Are you a Belieber? raves about the film, saying "...even the most casual of teen fans and the stodgiest of parents will exit the movie theater a complete Justin Bieber convert." Big statement.
Personally, I respect Justin. I think he has genuine talent, and is taking his run as current teen heart throb pretty well. Making this movie, however, was very smart in my opinion. Not only is it solidifying his impact on the industry, but it shows you his journey from childhood (Well, from childhood to older childhood), from rejections to success.
Teen Pop Stars have their fame, and then they get replaced. It's just how the music business works. He will most likely stay relevant, but he will not have this top spot forever. What happened to the Jonas Brothers? Or Miley Cyrus? Miley was a female Justin Bieber at one point, until she took one too many hits of marijuana and performed on one too many stripper poles. However, the culture of music is constantly changing, and new faces are always emerging in hopes to be the new Biebs. Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson are on the rise, and they may just have their shine soon.
Regardless, Justin Beiber has been a Teen Pop sensation and he will always be remembered as one. I believe I will be talking about him with my children as being a music icon of my generation. This movie will put him among Miley Cyrus and the Jonas brothers who have also made 3D movies. Let's see who wins this race.
Monday, January 31, 2011
is now following me on twitter...
I'm back! Sorry for the lack of posting in the weekend, I was feeling lazy and I had a nasty cough, so I spent the weekend relaxing and mostly lying in front of the fireplace watching tv and reading. I also went shopping! It was the last weekend of the sales, which means 70% off, so I dragged my lazy ass to the shopping street and went to the fancy, really expensive stores where I can only buy stuff during the super sales. I got a good haul I must say, and all for a really great price. I got two lovely silk skirts, two v-neck jumpers, three long sleeved shirts and two pairs of shoes! YAY! It's so much fun when you get to buy things that are originally unafforable, which you can then buy for a steal during sales. Now I can show off my fancy fashionable outfits, hooray! So my weekend was slightly productive in the end after all!

On Saturday I also suddenly got several more followers on twitter. Initially I was YAY, I'm interesting, but when I noticed the names I was slightly confused and shocked! My first new follower was ladieshomeparty. Didn't know it was unusual until i clicked it, appearantly it's a party organiser for erotic parties hosted by women. You know, where a bunch of women giggle at a bunch of erotic toys and go home to try them out and then discuss them later. My initial reaction was just owkeeeeey.. I'm not a prude, and I suppose they send out invites to loads of random people. Two minutes later: sexcamgirl is now following you on Twitter. WHAT THE HELL! why is sexcamgirl following me, and right after the other rather sexually tinted follower, this is getting suspicious! I am not a dude, nor do I enjoy watching nude girls twist and groan on webcam. Really! Another two minutes later, Xsms is following me.. further investigation informed me that xsms is an erotic sms company, where you can text a bunch of raunchy GIRLS. Now this was starting to get pretty mad, does my twitter account scream I'm a really slutty lesbian woman? Is it the red hair? Perhaps fiery redhead has taken on many more meanings! And that wasn't even the end of it, I got three more followers, erovibes (an erotic store)and sexshop online, and to finish it off Bet on football followed me as well. So according to twitter I am a raunchy, lesbian, football-loving, gambling woman. Lovely..
I now have 11 followers, half of which the above.. great! I'm going to make a great impression on the friends I got on twitter :p
BTW, is there any way to make them stop following me? I couldn't find a way to do it anywhere and I have a feeling that a bunch of freaky followers will only attract more! There's a limit to my open-mindedness.
On Saturday I also suddenly got several more followers on twitter. Initially I was YAY, I'm interesting, but when I noticed the names I was slightly confused and shocked! My first new follower was ladieshomeparty. Didn't know it was unusual until i clicked it, appearantly it's a party organiser for erotic parties hosted by women. You know, where a bunch of women giggle at a bunch of erotic toys and go home to try them out and then discuss them later. My initial reaction was just owkeeeeey.. I'm not a prude, and I suppose they send out invites to loads of random people. Two minutes later: sexcamgirl is now following you on Twitter. WHAT THE HELL! why is sexcamgirl following me, and right after the other rather sexually tinted follower, this is getting suspicious! I am not a dude, nor do I enjoy watching nude girls twist and groan on webcam. Really! Another two minutes later, Xsms is following me.. further investigation informed me that xsms is an erotic sms company, where you can text a bunch of raunchy GIRLS. Now this was starting to get pretty mad, does my twitter account scream I'm a really slutty lesbian woman? Is it the red hair? Perhaps fiery redhead has taken on many more meanings! And that wasn't even the end of it, I got three more followers, erovibes (an erotic store)and sexshop online, and to finish it off Bet on football followed me as well. So according to twitter I am a raunchy, lesbian, football-loving, gambling woman. Lovely..
I now have 11 followers, half of which the above.. great! I'm going to make a great impression on the friends I got on twitter :p
BTW, is there any way to make them stop following me? I couldn't find a way to do it anywhere and I have a feeling that a bunch of freaky followers will only attract more! There's a limit to my open-mindedness.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Torstein Horgmo Triple Cork Stir the Web!
The last Friday, January 28, 2011 performance of Torstein Horgmo marked a new history in X Games. He successfully made a triple cork in snowboarder competition in Aspen, Colombia. According to report, he is the first player who made this trick and guess what, it was the first thing that happened in one of the most aspiring sports in television. Torstein earned his gold medal in the game and he is the pride of the Norwegian people. ESPN recently noted his interview when he tried to make an attempt something like of what we don't expect last Friday evening. He mentioned that it was the most stupid thing he used to try on his whole life but now, people are enjoying his YouTube video because of that unusual trick that make a history in sports.
In the other side of the story of Torstein Horgmo, as he finished snowboard jump, he kicked his helmet to the crowd. Giving it as a souvenir from his last Friday of January 28, 2011 tricky moves. And according to him, he doesn't even expect that successful jump with his snowboard. See the following video below to see how Torstein made that impossible triple cork:
In the other side of the story of Torstein Horgmo, as he finished snowboard jump, he kicked his helmet to the crowd. Giving it as a souvenir from his last Friday of January 28, 2011 tricky moves. And according to him, he doesn't even expect that successful jump with his snowboard. See the following video below to see how Torstein made that impossible triple cork:
is a mixture of holding on &letting go.
