is organising a big celebration in Leuven (big college city in Belgium) in an old building called 'The Irish college', and 600 people are likely to attend! That's a lot of people, and most of them will be Irish! I get to go too, at first mostly to show people where to be, but once everyone has arrived, I get to join in the festivities and have drinks and nibbles and mingle!
Everything will be in the spirit of Ireland, the drinks, the food and the musical performances. I'm very excited about it, I can't wait! Most of the people will probably be older, fancy goverment, EU and other high-up staff, but I hope there will be some people around my age to talk to!
Why am I so fond of Ireland you ask? Well to start with it's a beautiful country (been there 8 times now, first time when I was sixteen, on a holiday with the parents), there really are a hundred shades of green. When landing you already notice the beauty, you see all the little different patches of green that is the fields, mountains in the distance, rivers.. It really is something. Dublin is bustling just like any city, but it's great shopping and Temple Bar (the popular old outgoing part of the city) is great fun for a night out! Galway is calmer, a student city, and has the air of a seaside town, there's street musicians in the shopping street, the houses are colourful, it's my favourite Irish city. Had some great times there! Now the countryside is really something you must see when visiting Ireland. Especially the Connemara, one of my favourite places, it still has the air of calmness real country living about it, something that is hard to find nowadays. There's tiny little towns, with always at least one pub (of course :p) and a church. You need to beware of sheep, cows and even donkeys occasionally when driving on the road, because they roam all over the place. There's gorgeous mountains, and fields of heather, and sparkling lakes. I really do love it very much, and I will continue to go there.
The people are great (most of them anyway, you can find a grouch anywhere), they have a great sense of humour, they're fun-loving, easy-going and very social. Now, I may be biased, because I dated an Irish guy back in the day, but through him I met a lot of other Irish people, and all of them really fit the traits I just mentioned.
If you're a history buff, Ireland has a rich history, with lots of mythology from the days of the Celts, and a violent and interesting history from the days when the English decided to conquer Ireland and take over the land. I actually wrote my thesis about Ireland (mainly a comparative study of the view on Northern Ireland in the Flemish and Dutch press, but I also included a long historic background of Ireland). Therefor, I know a whole lot about the Irish history, and I found it very interesting, although sad at some point, Ireland has been through a lot.
As you can see in the title, the Irish have a second language, the old Irish language, gaelic. It's not spoken much, but they try to keep it alive by teaching children the language in school, and all the traffic signs etc. are both in English and Irish. I find it a very cool language, unfortunately you can only learn it in Ireland, as it's pretty pointless outside of it.
So hope I got you all a bit excited about Ireland, you should really go visit it! (good for the Irish economy :p.. hey I work for Ireland :P I need to promote :D)
Have a great St Paddy's day if you intend on celebrating!
Sláinte (cheers!)
Friday, March 11, 2011
How do you see yourself?
This is my second post about body image. It's an important subject to me because as a teenager I felt very self-conscious and did not feel very confident about myself. Some bad experiences led to my self image being totally destroyed so I reacted by wanting to change how I looked. I felt I was fat. This was really stupid I realise now, because I weighed about 51 kilos at the time, and I'm just under 5ft4 (1.63 and a half cm) and that's pretty thin. But I felt like it wasn't enough. Luckily thanks to my very worried mom who watched me like a hawk,I managed to get over that irrational fat idea.
It's still stuck in my head a bit though. I love to nibble and lately with the long commute and having to wait so long to get home and have dinner, I nibble a lot more and then late night dinner, made me gain a kilo or two. So 52 kg now, and it's driving me a bit mad. I've weighed 49 kg for ages, so these two extra are making me conscious of every cookie I eat now. I know it's stupid! Slap some sense in me people.
