Thursday, January 20, 2011

Definately hardly working

Dear lord its boring here! F# all to do! It may sound appealing to just hang in your chair and browse the internet for 8 hours, but truly, it gets a bit dull! Time goes soo much faster when you have lots to do. Why is nobody giving me assignments, and I'm brandnew here so I can't really invent stuff to do. And January is really calm for visa applications, so sigh! Been browsing blogger all day long reading interesting blogs, like Daydream Believer, she's really funny. Hard not to crack up sometimes though, and I can't do that, I have a co-worker right across from me :p and she seems to be a lot busier somehow hmm

Only three more hours to go, sigh! Then I get to do the whole trainjourney thing again. Luckily I recently bought myself a spanking new pink netbook, yes you heard it, I like pink! Doesn't mean I'm 23 I should grow out of my love for all things pink! It's so much prettier than those lame grey or black laptops, a little pink brightens the dreary day. Back to the point now, got a whole bunch of films and series on there, which I of course legally erm bought, not downloaded at all!
Makes the long trainride back so much nicer, and more relaxing, so although it was rather expensive (300 euro) it was worth it. Sure, I could have gotten the boring black one for 275 euro, but I deserved a treat for finding a job!

I like reading too, but I just finished all my new books I got for Xmas and New Year, so I'm currently out. But as I am now no longer an unemployed broke girl, I just won't be able to stop myself from indulging in new books. Always wanted to have a little library of my own later, sure it'll be filled with mainly fantasy books rather than intellectual classics but oh well, it could be worse (chicklit)(although I do read those sometimes shh)
I'm really a fantasy geek, but more on that some other time!

Back to pretending to work!

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