Not my format ; MY quote
is a mixture of holding on &letting go.
Not my format ; MY quote
Friday, January 28, 2011
Charlie Sheen.... REALLY DUDE?
Charlie Sheen... Seriously I'm getting sick of hearing about your reckless nights with whores and alcohol.
The "Two and a Half Men" star, wearing a towel over his face, was taken out of his Los Angeles home around 7 a.m. yesterday morning by stretcher and transported to L.A.'s Cedars-Sinai Hospital for treatment, according to Apparently, he was experiencing "severe abdominal pain".
You're 45 years old with 2 kids, get it together.
Just this past October he was found naked and drunk in a New York hotel. Classy. How about the fact that he spent $26,000 in ONE WEEKEND on prostitutes and cocaine?? HOW do you do that????? I don't think I have spent that much money in 21 years!!! Well, given he makes 1.8 MILLION dollars per episode of Two and a Half Men, that 26k is irrelevant, but regardless, that's insane.
Seriously Mr. Sheen, time to grow up!
The "Two and a Half Men" star, wearing a towel over his face, was taken out of his Los Angeles home around 7 a.m. yesterday morning by stretcher and transported to L.A.'s Cedars-Sinai Hospital for treatment, according to Apparently, he was experiencing "severe abdominal pain".
You're 45 years old with 2 kids, get it together.
Just this past October he was found naked and drunk in a New York hotel. Classy. How about the fact that he spent $26,000 in ONE WEEKEND on prostitutes and cocaine?? HOW do you do that????? I don't think I have spent that much money in 21 years!!! Well, given he makes 1.8 MILLION dollars per episode of Two and a Half Men, that 26k is irrelevant, but regardless, that's insane.
Seriously Mr. Sheen, time to grow up!
When something bad happens
you have three choices.
you can either let it define you,
let it destroy you, or
you can let it strengthen you.
Random thoughts
I wish that I could
Press fast forward
just to see if it's worth
the wait
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Love this...
Our greatest strength as a human race is our ability to acknowledge our differences,
our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them.”
our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them.”
Obama and the CHANGE to digital!
I know this is a blog based on entertainment, however, I must make a quick post about the State of The Union Address. Shout out to Barack Obama for including the Digital Age in his speech, and bringing Government into the 21st century! People may say that he is young and criticize him for his lack of experience, but I guarantee that any of his predecessors, or John Mccain for that matter, would not express the importance of the transition to the digital age in the media, because of their age. We must acknowledge the change and utilize it. It is true, technology is going through a huge transformation. We WILL be reading all of our textbooks on a more portable handheld device, and patients can have face time with their doctors. We must embrace it rather than oppose it. Thank you, Barack! I have my textbooks on my laptop and my eReader, and it makes everything SO much easier and so much lighter! Feedback? I want to hear others’ opinions!
Will Ferrel or Steve Carrell?
What do you think about Will Ferrell’s new spot on The Office? Do you think they are trying to replace Carrell?
Abbey's take on the Oscar Noms
Thanks to one of my favorite people, Ben Lyons, I was made aware that the Oscar Nominations were being announced on Sunday. The Fighter, King's Speech, and True Grit seemed to dominate the noms. Unfortunately, I STILL need to see True Grit(10 noms) and King's Speech (12 noms), which I seem to only hear good things about. A film that also got a lot of buzz was Black Swan, which I saw in it's opening week. Natalie Portman absolutely blew me away. I was able to see a new side to both Mila Kunis and Portman. The film was about a young girl who took obsession to a whole new level. She was a gifted dancer who dedicated her life to the art, and the movie follows her in her journey to get the main role in the performance "Black Swan". She suffered physically, mentally and sexually to get this role, and you can see how it slowly destroys her. Besides the physical commitment that this movie required (Portman had to lose 20 lbs) which I didn't even think she had 20 lbs to lose; she had to study the life of a dancer. She was PAINFULLY thin, but it all contributed to this broken and delusional character she so beautifully represented. Between the dancing and the weight loss for this movie, one can sense the amount of commitment she put forth for this film. That said, I was overjoyed when she was nominated for best actress.
Another movie that blew me away was The Fighter. Christian Bale (Dickey) stood out to me the most in this film, simply because he pulled off being a 'crack head' to the T. I don't know what it is about the emaciated look being so popular (ha), but he also had to lose a substantial amount of weight to pull off this look. His skin was pale and clammy and his eyes were dark and sunken in. Even the way he spoke was different; his words being fast and unclear. You could even see in his eyes that he was not in the right state of mind, even before the scene where he is smoking and you realize he is an addict. Once again, I was glad when he got a nomination for best supporting actor. Amy Adams also stood out to me in this film. It seemed she really went out of her element to achieve this image she portrayed. She was a bartender that wore short shorts with her stomach hanging out, not classy in the least. However, you find out through the movie that she is troubled and very rough in character. She has a quick mouth and is not indimidated by anyone, especially Mark Wahlberg's (Mickey's) family who is constantly trying to bring her down.
Another movie that blew me away was The Fighter. Christian Bale (Dickey) stood out to me the most in this film, simply because he pulled off being a 'crack head' to the T. I don't know what it is about the emaciated look being so popular (ha), but he also had to lose a substantial amount of weight to pull off this look. His skin was pale and clammy and his eyes were dark and sunken in. Even the way he spoke was different; his words being fast and unclear. You could even see in his eyes that he was not in the right state of mind, even before the scene where he is smoking and you realize he is an addict. Once again, I was glad when he got a nomination for best supporting actor. Amy Adams also stood out to me in this film. It seemed she really went out of her element to achieve this image she portrayed. She was a bartender that wore short shorts with her stomach hanging out, not classy in the least. However, you find out through the movie that she is troubled and very rough in character. She has a quick mouth and is not indimidated by anyone, especially Mark Wahlberg's (Mickey's) family who is constantly trying to bring her down.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Belgians -the 11th coolest people in the world
I was reading the online newspaper at work (indeed very busy here again) and I read an article about the Belgian nationality being picked as the 11th coolest to be according to CNN. Appearantly having perfected chocolate, waffles and beer is good enough to fall under America's cool radar. This all in spite of its tiny size, the crap weather and the shocking child molest cases (I quote CNN). Thanks to the huge amount of scandalous cases involving priests and even a few nuns, that last downside has now completely exploded again. The fact we haven't had a government for a year now because the Flemish (dialect of Dutch) and the Wallonian(southern part of Belgium, french-spoken) politicians are all a bunch of stubborn idiots who refuse to cooperate or make concessions in any way in order to reach an agreement and build up a government. But according to CNN, the Belgians are pretty easy-going about that and don't really give a f# for the most part, while in most countries anarchy would erupt, so we're pretty cool because of that. Yay us..