I read the paper online the other day, and I read an article about a Belgian pagant girl, my age, who wants to be a model in America, but according to the agencies there she's not thin enough. She's 1m75, model tall, and weighs currently 55 kilos. That's three kilos more than me and she is 11cm taller! On her picture she looks perfectly thin, but they want her to weigh 50-52 kilos or she won't get booked. This just pisses me off. She looks perfect, not emaciated but still flat belly as an ironboard. Why does she need to weigh even less? Models are treated like clothes hangers, and it's things like that that influence young girls and get it into their heads that to be beautiful you need to be underweight and preferably be busty too. Or no man will find you attractive or sexy.
Even some men nowadays are starting to feel the pressure of needing to be muscular and fit, and are developing the same 'I'm faaaat' issues as us women.
The idea of beauty is so warped nowadays, if you don't fit perfectly in that box, you need to do something about it, diets, botox, plastic surgery and whatnot. Just look at the celebrities for extreme examples, I just read Amanda Seyfried, who's 25, is being pushed by Hollywood people to start using botox so she looks perfect on the screen. 25!! If she starts using that stuff now, she'll look like an expressionless wax doll in ten years. How stupid! What ever happened to aging gracefull? Now it's preferable to show no signs of aging at all. But it's probably hard for them, paparazzi everywhere, magazines judging everything you wear and how you look..
I just hope people will start realising that unless you're unhealthy (meaning really thin or obese) stop freaking out, you will not be unloved or undesired, and that extra pound will not make you look like the Loch Ness monster.
I love the commercials for Dove soap, just like the picture above and below, all different body shapes and all beautiful.

Tsunami Alert to Japan's Nearby Country, Rounded Up!
The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the offshore of Japan which has been followed by a few more aftershocks that hit Tokyo and the nearby island. According to the latest updates straight from the affected area of the devastating wave that struck the north-eastern part of the country, the disaster already killed 32 people. Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the country confirmed this recently and the total number of casualties will probably increase after of a detailed investigation.
Other nation located in the northern and southern part of Japan has been advised to prepare for the possible disastrous tsunami that will struck any hours after of what happened to Japan recently. The alert level issued with preemptive evacuation especially to the shoreline community includes the Philippines, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Hawaii. Other countries also gave their warning like Russia and some other part of the pacific nations.
Check your local television now and know the other related news and updates straight from your government agency responsible in giving the official warnings.
For more, here's a few lines from Associated Press based in Japan. Hope this can give you a little idea about the currently alert given to your country.
Other nation located in the northern and southern part of Japan has been advised to prepare for the possible disastrous tsunami that will struck any hours after of what happened to Japan recently. The alert level issued with preemptive evacuation especially to the shoreline community includes the Philippines, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Hawaii. Other countries also gave their warning like Russia and some other part of the pacific nations.
Check your local television now and know the other related news and updates straight from your government agency responsible in giving the official warnings.
For more, here's a few lines from Associated Press based in Japan. Hope this can give you a little idea about the currently alert given to your country.
A tsunami warning was issued for the entire Pacific, including areas as far away as South America, the entire U.S. West Coast, Canada and Alaska.Try to visit Google for their very own alert to the searchers and be a part of their mission by informing your loved ones in the possible tsunami endangered area of the world. Check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest news and updates straight from the affected area of Japan.
Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency said at least 32 people were killed. A utility company in northeastern Japan reported a fire in a turbine building of nuclear power plant.
Money Money Money
Now that I'm finally earning some money, it seems to me there are more and more things I need to pay for. And I live at home! I can't imagine how much you need to spend every month when you are living on your own, apartments are so expensive, and then there's groceries, energy bills, phone bills, internet and tv bills, and so on! So I do hope I can find someone to live with rather than paying for everything on my ownsie. It sure would help a lot.
There are lots of things I need and want at the moment. I also have to pay 300 euros every month for a few more months, because I'm still paying off the money my parents lend me when I bought a car. Still 1500 euro to go! Gah! So annoying to pay for something you already have :p
This month I'll have to dig in my money some because I'm going to the hairdresser, I need to buy tickets for the fantasy fair and order my costume (YAY), and perhaps plane tickets to go to Scotland this summer (more on that later!)
