I was reading the online newspaper at work (indeed very busy here again) and I read an article about the Belgian nationality being picked as the 11th coolest to be according to CNN. Appearantly having perfected chocolate, waffles and beer is good enough to fall under America's cool radar. This all in spite of its tiny size, the crap weather and the shocking child molest cases (I quote CNN). Thanks to the huge amount of scandalous cases involving priests and even a few nuns, that last downside has now completely exploded again. The fact we haven't had a government for a year now because the Flemish (dialect of Dutch) and the Wallonian(southern part of Belgium, french-spoken) politicians are all a bunch of stubborn idiots who refuse to cooperate or make concessions in any way in order to reach an agreement and build up a government. But according to CNN, the Belgians are pretty easy-going about that and don't really give a f# for the most part, while in most countries anarchy would erupt, so we're pretty cool because of that. Yay us..
As for the other ten nationalities on the list? Here they are:
1 Brazil
2 Singapore
3 Jamaica
4 Mongolia
6 Spain
7 Japan
8 Botswana
9 China
10 Nepal
Now, most of them deserve to be on the cool- list. Brazil has the half naked dancing girls, Singapore is all exotic, Jamaica has Bob Marley, the USA is the land of the free and the home of the brave, Spain has siestas;big hats and good food, Japan has technology and employees who work 12 hours a day and China is the land where everything is made. Now the three I don't get are Mongolia, Botswana and Nepal.
Not that I don't like the countries, but I can't seem to find a reason for them being cool. What does Mongolia have that's cool? Giant empty planes, horses, nomads living in yurts.. all pretty special, but cool? Maybe it's Ghengis Khan, he conquered Russia and half of Europe or something and went plundering and killing all over, I suppose that might be cool, but come on the guy lived hundreds of year ago, that doesn't count anymore CNN!
And Botswana, why Botswana? Not that I know anything about Botswana, I know it's in Africa, and that's it. Why is Botswana the 8th coolest? Someone please enlighten me about the coolness of Botswana! Is it the wild animals? That's pretty cool, but that would make other African countries equally cool.
And then Tibet, why is Tibet cool? Sure the landscape there is breathtaking and I'm all for freeing Tibet, but would that fall under 'cool'?
CNN is sure using some strange criteria.
And where is Ireland! Surely Ireland deserves to be cool! Maybe it's the chaos that is Ireland's economy. The lack of jobs, the loads of young graduates moving abroad and the rising taxes probably made Ireland rather uncool for the moment. Where o where are the fabulous days of the Celtic Tiger.

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