As for the other ten nationalities on the list? Here they are:
1 Brazil
2 Singapore
3 Jamaica
4 Mongolia
6 Spain
7 Japan
8 Botswana
9 China
10 Nepal
Now, most of them deserve to be on the cool- list. Brazil has the half naked dancing girls, Singapore is all exotic, Jamaica has Bob Marley, the USA is the land of the free and the home of the brave, Spain has siestas;big hats and good food, Japan has technology and employees who work 12 hours a day and China is the land where everything is made. Now the three I don't get are Mongolia, Botswana and Nepal.
Not that I don't like the countries, but I can't seem to find a reason for them being cool. What does Mongolia have that's cool? Giant empty planes, horses, nomads living in yurts.. all pretty special, but cool? Maybe it's Ghengis Khan, he conquered Russia and half of Europe or something and went plundering and killing all over, I suppose that might be cool, but come on the guy lived hundreds of year ago, that doesn't count anymore CNN!
And Botswana, why Botswana? Not that I know anything about Botswana, I know it's in Africa, and that's it. Why is Botswana the 8th coolest? Someone please enlighten me about the coolness of Botswana! Is it the wild animals? That's pretty cool, but that would make other African countries equally cool.
And then Tibet, why is Tibet cool? Sure the landscape there is breathtaking and I'm all for freeing Tibet, but would that fall under 'cool'?
CNN is sure using some strange criteria.
And where is Ireland! Surely Ireland deserves to be cool! Maybe it's the chaos that is Ireland's economy. The lack of jobs, the loads of young graduates moving abroad and the rising taxes probably made Ireland rather uncool for the moment. Where o where are the fabulous days of the Celtic Tiger.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Song of the week!
I thought once a week I'd share a music video of a song of my liking. This week's song is a tribute to an amazing singer with a mighty voice, and I never tire of her! Saw a performance of her once in a small place when she was only just getting in the spotlight and it blew me away, she's great and I love her songs. So this week, here's to the fabulous redhead called Florence
Random facts about me
I'm kind of sleepy today and can't think of a good topic to write about, so I thought I'd grab some inspiration from another girl's blog (Krissy from The Indiscriminate Chronicals of a Girl Named Krissy) and take her challenge to write down 25 random facts about myself. So here it goes!
1. I hate hate going to the dentist and try to avoid it as much as possible. This fear is the result of a childhood trauma. I had if I remember correctly three teeth pulled at the age of 8ish because my mouth wasn't big enough to accommodate all my teeth, so to prevent them going crooked the dentist had to pull them out. Now for an 8 year-old teeth-pulling and that giant shot going in your mouth is very scary. And the dentist was a big fat liar saying the shot wouldn't hurt at all. Yea right, let me ram that shot in your pallet and see how much it doesn't hurt! I took my revenge by biting down when she tried to give me the shot. I came home with blood on my tshirt, mom thought it was mine, I burst out in tears :p had to go back though and face it anyway.
2. I used to use my long hair as a cheating tool, by creating a curtain along my face, hand against forehead to feign concentration, and then carefully looking through my haircurtain to stare at the other person's test sheet. Worked like a charm!
3. I was a vegetarian for two years when I was a teenager but eventually gave up because I was sick to death of veggie burgers and other strange tasting crap, especially at school. Also felt kinda faint sometimes. I still don't eat loads of meat, I'm picky and don't eat big amounts, and I only eat adult animals. So really, I'm still trying not to overdo in the meat, we don't need lots anyway, but it is tastier than tofu.
4. I don't eat certain animals just because I find them too cute to eat, low I know, but how could I eat bunnies :(
5. I have a birthmark on my arm shaped like an arrowhead.
6. When I was about 10 year old, my new puppy slept in my room the first few nights, one time I woke up in the middle of the night and found it had pooped right in front of the door. Reluctantly I cleaned it by myself but stupidly I threw it in the bin in the bathroom instead of the toilet. You can imagine the lovely smell in the morning :p
7. I colored my baby brother's face yellow with a marker when he was in his crib sleeping. I was three at the time. Mom said it took ages to get it off. Probably ran out of coloring books.
8. Sometimes I think I'd be more suited living in the olden days (being rich) living in a big mansion, not working, going to balls and walking around in those big dresses and of course have my very own mr. Darcy
9. I love romantic things, unfortunately not many guys have so far been very romantic. On a rare occasion sometimes, which I loved!
10. I sleep with a teddybear due to lack of man by side. It's an elephant, her name is Ella, original I know.
11. I'd love to have a giant dog like a Great Dane some day. Unfortunately it's hard to find someone who doesn't object to a dog that weighs at least 50 kilos.. but I love their big floppy faces and I love big dogs, and the breed is so sweet and lazy.
12. I wouldn't cut my hair really short if you gave me a million euro. My long hair is sacred. Just cutting it in layers was painful to do. Looks prettier though.
13. My biggest complex is my lack of bustyness.
14. I definately want kids some day. Preferably all girls, read too many Jane Austen novels I suppose :D but the universe will probably mock me and give me all boys
15. I looove snacking, my favourite snack is crisps, I could eat some every day!
16. I like shopping but I prefer finding everything in one shop rather than wandering around and going in and out of dozens of shops, just frustrates me.
17. My favourite film directors are Peter Jackson, M. Night Shyamalan and Baz Luhrman.
18. I have only three pairs of trousers, I never grew out of my love for skirts.
19. I used to dress up my brother as a girl when he was small, because I wanted a sister :D
20. I like music from the 60's 70's 80's, I hate electro stuff like techno. Bands of the present I like are Duffy, Adele, Mumford & Sons, the Eels, Kings of Leon..
25 is a lot harder than it seems! I can't think of any other random things at the moment and I should get back to work :p
But you know a little bit more about me now !