Things I want (but not nessarily need) are:
- New headphones, my current ones are getting a bit shaky sometimes, sound quality is not so good anymore
- New handbag (my current one is really wearing down) and I want a nice one, which usually means expensive. Would love one in a nice colour and not black again.
- New iphone (I have one I got at 17 and it is scratched and often gets stuck) It still works I suppose, so I gueeess I can wait a little longer.
- New phone : ok my current one still works fine, but its scratched a bit, and it's a cheap one, and everyone seems to have those big screened fancy ones, and I want one too! preferably in pink cause really, everything looks better in pink.
- Jewelry : I could use some more earrings, I have like four pair, one expensive, the rest cheap crap, so some nice new ones would be greatly appreciated! But I never get anywhere anymore with that damn commute!
That's it for now, until summer comes and I need new summer clothes! I'll be good though and wait till the summer sales so I can buy pretty good quality outfits for a normal price like I did this winter.
So as you see, lots of things I could be spending money on! But I'm almost 24 now (aaaaaaaaaaah) and it's probably a good idea not to throw my money around and buy everything I crave. I should save up a bit for later, for the whole settling down part of life which seems to be going really difficult for me ,grm. Men don't seem to have this saving up for later idea, but that's typical probably. They need a woman in their life to remind them, or they will spend it all on media gadgets, games, car gadgets, and travelling all around the world. Sigh!
Oh well, not that I will be a complete goody goody and never buy something for myself. I just bought five books on amazon for only 30 euro, so that's a good deal :D Ok, the fantasy fair costume is expensive and I'm really hoping it won't be too big as the sizes to select are small, medium and large. But as I'm quite short, I assume the small could be quite long, someone 20cm taller than me can also have a small, so dilemma! But if I want to be a fantasy nerd, at least I'll be a fashionably dressed one!
Sorry for the boring post! I'm out of ideas at the moment. But more next time about my possible trip to Scotland! I'm going to wait to write about it until I have actually booked, so I don't have to write a dissapointed not going after all-post like with New York :p
Fingers crossed, cause I really would love to go somewhere this summer, even if it's a chilly and more than likely rainy place, it's still beautiful and will be adventurous!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Top 13 Finalist Compete for The First Time in American Idol Season 10
Actually, it is not the only thing we would like to share with you. If you want to join your favorite bet among the remaining stunning contestants of American Idol Season 10, it's time for you to keep up your time and casts you votes now! These people are all good in the pasts challenges and now that Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, and Randy Jackson start to throw the toughest one, the excitement has been added by the last Wednesday, March 9, 2011 performances.
We've been surprised by the words of wisdom and encouragement of the panel of judges and now, we are all ready to share the next scenes that awaits you this evening for another episode of the show.
For more, here's the synopsis of the last evening episode of American Idol Season 10. Hope this can guide you to the complete list of possible star that will follow the footstep of our idols from the past season of the number one reality show in Unite States:
And before we can forget, try to visit the official website of Fox for the latest news and updates about the official complete list of finalist of the show.
We've been surprised by the words of wisdom and encouragement of the panel of judges and now, we are all ready to share the next scenes that awaits you this evening for another episode of the show.
For more, here's the synopsis of the last evening episode of American Idol Season 10. Hope this can guide you to the complete list of possible star that will follow the footstep of our idols from the past season of the number one reality show in Unite States:
"The American Idol top 13 finalists perform live for the first time hoping to impress the judges and the nation. After the performances, it is up to America to vote. Performing Tonight Are: Ashthon Jones, Casey Abrams, Haley Reinhart, Jacob Lusk, James Durbin, Karen Rodriguez, Lauren Alaina, Naima Adedapo, Paul McDonald, Pia Toscano, Scotty McCreery, Stefano Langone, and Thia Megia."It is the first time for all of them to compete individually what we are trying to ask from now is that, did someone need to say goodbye this evening? Join us once again later and take your part not just as a viewer but you can really make a great change for all of them, right?
And before we can forget, try to visit the official website of Fox for the latest news and updates about the official complete list of finalist of the show.
