Monday, January 31, 2011

Never Say Never-- actually you just said it. TWICE

Are you a Belieber? raves about the film, saying "...even the most casual of teen fans and the stodgiest of parents will exit the movie theater a complete Justin Bieber convert." Big statement.

Personally, I respect Justin. I think he has genuine talent, and is taking his run as current teen heart throb pretty well. Making this movie, however, was very smart in my opinion. Not only is it solidifying his impact on the industry, but it shows you his journey from childhood (Well, from childhood to older childhood), from rejections to success.

Teen Pop Stars have their fame, and then they get replaced. It's just how the music business works. He will most likely stay relevant, but he will not have this top spot forever. What happened to the Jonas Brothers? Or Miley Cyrus? Miley was a female Justin Bieber at one point, until she took one too many hits of marijuana and performed on one too many stripper poles. However, the culture of music is constantly changing, and new faces are always emerging in hopes to be the new Biebs. Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson are on the rise, and they may just have their shine soon.

Regardless, Justin Beiber has been a Teen Pop sensation and he will always be remembered as one. I believe I will be talking about him with my children as being a music icon of my generation. This movie will put him among Miley Cyrus and the Jonas brothers who have also made 3D movies. Let's see who wins this race.

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