Monday, January 24, 2011
New York New York?
Monday's back, which means I'm back at work! Slightly bored again, I wish I had passports rather then visas, not enough people are in need of a visa in January. Friday went a lot quicker, my collegue took a day off so I had to do passports, so there were plenty of people coming in, all for me, so time went a lot quicker!
I've been pondering going some place cool this year, some place outside of Europe, and I came up with New York! Initially I wanted to go to Australia, but as I just started working and it being that far, you'd need two weeks definately, and that would be very costly. The flight alone is like 1000 euros, so you'd probably squander another 1000 by the time you get back. So I think I might put Australia aside for future travel. So with Australia off the table I was thinking about going somewhere outside of Europe, but affordable, but still an impressive trip. My cousin is going to New York this year so I thought, I could do that! All I needed to do is convince a friend to come along, as travelling on ownsie is not something I'd like to do. I've been trying to persuade a good friend of mine who also has the travel bug to come along, and yesterday we had a call and she is up for it! Hooray, finally I get to cross the big ocean! Not sure when exactly I should go, if there are any New Yorkers out there reading this post I'd love some tips! It will probably end up being summer though, or maybe September. I hope I can find a return flight for under 500 euros, supposedly it can be done, but I haven't found one yet. Think I should book soon though, as prices tend to go up the later you do it.
Also pondering if I should book a hostel or a small hotel. Hostel is cheapest, but remembering the Irish hostel experience, I'm not so enthousiastic about that idea.
Last year I went to Dublin with the same friend, went to a hostel to keep things cheap (as I was still poor and unemployed), so ended up sharing a room with a whole bunch of other girls. You'd think not the end of the world, you get to meet fun people, and true, you do! But sleeping in the same room with people you don't know can have some unpleasant factors. As:
- Loud snorers , believe me if you sleep near that you almost want to kill that person, especially after a long day of wandering
- People going out returning totally plastered and falling all over the place (that maaay have been me at some point :p)
- People accidently turning on the light right next to your head in the middle of the night
-People leaving really early for a flight or something, packing things and showering and drying their hair for ages at 5 o'clock in the morning
- Realising you're the last one in the shower and all you get is freezing cold water
Those are just a few of the fun things that can happen when you go to a hostel. But to be fair it's usually only around 20 euro a night, which is really cheap, so you can't expect much luxury. Hotel would be nice, but I'd rather not spend a fortune on that. And my friend has already been on a trip in December, and lives in an apartment alone, so she would like to keep it as cheap as possible. If anyone knows a cheap hotel in NY feel free to let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm very excited though, NY is so cool, my first far away trip! I do prefer the countryside, but to see all those famous sights I will have no problem with the citylife for a week (that's how long I think will be needed to see most of what I want to see)
Here's a little list of all the things that are on my must-see list:
- Statue of Liberty
- Ellis island + immigration museum
- ferry-ride to take pics of the skyline at night
- Central park (when I get tired of the city madness)
- fifth avenue (for the shops!)
- Times square
- all the cool buildings like the Chrysler building, Empire state, that special corner one with the weird name
- National History museum, the Met, Moma too possibly
and some more parks here and there and probably a lot more as we wander about! So that'll be plenty to fill a week!
I hope nothing prevents it from happening, cause I'm often unlucky in that way! But it's looking good, so hopefully this year I'll get to take a bite out of the Big Apple!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
And down I go!
Hope everyone had a nice weekend so far. Mine took a tumble literally I'm afraid! Was enjoying myself at my cousin's yesterday, munching on appetizers and having some bubblies, but later in the evening I got incredibly tired. And I was so cold too, even though the heating was on, I was shivering like I was on the North Pole in my underwear. Eventually things took a turn for the worse when I suddenly felt queasy, I thought for a moment I was going to get sick and headed for the bathroom, but it wasn't that my head started spinning and everything turned black and down I went! I fainted for like a moment, it was really scary! Luckily there were lots of people around to take care of me, they took me to the couch to lie down with my legs up and I started feeling less dizzy quickly. It probably was a blood pressure drop, I think my body is still not used to the getting up early and the long days yet after all. I spent the good part of the year sleeping as long as I wanted and doing nothing tiring, and all my temporary jobs were nearby, so not so heavy on me.
Feeling better today, although I'm still a bit lightheaded, my blood pressure must be a little low. I hope it goes up again soon, I hate feeling all woozy and I really don't want to faint again!
Maybe I should eat a giant steak, don't they say iron is good for the blood :D
Well, if anyone has tips let me know!
I hope I get used to the early risings soon, cause it kinda sucks to be tired all weekend, I like going out on a Saturday, but nowadays I'm yawning away by midnight! Perhaps I should stop eating cookies as snacks at work and start picking some healthier snacks to build up the resistance!
My whole eating shedule is totally messed up with the new job, really early breakfast and lunch not till one pm, so I get really hungry before that hence munching on cookies, and I don't get home till 8.20 pm so I usually have a snack on the train as well, otherwise I'm starving. I need munching alternatives!
Well I'm off to go get some fresh air by the sea here, to look at the shops a bit, will do me good!
Feeling better today, although I'm still a bit lightheaded, my blood pressure must be a little low. I hope it goes up again soon, I hate feeling all woozy and I really don't want to faint again!
Maybe I should eat a giant steak, don't they say iron is good for the blood :D
Well, if anyone has tips let me know!
I hope I get used to the early risings soon, cause it kinda sucks to be tired all weekend, I like going out on a Saturday, but nowadays I'm yawning away by midnight! Perhaps I should stop eating cookies as snacks at work and start picking some healthier snacks to build up the resistance!
My whole eating shedule is totally messed up with the new job, really early breakfast and lunch not till one pm, so I get really hungry before that hence munching on cookies, and I don't get home till 8.20 pm so I usually have a snack on the train as well, otherwise I'm starving. I need munching alternatives!
Well I'm off to go get some fresh air by the sea here, to look at the shops a bit, will do me good!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hooray it's Saturday! I enjoyed the lack of alarm this morning so much! Unfortunately the weekend is way too short! just one more day of sleeping in :( In hindsight college was a pretty sweet life after all in spite of the exam stress and the looong lectures.