Lori Goldstein's Special Participation in America's Next Top Model
Lori Goldstein played a major role in the last March 9, 2011 episode of America's Next Top Model Season 16. If you missed to catch her recently, don't forget to watch the replay in your cable channel from here. But before we can forget, the fashion stylist introduced the remaining aspiring models to a couture dress.
And guess what, Lori also joined the stunning panel of judges during the elimination round. Aside from her, Laurent D, Troy Jensen, and Pamela Hanson are also in the last Wednesday evening episode of the show.
For more, here's the synopsis of America's Next Top Model Season 16 Episode 3. This can give you a little idea about the special participation or Lori and the others.
And guess what, Lori also joined the stunning panel of judges during the elimination round. Aside from her, Laurent D, Troy Jensen, and Pamela Hanson are also in the last Wednesday evening episode of the show.
For more, here's the synopsis of America's Next Top Model Season 16 Episode 3. This can give you a little idea about the special participation or Lori and the others.
"The models spend a drama-filled day getting makeovers with top hair stylist Laurent D and fashion photographer Troy Jensen. At the next photo shoot, fashion stylist Lori Goldstein dresses the girls in couture dresses and photographer Pamela Hanson shoots them in small groups, leading to more than one meltdown. One of the models continues to push everyone's buttons. Lori Goldstein joins the judges panel to decide which girl will be eliminated."Try to catch some more soon as we continue to bring you the highlights and next upcoming appearances of Lori Goldstein not just in another U.S. blockbuster reality show.
Gwyneth Paltrow Debuted in Glee Season 2 Episode 15
Ms. Gwyneth Paltrow brought out her best as Holly Holiday, a substitute teacher in the last March 8, 2011 episode of Glee Season 2. Before, we heard her name among the possible guest stars of Fox's blockbuster musical show and everything comes true few days ago. If you missed to catch her recently, try to look around in your cable channel for the replay of Glee Season 2 Episode 15 and witness her stunning performances along with the clubbers.
The last time we heard her name in celebrity gossip sites prior to her last Tuesday evening appearances on Glee is when she admitted her Osteopenia illness, and now, we just remember that issue again as we try to look around for other related news and updates about her. Although it doesn't bother us to keep up our time with her, we are looking forward to her another success not just as a guest star in Glee.
The last time we heard her name in celebrity gossip sites prior to her last Tuesday evening appearances on Glee is when she admitted her Osteopenia illness, and now, we just remember that issue again as we try to look around for other related news and updates about her. Although it doesn't bother us to keep up our time with her, we are looking forward to her another success not just as a guest star in Glee.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Steven Tyler Announces an Aerosmith Reunion?
Probably sooner or later because right now, people are probably talking about his recent message in his own Twitter account. It is big hint for everyone who are currently asking for them to step back on stage for another chance to see them again rocking the whole world. For now, Steven Tyler is currently busy working in American Idol Season 10 but who knows, right? He and the Aerosmith band member captured our hearts and minds from their original and blockbuster hits.
From here, try to look around for more. Joe Perry is up for the plan of Steven and we recently heard that from a celebrity gossip site. The ongoing reality TV show might be a great chance for the band to promote their music not just on Fox but in every record stores around the world.
From here, try to look around for more. Joe Perry is up for the plan of Steven and we recently heard that from a celebrity gossip site. The ongoing reality TV show might be a great chance for the band to promote their music not just on Fox but in every record stores around the world.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
LUPE FIASCO's ALBUM "LASERS" drops TODAY! Biggest album of the year I predict. Currently #1 on iTunes!!!!Check out this mixtape DARK MATTER
"Winning" while losing...
Ok so this is hopefully the last blog about Charlie Sheen. As much as his story is bizarre and entertaining, it's a little overdone. After his termination from Two and a Half Men was announced yesterday, he is clearly making a desperate attempt to stay relevant. In less than 24 hours he gained over 1 Million followers on Twitter, and he is now up to over 2,204,000. However, they are not all accepting of his lifestyle, he has a lot of critics.
