Thursday, January 27, 2011

Obama and the CHANGE to digital!

I know this is a blog based on entertainment, however, I must make a quick post about the State of The Union Address. Shout out to Barack Obama for including the Digital Age in his speech, and bringing Government into the 21st century! People may say that he is young and criticize him for his lack of experience, but I guarantee that any of his predecessors, or John Mccain for that matter, would not express the importance of the transition to the digital age in the media, because of their age. We must acknowledge the change and utilize it. It is true, technology is going through a huge transformation. We WILL be reading all of our textbooks on a more portable handheld device, and patients can have face time with their doctors. We must embrace it rather than oppose it. Thank you, Barack! I have my textbooks on my laptop and my eReader, and it makes everything SO much easier and so much lighter! Feedback? I want to hear others’ opinions!

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