Thought I'd write a little something about my insane love for all things fantasy. As I mentioned before I read a lot, sometimes two a week, if I got some really good books. Most of the books that I own are fantasy books, somehow after reading Lord of the Rings for the first time at 15, I was completely hooked the genre. I love getting lost in a different world, where magical things happen. I love the heroic tales of love and battle, exciting quests, unusual encounters.. If I have a good book, I could read all day non-stop. Some of my favorite authors are, J.R.R. Tolkien (of course, you aren't a true fantasy geek until you have read and loved the brilliance of Tolkien, the founder of all fantasy really), Juliet Marillier (I'll mention her again in a seperate post, her books are all just so beautiful, I really recommend them!), Trudi Canavan, Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris, Terry Brooks, Jacqueline Carey.. Of course there are many more that I have read books of and loved, but I can't remember them all. But if you like fantasy and could use some hints, feel free to ask me, I have many to recommend :D
My love for fantasy doesn't stop at books, you should see my room. (Not right now, its kinda messy :p) I have drawings, made by friends who draw amazingly, of elves, a mermaid and I collect little statues of fairies (hey if guys can collect model cars, I can collect fairies :p, don't judge!)
I also looove going to the fantasy fair in Holland, which takes place every year on castle grounds in April. There are loads of stands with all sorts of fantasy related items, costume contests, battle reenactments, authors and actors come to give autographs, there is all sorts of folk music going on, there's often horses, birds of prey shown and you can even hold them on your arms, which is really cool. You can also drink mead like in the olden days, it's a wine-like drink but made of honey, reeeeally sweet and sticky, it's an acquired taste, I wasn't that fond of it initially.
Lots of people are dressed up, in fantasy characters or beings, or in medieval outfits. Of course I too dress up! I looove doing it, which probably really makes me a geek, but it's so much fun! Here's some pics of me posing around in my forest elf outfit!

Notice the ears! they were hell to take off, the glue really sticks! but you can't be an elf without the ears! It was a really beautiful day for April, we were all really lucky, because elfs and other creatures with umbrella's and jackets would have looked slightly lame (or to you perhaps lamer :p)
I hope I can go again this year, with a better dress (a.k.a. more expensive)
Other European fantasy lovers, really check out this fair, it's a lot of fun. It's called the Elf Fantasy Fair, and it's in Haarzuilens in Holland.
I know fantasy is not for everyone, nor is dressing up, but it's just part of who I am, I love it, I guess it's all about escaping and creating a different more exciting world in your head!
Now off to reality, going to my cousin's for a hopefully nice dinner. You hear me cousin, better be good! I'm a picky eater.
Enjoy your saturday all!
Thought I'd write a little something about my insane love for all things fantasy. As I mentioned before I read a lot, sometimes two a week, if I got some really good books. Most of the books that I own are fantasy books, somehow after reading Lord of the Rings for the first time at 15, I was completely hooked the genre. I love getting lost in a different world, where magical things happen. I love the heroic tales of love and battle, exciting quests, unusual encounters.. If I have a good book, I could read all day non-stop. Some of my favorite authors are, J.R.R. Tolkien (of course, you aren't a true fantasy geek until you have read and loved the brilliance of Tolkien, the founder of all fantasy really), Juliet Marillier (I'll mention her again in a seperate post, her books are all just so beautiful, I really recommend them!), Trudi Canavan, Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris, Terry Brooks, Jacqueline Carey.. Of course there are many more that I have read books of and loved, but I can't remember them all. But if you like fantasy and could use some hints, feel free to ask me, I have many to recommend :D
My love for fantasy doesn't stop at books, you should see my room. (Not right now, its kinda messy :p) I have drawings, made by friends who draw amazingly, of elves, a mermaid and I collect little statues of fairies (hey if guys can collect model cars, I can collect fairies :p, don't judge!)
I also looove going to the fantasy fair in Holland, which takes place every year on castle grounds in April. There are loads of stands with all sorts of fantasy related items, costume contests, battle reenactments, authors and actors come to give autographs, there is all sorts of folk music going on, there's often horses, birds of prey shown and you can even hold them on your arms, which is really cool. You can also drink mead like in the olden days, it's a wine-like drink but made of honey, reeeeally sweet and sticky, it's an acquired taste, I wasn't that fond of it initially.
Lots of people are dressed up, in fantasy characters or beings, or in medieval outfits. Of course I too dress up! I looove doing it, which probably really makes me a geek, but it's so much fun! Here's some pics of me posing around in my forest elf outfit!
Notice the ears! they were hell to take off, the glue really sticks! but you can't be an elf without the ears! It was a really beautiful day for April, we were all really lucky, because elfs and other creatures with umbrella's and jackets would have looked slightly lame (or to you perhaps lamer :p)
I hope I can go again this year, with a better dress (a.k.a. more expensive)
Other European fantasy lovers, really check out this fair, it's a lot of fun. It's called the Elf Fantasy Fair, and it's in Haarzuilens in Holland.
I know fantasy is not for everyone, nor is dressing up, but it's just part of who I am, I love it, I guess it's all about escaping and creating a different more exciting world in your head!
Now off to reality, going to my cousin's for a hopefully nice dinner. You hear me cousin, better be good! I'm a picky eater.
Enjoy your saturday all!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Almost weekend!
It’s finally Friday again, HOORAY! Tomorrow I can wake up as late as I want without having to hear that obnoxious alarm! Train was late again this morning, sigh, it’s such a pain. In the morning I always try to catch up some sleep on the journey to work, but I must say there are comfier places to sleep! It’s funny how when you’re trying to sleep whilst sitting, and as soon as you actually doze off your head drops down and that shocks you awake right away. Stupid heavy head.
Maybe this weird sky rest thing would be handy after all.
ANYWAY, I was going to talk about something I love to do today. Watch tv! Yup, I must admit, Master’s degree in languages or not, I love me some television. I’m a real moviebuff, although I’m quite critical, I don’t really watch the daytime tv type of films or annoying romantic comedies ( Although there are some I did enjoy, e.g. How to lose a guy in ten days, laughed my ass off during that one.) I also loooove watching series, during my almost a year of unemployment after graduating, I had a LOT of time on my hands. I did work as a volunteer at the animal pound two afternoons a week, so at least I was somewhat useful to society! But for the most part I was a lazy bum and I watched series online for a large part of the day! Because of this I am currently following a LOT of series. My favourites are How I met your mother, the big bang theory, True Blood, the Vampire diaries, Big Love, Medium, House, the desperate housewives.. and probably some others but I currently forget because I just had this creepy man here at work!