He is Ustreaming every day with a show called "Sheen's Korner" where he attempts to win his audience over with his extremely bizarre behavior. His face is sunken in and gray and he does not look healthy. He is holding on to this last ounce of fame, and now that he is an "Unemployed winner" I'm sure he will use his erratic behavior to his advantage. It is big news right now, but very soon people will be over it and shift their interests to the next celebrity train wreck.
He is viciously attacking the producers and directors of Two and a Half Men, claiming he was the ONLY reason they had a successful show. Sheen may be right in the sense that, yes, he was the main character, but he also needs to realize this is a job, and he CAN be replaced.
He often refers to his kids and how they are his first priority. That scares me. Both him and his wife don't strike me as FIT parents, but if anyone should have them, it should be Brooke. Whether he is under the influence or not, Sheen's household is a toxic environment for the children. His two girlfriends, paparrazzi and media overload are not healthy for his twins. The fact that Sheen is so intent on staying significant in Hollywood, that I fear he would neglect his children to do so.
He is Ustreaming every day with a show called "Sheen's Korner" where he attempts to win his audience over with his extremely bizarre behavior. His face is sunken in and gray and he does not look healthy. He is holding on to this last ounce of fame, and now that he is an "Unemployed winner" I'm sure he will use his erratic behavior to his advantage. It is big news right now, but very soon people will be over it and shift their interests to the next celebrity train wreck.
He is viciously attacking the producers and directors of Two and a Half Men, claiming he was the ONLY reason they had a successful show. Sheen may be right in the sense that, yes, he was the main character, but he also needs to realize this is a job, and he CAN be replaced.
He often refers to his kids and how they are his first priority. That scares me. Both him and his wife don't strike me as FIT parents, but if anyone should have them, it should be Brooke. Whether he is under the influence or not, Sheen's household is a toxic environment for the children. His two girlfriends, paparrazzi and media overload are not healthy for his twins. The fact that Sheen is so intent on staying significant in Hollywood, that I fear he would neglect his children to do so. says "Cops removed the couple's twin toddler boys from Sheen's house Tuesday, after Mueller told a judge Sheen punched her and threatened to send her decapitated head to her mother in a box."
Unfortunately, no one knows what is REALLY going on, and the media can portray his struggle any way they want. Honestly, I just hope he stays clean and gets help. Serious help. Hollywood is harmful place and there have been too many self-inflicted deaths that could have been prevented. If we keep tuning in and consuming his slow death, he will die.
Check out one of his Ustreams "Torpedoes of Truth Part 2"
Bizarre doesn't even give this justice.
First Look of Brittany Snow in Mad Love Season 1
Brittany Snow is joining Mad Love Season 1! The CBS's another comedy series that take place every Monday evenings since the season premiere last February 14, 2011. This March 7, 2011, she earned the spotlight with the other casts and characters of the show. She played the role of Julia, a younger sister of Kate Swanson (Sarah Chalke).
If you are one of her follower, you will probably ask her once again not just for the next upcoming week episode of Mad Love, right? Join us as we continue to cover her although it is hard for us to determine and we try to figure out if she will join the main casts for good. She is not just a guest star, a younger and full grown sister of Kate but she really marked our hearts recently.
Try to visit the official website of CBS intended for this show for other related details you can get about Brittany's special participation.
If you are one of her follower, you will probably ask her once again not just for the next upcoming week episode of Mad Love, right? Join us as we continue to cover her although it is hard for us to determine and we try to figure out if she will join the main casts for good. She is not just a guest star, a younger and full grown sister of Kate but she really marked our hearts recently.
Try to visit the official website of CBS intended for this show for other related details you can get about Brittany's special participation.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Cristiano Ronaldo Trendsetter
Cristiano Ronaldo Trendsetter
Cristiano Ronaldo, 24, is a Portuguese Footballer who plays as Winger from Real Madrid Spanish Club and Captains Portuguese National Football Team. After staring his career at an early age of eight-years, Cristiano Ronaldo has become a super-star and a trendsetter not only in the world of football but also in the glamor and fashion world of Europe and USA. Known as the most expensive footballer in the history of football, Cristiano Ronaldo has established a unique status as 'Style Icon' in the game of football.
