Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Fighting" to Transform

The Fighter
The transformations of the actors themselves are noteworthy. When I saw Melissa Leo on Oprah, I didn't believe it was the same woman that played Alice Ward in The Fighter. Oprah said that when she saw the film, she was asking herself, "Where did they find this woman?" I was thinking the SAME THING! Did they just go to a trailor park and just happen to find someone that is an incredible actress? However, you can see that she was transformed from a classy beautiful woman into a rough, washed out chain smoker who "managed" her son's career.

Christian Bale: We are used to seeing his drastic transformations. Most recently in The Machinist where he lost 63 pounds, only to bulk up for his role in Batman. However, the thinning hair, sunken in eyes and gray skin all contribute to his drug addicted, intense but motivated character as Dickey in The Fighter.

The oscar nominations for both Christian Bale and Melissa Leo are no surprise. There are so many good supporting actor/actress nominees that I would be happy with whoever wins. Jeremy Renner (The Town) and Amy Adams are two other examples that were incredible.

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