So sudden subject change :D Just had this creepy Afghan man at the front desk, mumbling in weird English about wanting to go to Ireland, and he apparently had an Italian refugee card, and somehow he kept thinking that was a European passport and that was valid to go to Ireland. I told him no, you need a visa, and you need to apply for it in your country of residence, but he kept going on and on about not needing a visa because he had a European passport and he didn’t need one for Belgium, which seemed very unlikely. He probably got here illegally, and is now trying to go to Ireland. Luckily I managed to get rid of him by telling him I’d call once I had more information, and I copied his refugee card to make sure I got his details. Good thing I’m behind bullet-proof glass. Suddenly this job got way more exciting! Don’t worry Irish people, I’m not letting him in!
Also someone thought I was Irish because of my red hair and good accent, YAY me.
Now back to the series! I’m very fond of all of them, they each appeal to a different part of me. Although, as a fantasy geek, I do love the non real life ones. Vampire diaries are really good, but when it comes to vampires I really like True Blood. I know I know, some people must be really getting sick of vampires with all this Twilight mania going on, and although I did enjoy reading Twilight, the vampires in it are pretty wussy compared to the ones in True Blood, now those are some scary ass vampires! Good looking too, which is always a bonus! But True Blood is not for the faint- hearted or the prudes among us, it’s very violent, there’s quite a bit of sex in it and quite a bit of swearing too. But it’s a great show, very exciting and never bores. I’m reading the series too, and quite liking it as well. Although I do like being able to watch hot vampire Viking Eric!
Don’t you agree? For the non long hair fans among us, later in the show he cuts it, so you might approve more then! But I like the long hair, it makes him look more vikingy, which is what he’s supposed to be. He’s Swedish (the actor) of course, and he’s insanely tall and broad shouldered and muscular, drewl. Yup I like me a tall broad shouldered, strong man, but who wouldn’t really!
Sorry for the hormonal lapse!
Any plans for the weekend everyone? I’m tired from the long week so I’ll be mostly a lazy bum again, but am going to cousin’s place Saturday evening for a hopefully nice dinner with lots of nice drinks! Yes, I do like my bubblies! And I’m also planning on a chat with my old friend from England who I will naturally force to read my blog, and comment, as I have still none! Sniff.
But even if nobody ever reads it I do enjoy rambling on, I always loved writing in journals as a teen, so I’m enjoying this. But I hope some day someone does comment!
Have a nice weekend!
Maybe this weird sky rest thing would be handy after all.
ANYWAY, I was going to talk about something I love to do today. Watch tv! Yup, I must admit, Master’s degree in languages or not, I love me some television. I’m a real moviebuff, although I’m quite critical, I don’t really watch the daytime tv type of films or annoying romantic comedies ( Although there are some I did enjoy, e.g. How to lose a guy in ten days, laughed my ass off during that one.) I also loooove watching series, during my almost a year of unemployment after graduating, I had a LOT of time on my hands. I did work as a volunteer at the animal pound two afternoons a week, so at least I was somewhat useful to society! But for the most part I was a lazy bum and I watched series online for a large part of the day! Because of this I am currently following a LOT of series. My favourites are How I met your mother, the big bang theory, True Blood, the Vampire diaries, Big Love, Medium, House, the desperate housewives.. and probably some others but I currently forget because I just had this creepy man here at work!
So sudden subject change :D Just had this creepy Afghan man at the front desk, mumbling in weird English about wanting to go to Ireland, and he apparently had an Italian refugee card, and somehow he kept thinking that was a European passport and that was valid to go to Ireland. I told him no, you need a visa, and you need to apply for it in your country of residence, but he kept going on and on about not needing a visa because he had a European passport and he didn’t need one for Belgium, which seemed very unlikely. He probably got here illegally, and is now trying to go to Ireland. Luckily I managed to get rid of him by telling him I’d call once I had more information, and I copied his refugee card to make sure I got his details. Good thing I’m behind bullet-proof glass. Suddenly this job got way more exciting! Don’t worry Irish people, I’m not letting him in!
Also someone thought I was Irish because of my red hair and good accent, YAY me.
Now back to the series! I’m very fond of all of them, they each appeal to a different part of me. Although, as a fantasy geek, I do love the non real life ones. Vampire diaries are really good, but when it comes to vampires I really like True Blood. I know I know, some people must be really getting sick of vampires with all this Twilight mania going on, and although I did enjoy reading Twilight, the vampires in it are pretty wussy compared to the ones in True Blood, now those are some scary ass vampires! Good looking too, which is always a bonus! But True Blood is not for the faint- hearted or the prudes among us, it’s very violent, there’s quite a bit of sex in it and quite a bit of swearing too. But it’s a great show, very exciting and never bores. I’m reading the series too, and quite liking it as well. Although I do like being able to watch hot vampire Viking Eric!
Sorry for the hormonal lapse!
Any plans for the weekend everyone? I’m tired from the long week so I’ll be mostly a lazy bum again, but am going to cousin’s place Saturday evening for a hopefully nice dinner with lots of nice drinks! Yes, I do like my bubblies! And I’m also planning on a chat with my old friend from England who I will naturally force to read my blog, and comment, as I have still none! Sniff.
But even if nobody ever reads it I do enjoy rambling on, I always loved writing in journals as a teen, so I’m enjoying this. But I hope some day someone does comment!
Have a nice weekend!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Definately hardly working
Dear lord its boring here! F# all to do! It may sound appealing to just hang in your chair and browse the internet for 8 hours, but truly, it gets a bit dull! Time goes soo much faster when you have lots to do. Why is nobody giving me assignments, and I'm brandnew here so I can't really invent stuff to do. And January is really calm for visa applications, so sigh! Been browsing blogger all day long reading interesting blogs, like Daydream Believer, she's really funny. Hard not to crack up sometimes though, and I can't do that, I have a co-worker right across from me :p and she seems to be a lot busier somehow hmm
Only three more hours to go, sigh! Then I get to do the whole trainjourney thing again. Luckily I recently bought myself a spanking new pink netbook, yes you heard it, I like pink! Doesn't mean I'm 23 I should grow out of my love for all things pink! It's so much prettier than those lame grey or black laptops, a little pink brightens the dreary day. Back to the point now, got a whole bunch of films and series on there, which I of course legally erm bought, not downloaded at all!