Cristiano Ronaldo' myriads of cool and hip haircuts and hairstyles have inspired millions of young boys to emulate his hairstyles. If the current craze amongst the present day youth to emulate the styles and fashion of Cristiano Ronaldo are anything to go by, it is certain that Cristiano Ronaldo is set to become the most popular trendsetter of twenty-first century. To his millions of fans, Cristiano Ronaldo' hairstyles and fashion statements are a way to express their personalities and to replicate the styles of their favorite Style Icon Cristiano Ronaldo.
Cristiano Ronaldo, 24, is a Portuguese Footballer who plays as Winger from Real Madrid Spanish Club and Captains Portuguese National Football Team. After staring his career at an early age of eight-years, Cristiano Ronaldo has become a super-star and a trendsetter not only in the world of football but also in the glamor and fashion world of Europe and USA. Known as the most expensive footballer in the history of football, Cristiano Ronaldo has established a unique status as 'Style Icon' in the game of football.
Cristiano Ronaldo' myriads of cool and hip haircuts and hairstyles have inspired millions of young boys to emulate his hairstyles. If the current craze amongst the present day youth to emulate the styles and fashion of Cristiano Ronaldo are anything to go by, it is certain that Cristiano Ronaldo is set to become the most popular trendsetter of twenty-first century. To his millions of fans, Cristiano Ronaldo' hairstyles and fashion statements are a way to express their personalities and to replicate the styles of their favorite Style Icon Cristiano Ronaldo.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Diane Lane is The Next Superman's Mom!
The upcoming new Superman film will include the 46-year old, Diane Lane. And guess what, she will play the role of "Man of Steel" mother but she recently earned a lot of criticisms after the official announcement of Warner Bros about her special participation as the adoptive mom of Henry Cavill. She will stand as Martha Kent as noted by The Hollywood Reporter earlier.
The film will probably arrive in theater by 2012 and for now, we are currently hanging around waiting for the other related updates about the appearances of the new casts and characters the will fill your favorite DC Comic's superheroes. We're not talking about the ongoing The CW's Smallville science-fiction drama but the personality that will rock your world soon from Kansas.
We are currently waiting for the upcoming thriller of this upcoming film of Diane Lane and Henry Cavill. Join us as we continue to our mission to bring you the most anticipated film that will surprised everyone in big screens few months from now!
The film will probably arrive in theater by 2012 and for now, we are currently hanging around waiting for the other related updates about the appearances of the new casts and characters the will fill your favorite DC Comic's superheroes. We're not talking about the ongoing The CW's Smallville science-fiction drama but the personality that will rock your world soon from Kansas.
We are currently waiting for the upcoming thriller of this upcoming film of Diane Lane and Henry Cavill. Join us as we continue to our mission to bring you the most anticipated film that will surprised everyone in big screens few months from now!
Wes Leonard of Fennville High Already Passed Away
Everyone in Fennville High School are probably aware of what happened to Wes Leonard last Thursday, March 3, 2011. He is one of their basketball team member who recently collapsed due to unknown reason. According to report, the paramedics arrived and try to revived the unconscious body of the 16-year old player and he was rushed to Holland Hospital. Sad to say, the doctor pronounced him dead few hours after of the incident.
Wes is a stunning athlete from Fennville and everyone can remember his name from the winning shoot he gave before of what happened on him. For now, there is no clear result about the medical examination taken on his dead body and cause of his death was still unknown. People are now probably talking about of his sudden death and his good deeds will remain in the hearts and minds of his fellow students, friends, and family.
He is also a good football player of Blawkhawks and his coach, Mike Miller recently gave his statement about their great lost. Here's a statement that will prove that he is really one of their great asset in field.
Wes is a stunning athlete from Fennville and everyone can remember his name from the winning shoot he gave before of what happened on him. For now, there is no clear result about the medical examination taken on his dead body and cause of his death was still unknown. People are now probably talking about of his sudden death and his good deeds will remain in the hearts and minds of his fellow students, friends, and family.
