Sunday, January 23, 2011

And down I go!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend so far. Mine took a tumble literally I'm afraid! Was enjoying myself at my cousin's yesterday, munching on appetizers and having some bubblies, but later in the evening I got incredibly tired. And I was so cold too, even though the heating was on, I was shivering like I was on the North Pole in my underwear. Eventually things took a turn for the worse when I suddenly felt queasy, I thought for a moment I was going to get sick and headed for the bathroom, but it wasn't that my head started spinning and everything turned black and down I went! I fainted for like a moment, it was really scary! Luckily there were lots of people around to take care of me, they took me to the couch to lie down with my legs up and I started feeling less dizzy quickly. It probably was a blood pressure drop, I think my body is still not used to the getting up early and the long days yet after all. I spent the good part of the year sleeping as long as I wanted and doing nothing tiring, and all my temporary jobs were nearby, so not so heavy on me.
Feeling better today, although I'm still a bit lightheaded, my blood pressure must be a little low. I hope it goes up again soon, I hate feeling all woozy and I really don't want to faint again!

Maybe I should eat a giant steak, don't they say iron is good for the blood :D
Well, if anyone has tips let me know!

I hope I get used to the early risings soon, cause it kinda sucks to be tired all weekend, I like going out on a Saturday, but nowadays I'm yawning away by midnight! Perhaps I should stop eating cookies as snacks at work and start picking some healthier snacks to build up the resistance!
My whole eating shedule is totally messed up with the new job, really early breakfast and lunch not till one pm, so I get really hungry before that hence munching on cookies, and I don't get home till 8.20 pm so I usually have a snack on the train as well, otherwise I'm starving. I need munching alternatives!

Well I'm off to go get some fresh air by the sea here, to look at the shops a bit, will do me good!

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