Makes the long trainride back so much nicer, and more relaxing, so although it was rather expensive (300 euro) it was worth it. Sure, I could have gotten the boring black one for 275 euro, but I deserved a treat for finding a job!
I like reading too, but I just finished all my new books I got for Xmas and New Year, so I'm currently out. But as I am now no longer an unemployed broke girl, I just won't be able to stop myself from indulging in new books. Always wanted to have a little library of my own later, sure it'll be filled with mainly fantasy books rather than intellectual classics but oh well, it could be worse (chicklit)(although I do read those sometimes shh)
I'm really a fantasy geek, but more on that some other time!
Back to pretending to work!
Only three more hours to go, sigh! Then I get to do the whole trainjourney thing again. Luckily I recently bought myself a spanking new pink netbook, yes you heard it, I like pink! Doesn't mean I'm 23 I should grow out of my love for all things pink! It's so much prettier than those lame grey or black laptops, a little pink brightens the dreary day. Back to the point now, got a whole bunch of films and series on there, which I of course legally erm bought, not downloaded at all!
Makes the long trainride back so much nicer, and more relaxing, so although it was rather expensive (300 euro) it was worth it. Sure, I could have gotten the boring black one for 275 euro, but I deserved a treat for finding a job!
I like reading too, but I just finished all my new books I got for Xmas and New Year, so I'm currently out. But as I am now no longer an unemployed broke girl, I just won't be able to stop myself from indulging in new books. Always wanted to have a little library of my own later, sure it'll be filled with mainly fantasy books rather than intellectual classics but oh well, it could be worse (chicklit)(although I do read those sometimes shh)
I'm really a fantasy geek, but more on that some other time!
Back to pretending to work!
working hard or hardly working
Starting anew with the blog, as I totally forgot about the one I started months ago and I got no, yes NO, comments at all! so perhaps my stories were a bit boring :D So hopefully I'll be able to entertain at least one person if I start posting more regularly!
Alrighty, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name's Athena and I live in Belgium. You might know it for the waffles, the amazingly good chocolate and Jean-Claude Van Damme, a very lame actor to be honest, but he seems famous for some reason ! If that still doesn't ring a bell, it's somewhere in western Europe, tiny country squished between France, Germany and the Netherlands. I live by the coast, in a small city called Nieuwpoort. I added a map just below for the less wordly people among us. Its a tiny country really, but there are like ten million inhabitants which is pretty crazy to me, way too densely populated. I like me some peace and quiet.

I'm 23, got my master's degree this year as translator English and Russian and have finally found a job last month!
I work in the Embassy of Ireland in Brussels. Loving the job so far, but a huuuge downside is the insane commute, its two hours by train to get to Brussels, so four hours on the train every day. Yes, I know, that's a bit crazy, and it reaally tiring sometimes. I get up at 6.10 am and get home at 8.10 pm, which is a very long day. I do intend to move at some point, but to be honest, it's so expensive to live by yourself and I'd rather spend my money on more fun things :p and i like having company when I get home.
What else hmm well so I live at home with the parents, and a younger brother. Have two dogs too, love my doggies. The older one is called Annabelle, but we call her Belly, it's a scruffy mix of a Fox and a Snauzer and she's 12. And the other is a greyhound called Fiona and she's 8. In one of the next posts I'll tell you all about my beloved doggies naturally.
Currrently at work actually, ssssh, don't tell ;) Don't have much to do at the moment. I generally occupy myself with visas and the accounts, and general mail and phone answering. Everyone here is really friendly, mostly Irish, which I really like because I love all things Irish. You'll find that out in later posts too for sure. My thesis was on Ireland and I've been there many many times! Ah it's a great country really, so I was so excited to get to work somewhere Ireland-related!
Hmm guess I should find something useful to do here at work then! Promise to not forget to write this time, hopefully I'll eventually get a comment then! Cause I want one!
Alrighty, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name's Athena and I live in Belgium. You might know it for the waffles, the amazingly good chocolate and Jean-Claude Van Damme, a very lame actor to be honest, but he seems famous for some reason ! If that still doesn't ring a bell, it's somewhere in western Europe, tiny country squished between France, Germany and the Netherlands. I live by the coast, in a small city called Nieuwpoort. I added a map just below for the less wordly people among us. Its a tiny country really, but there are like ten million inhabitants which is pretty crazy to me, way too densely populated. I like me some peace and quiet.

I'm 23, got my master's degree this year as translator English and Russian and have finally found a job last month!
I work in the Embassy of Ireland in Brussels. Loving the job so far, but a huuuge downside is the insane commute, its two hours by train to get to Brussels, so four hours on the train every day. Yes, I know, that's a bit crazy, and it reaally tiring sometimes. I get up at 6.10 am and get home at 8.10 pm, which is a very long day. I do intend to move at some point, but to be honest, it's so expensive to live by yourself and I'd rather spend my money on more fun things :p and i like having company when I get home.
What else hmm well so I live at home with the parents, and a younger brother. Have two dogs too, love my doggies. The older one is called Annabelle, but we call her Belly, it's a scruffy mix of a Fox and a Snauzer and she's 12. And the other is a greyhound called Fiona and she's 8. In one of the next posts I'll tell you all about my beloved doggies naturally.
Currrently at work actually, ssssh, don't tell ;) Don't have much to do at the moment. I generally occupy myself with visas and the accounts, and general mail and phone answering. Everyone here is really friendly, mostly Irish, which I really like because I love all things Irish. You'll find that out in later posts too for sure. My thesis was on Ireland and I've been there many many times! Ah it's a great country really, so I was so excited to get to work somewhere Ireland-related!
Hmm guess I should find something useful to do here at work then! Promise to not forget to write this time, hopefully I'll eventually get a comment then! Cause I want one!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Matt Bellamy and Kate Hudson Expecting a Baby?