He is also a good football player of Blawkhawks and his coach, Mike Miller recently gave his statement about their great lost. Here's a statement that will prove that he is really one of their great asset in field.
"All of Bridgman's thoughts and prayers are going toward Fennville right now." Miller told The Associated Press Friday morning.Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the other related news and updates about of what happened to Wes Leonard last Thursday evening after of this break.
What were you thinking??

I'm all for giving your baby a special name, a name not every other kid in his or her class will have. I have an unusual name myself (I know it's not unusual in America, but it is in Europe), and I always enjoyed having a more unique name. I know several Stephanies, Nathalies, Sarahs, which were popular names for girls in my generation. I would not have liked having such a common name and having a whole bunch of friends with the same name. There is however a limit to how unique you can go. Picking a name from another country: why not, I love English and Irish names myself, and refuse to pick a boring Flemish name, I don't like any of them. So even though I'll probably need to repeat many times it's pronounced in English and not in some weird Flemish way, it'll still be a normal name. The Irish names might not be handy, as they are spelled all gaelicy, and people would be all ?huh?, so I might need to go for something easily pronouncable here, like Jack or Alice or something. I've got plenty of time to think that over still, not pregnant yet!
Some people tend to go over the top on uniqueness. Just take the celebrities. Just because you're famous, it doesn't mean your child won't be mocked for it's rediculous not really a name name. Here are some examples.
Fifi Trixibelle (daughter of Bob Geldoff): Is your daughter a chihuahua Bob? Do you think she'll still enjoy being called Fifi at 40? I think not.
Kal-el (Nicolas Cage's son): Clearly Nicholas Cage loves superman. Is it wrong to name your child after a character you love? No, but there are limits, what if you like Star Trek. 'Spock' might not be the most fun name to have. Maybe he should've gone for Clark.
Pilot Inspektor (son of Jason Lee): I'm lost for words, really, what were you thinking?? Fun for a 5-year old, but imagine the wedding: "I, Pilot Inspektor Lee, take you.."
Messiah Ya’majesty( son of T.I. (rapper)): This one overshines them all, really WWYT! Hope he never meets the queen of England, might get awkward.
Audio Science (daughter of Shannyn Sossamon): Sounds like a class you take in university, possible a pretty cool one. But as name? Pretty weird. Hope this kid ends up in the music business.
Reignbeau(daughter of Ving Rhames) : Changes the spelling makes it so much cooler..
Kyd(son of David Duchovny and Tea Leoni): Couldn't think of a name or just didn't bother.
Free(son of Barbara Hershey and David Carradine): Hmm, wonder what his middle name is. If it's Willy, I'll die of laughter.
Rebel, Racer and Rogue(sons of Robert Rodriguez) : Cool words don't necessarily mean cool names. Hope they don't have any more kids, what's next? Rocket? Rider? Rock Em Sock Em Robot?
Tu Morrow(daughter of Rob Morrow): You're only a day awaaaay.
THe celebrities definately take the cake, but your average Joe also makes some unusual choices sometimes.
What I really dislike is unisex names that aren't really unisex, it's like saying I really wanted a boy/girl, but unfortunately nature thought otherwise, but o well I'm not going to bother to pick a different name. It's like the Chandler triplet in Friends.
Take these for example:
Adrianna: really manly, good luck getting a girlfriend or a career in sports, poor boy.
Joseph: You're pretty, what's your name? "Joseph" Oh.Pretty...
Ariel: The little mermaid is now a little merman.
Baby: (Is this actually a name?) Nobody puts Baby in a corner! Oh wait, something's wrong here.
Duncan: Forcing your daughter to be a tomboy from day one!
But, all of the above are lovely compared to the names these cruel parents gave their children:
It may cause a good laugh whilst name browsing and finding a hilarious combination with your last name, but don't actually name your kid this. He/She will hate you forever when realising what you did!
Check out the names of these poor children. Bring on the wedgies.
