Monday, January 31, 2011

is now following me on twitter...

I'm back! Sorry for the lack of posting in the weekend, I was feeling lazy and I had a nasty cough, so I spent the weekend relaxing and mostly lying in front of the fireplace watching tv and reading. I also went shopping! It was the last weekend of the sales, which means 70% off, so I dragged my lazy ass to the shopping street and went to the fancy, really expensive stores where I can only buy stuff during the super sales. I got a good haul I must say, and all for a really great price. I got two lovely silk skirts, two v-neck jumpers, three long sleeved shirts and two pairs of shoes! YAY! It's so much fun when you get to buy things that are originally unafforable, which you can then buy for a steal during sales. Now I can show off my fancy fashionable outfits, hooray! So my weekend was slightly productive in the end after all!

On Saturday I also suddenly got several more followers on twitter. Initially I was YAY, I'm interesting, but when I noticed the names I was slightly confused and shocked! My first new follower was ladieshomeparty. Didn't know it was unusual until i clicked it, appearantly it's a party organiser for erotic parties hosted by women. You know, where a bunch of women giggle at a bunch of erotic toys and go home to try them out and then discuss them later. My initial reaction was just owkeeeeey.. I'm not a prude, and I suppose they send out invites to loads of random people. Two minutes later: sexcamgirl is now following you on Twitter. WHAT THE HELL! why is sexcamgirl following me, and right after the other rather sexually tinted follower, this is getting suspicious! I am not a dude, nor do I enjoy watching nude girls twist and groan on webcam. Really! Another two minutes later, Xsms is following me.. further investigation informed me that xsms is an erotic sms company, where you can text a bunch of raunchy GIRLS. Now this was starting to get pretty mad, does my twitter account scream I'm a really slutty lesbian woman? Is it the red hair? Perhaps fiery redhead has taken on many more meanings! And that wasn't even the end of it, I got three more followers, erovibes (an erotic store)and sexshop online, and to finish it off Bet on football followed me as well. So according to twitter I am a raunchy, lesbian, football-loving, gambling woman. Lovely..

I now have 11 followers, half of which the above.. great! I'm going to make a great impression on the friends I got on twitter :p

BTW, is there any way to make them stop following me? I couldn't find a way to do it anywhere and I have a feeling that a bunch of freaky followers will only attract more! There's a limit to my open-mindedness.

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