Alrighty, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name's Athena and I live in Belgium. You might know it for the waffles, the amazingly good chocolate and Jean-Claude Van Damme, a very lame actor to be honest, but he seems famous for some reason ! If that still doesn't ring a bell, it's somewhere in western Europe, tiny country squished between France, Germany and the Netherlands. I live by the coast, in a small city called Nieuwpoort. I added a map just below for the less wordly people among us. Its a tiny country really, but there are like ten million inhabitants which is pretty crazy to me, way too densely populated. I like me some peace and quiet.

I'm 23, got my master's degree this year as translator English and Russian and have finally found a job last month!
I work in the Embassy of Ireland in Brussels. Loving the job so far, but a huuuge downside is the insane commute, its two hours by train to get to Brussels, so four hours on the train every day. Yes, I know, that's a bit crazy, and it reaally tiring sometimes. I get up at 6.10 am and get home at 8.10 pm, which is a very long day. I do intend to move at some point, but to be honest, it's so expensive to live by yourself and I'd rather spend my money on more fun things :p and i like having company when I get home.
What else hmm well so I live at home with the parents, and a younger brother. Have two dogs too, love my doggies. The older one is called Annabelle, but we call her Belly, it's a scruffy mix of a Fox and a Snauzer and she's 12. And the other is a greyhound called Fiona and she's 8. In one of the next posts I'll tell you all about my beloved doggies naturally.
Currrently at work actually, ssssh, don't tell ;) Don't have much to do at the moment. I generally occupy myself with visas and the accounts, and general mail and phone answering. Everyone here is really friendly, mostly Irish, which I really like because I love all things Irish. You'll find that out in later posts too for sure. My thesis was on Ireland and I've been there many many times! Ah it's a great country really, so I was so excited to get to work somewhere Ireland-related!
Hmm guess I should find something useful to do here at work then! Promise to not forget to write this time, hopefully I'll eventually get a comment then! Cause I want one!
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