Fanny Pack
Fanny Whiffer (omg is all I can say to this)
Rubella Graves
Hugh Jass (although really funny..)
Anita Bath (well found!)
Nice Carr
Love Lee Couch (You'd think nothing would sound funny with the last name Couch, think again!)
Valentine Bender
Willie B. Long
Acne Fountain
Lotta Bull
More names like this can be found in the book : Bad Baby Names: The Worst True Names Parents Saddled Their Kids With, and You Can Too!
Some parents just hate their kids:
Yes someone actually named their kid Shithead. Poor woman insists it is pronounced Shi-TAYD. Yea nobody is buying that. America should consider banning certain names. Things like that would never be allowed here, rediculous first names or in combination with both are forbidden. Also other names that can damage the child are also not allowed. Might want to consider that in the States (and other countries that allow rude names)
Named out of spite. The parents, from New Zealand, originally wanted to name their kid "4Real", because when they saw the sonogram, they realised it was "4 real". And they wanted it spelled with a 4. This was not allowed, so they decided on Superman instead, which was allowed. Much better.
Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon
Are you kidding me, how is this allowed?? Overly religious much?
Doctor Love
Hope he turns out to be a doctor, would be funny "calling Dr. Doctor Love to the ER.." Lets hope he is a ladiesman.
Possibly even worse then Shithead. Being Goth is one thing, but this is just mean.
Remember people, a name is for life! So choose wisely!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Small is normal!

If you're a woman (or heck even if you're a man!) you'll know what it feels like to stand in front of the mirror naked and think I'm not sexy naked or I look like crap.
This usually happens to me in locker rooms when shopping, especially in lingerie stories, they have the worst lighting. I always seem to look red and blotchy and misshapen, making me want to run out of there screaming. If you don't have perfect busty curves you'll know how much it sucks to go bra-shopping, even when you love frilly lacy lingerie like me. I always felt a bit unhappy about having ended up rather in the back of the line in God's boobqueue. When all you see is busty people on tv and magazines and read that the average bra-size is a D-cup (!!!!), you feel like you must be the only person in the world who has just gotten a handful, instead of five handfuls.
For a while I thought, maybe I should just get a boobjob later and then I'll feel more womanly. But now that I'm older, I'm thinking, so what! So they're kinda small, do I need giant balloons to be a real woman? So my cleavage needs a push-up bra to get some good cleavage action going, it shouldn't matter. Stupid media makes us small-breasted girls think that everyone in the world is busty, and if you're not you better do something about unless you're a giant emaciated model, then you're allowed.
I was really sad when Kate Hudson caved to the Hollywood big boob pressure. She's really beautiful, but had very little bustyness, and she didn't seem to care at all. Clearly she did, because she suddenly went from A to probably a C, which is a shame. I probably will always feel a little self-conscious about them, but as long as there is a guy who says small but perky is just as amazing, I can be happy enough!
I can understand why some people choose for plastic surgery though, low self esteem can really get you down. Some people exaggerate though, there's girls with a perfectly big enough B cup, who still feel like there's nothing there and decide to get enormous really unnatural looking balloons. That's just stupid, you'll regret it eventually. Now, I read a story about a girl with nothing at all and she did it to have something, not big, just something, and I can totally understand that. I would do the same, how can you feel womanly and sexy, if you don't even get enough to fill a bra, and you feel like an eternal child. It can totally ruin your sexuality, and then it is totally justified. But it's still an operation and is often not considered a risk, which it is.
So unless you're an extreme case, be happy with small and perky, it's just as beautiful. Even if you haven't really 'got' much of it, flaunt it anyway. You'll be surprised how many guys don't care. Don't cut open your body just to fit the ideal image of a woman. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not the fashion industry.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mixtape to Download
Billy Blue's Mixtape Blumanatti drops TODAY! Miami's own Blue recently quoted as "Lupe Fiasco's favorite gangsta rapper" (which in itself says A LOT) is making his way to the top representing his label Poe Boy with fellow artists like Flo Rida, Kulture Shock, J Randall, Git Fresh and many more.
Download at
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