According to the latest updates we just heard from a celebrity gossip sites, Kate Hudson is now ready to face the new challenge on her life, to carry the responsibility of Muse frontman, Matt Bellamy's baby. US Weekly reported that Kate is now a pregnant woman for her second child. We know that Owen Wilson and the Hollywood star break up a year ago and guess what, on the other side, her ex-boyfriend recently announced that he and her new girlfriend Jade Buell is expecting a baby few months from now. It's a coincident when the two meet a different people after of their relationship, right?
In regards with Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy, they don't expect this to happen but according to them, they are willing to welcome their own child to their different world soon. And how about Chris Robinson? The former husband of Kate? We are currently looking for the latest updates we can get from the interviews and other related sources to get his statements in regards with this issue.
Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow Kate and those people who's been with her from the pasts. It is good to hear that she is currently pregnant but let's try to figure out the next thing to happen on her current relationship.
In regards with Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy, they don't expect this to happen but according to them, they are willing to welcome their own child to their different world soon. And how about Chris Robinson? The former husband of Kate? We are currently looking for the latest updates we can get from the interviews and other related sources to get his statements in regards with this issue.
Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow Kate and those people who's been with her from the pasts. It is good to hear that she is currently pregnant but let's try to figure out the next thing to happen on her current relationship.
The Game Season 4 Episode 1 and 2 (Season Premiere)
Don't think about the title instead, be a part of another spectacular show on Earth from the Kelly Grammer. The well anticipated show returned last Tuesday evening, January 11, 2011 and guess what, try to remember the stunning casts and characters who's been with us since then. According to reports, The Game Season 4 has been cancelled last 2009 but now, you are about to see the drama and hilarious events that will tease you to follow the show every Tuesday evenings in United States. The performances of Tasha Mack and Donte is quite good to remember. Be a part of their story on this new season of The Game.
According to reviews and spoilers of the show, the couples brought out their best not to disappoint everyone following The Game Season 4. It is a back-to-back episode, probably a season special for anyone asking for it after knowing the cancellation of the show before. We've been a lot of trouble finding the relevant information about the online video of the show because somehow, we also missed to catch it recently on The CW Channel. But because of the goodness of those other people following the casts and characters of the show, there's a lot option to catch it again on the line.
Tips: There are variety of online video on the web waiting anyone to be a part of the spectacular story that rounds in The Game Season 4 Episode 1 and 2 recently. The title is quite good because somehow, due to our curiosity, we've been for a couple of hours watching the sweet tandems of the couples recently. Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the highlights and next upcoming episodes of The Game Season 4 after of this break.
According to reviews and spoilers of the show, the couples brought out their best not to disappoint everyone following The Game Season 4. It is a back-to-back episode, probably a season special for anyone asking for it after knowing the cancellation of the show before. We've been a lot of trouble finding the relevant information about the online video of the show because somehow, we also missed to catch it recently on The CW Channel. But because of the goodness of those other people following the casts and characters of the show, there's a lot option to catch it again on the line.
Tips: There are variety of online video on the web waiting anyone to be a part of the spectacular story that rounds in The Game Season 4 Episode 1 and 2 recently. The title is quite good because somehow, due to our curiosity, we've been for a couple of hours watching the sweet tandems of the couples recently. Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the highlights and next upcoming episodes of The Game Season 4 after of this break.
Olga Sosnovska Joins Human Target Season 2 Episode 9
If you are one of Olga Sosnovska, you are about to witness her participation in a special episode of Human Target Season 2 this Wednesday evening, January 12, 2011. She will play the role of Ilsa Pucci (Indira Varma) sister-in-law as noted by reviews and spoilers of the show. The season special of Human Target is up at around 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. E.T/P.T on Fox and be part of the spectacular scenes that awaits you. Christopher Chance or Mark Valley and his team is up for another mission, a hostage taking situation that will tease anyone of you to follow the Human Target Season 2 Episode 9 - Imbroglio tonight.
Catch Olga Sosnovska as the new cast of Human Target Season 2 for this day only and probably next week, you will not see her anymore for another episode that will take you to another challenging tasks that will cross the national viewer televisions in United States. According to our source, the scene that awaits you is a wide scale hostage taking event and Christopher as well Ilsa need to take an extra plans to handle everything.
For now, we are just hanging around for the latest updates we can get about the season special of Human Target Season 2 but don't forget the above given schedule to watch the show soon. Few hours from now, you are about to witness everything and be a part of it from here. Join Ilsa and Christopher as they explore the possibilities to answer the demands of the criminals in Human Target Season 2 Episode 9 - Imbroglio.
Tips: See the YouTube promotional video of Human Target Season 2 Episode 9 and other available clips that will give you a little idea about the show aside from spoilers, recaps, and summary of its storyline.
Catch Olga Sosnovska as the new cast of Human Target Season 2 for this day only and probably next week, you will not see her anymore for another episode that will take you to another challenging tasks that will cross the national viewer televisions in United States. According to our source, the scene that awaits you is a wide scale hostage taking event and Christopher as well Ilsa need to take an extra plans to handle everything.
For now, we are just hanging around for the latest updates we can get about the season special of Human Target Season 2 but don't forget the above given schedule to watch the show soon. Few hours from now, you are about to witness everything and be a part of it from here. Join Ilsa and Christopher as they explore the possibilities to answer the demands of the criminals in Human Target Season 2 Episode 9 - Imbroglio.
Tips: See the YouTube promotional video of Human Target Season 2 Episode 9 and other available clips that will give you a little idea about the show aside from spoilers, recaps, and summary of its storyline.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Nicole Eggert Show Her New Look in Video
Anyone who knows too much about Nicole Eggert might be surprise by her new look nowadays. There's a viral online video where you can see her far from what you think about her body before. Her appearances will probably remind you of her "Baywatch" years and in what happened on her. She is now on her late 30's, and guess what, her body grows too much from a slimmer Eggert to the one who is currently on a funny video with two guys trying to save her life from drowning. However, we do not disgrace Nicole Eggert because of her new look but of course, what we are trying to say is that, she is currently on the right years to think about her family rather than making a few reduction from her fats.
Furthermore, she gave her statement recently about her new look when people talk about of her old posture. According to her, "real women gain weight." And she has a major point for that, right? Let's respect Nicole Eggert for her new lifestyle because somehow, some married woman really ends with this kind of size. Other than Baywatch, she also appeared in "Charles in Charge", a film where you can see a slimmer Nicole compare to the her current body figure.
Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates in related to Nicole Eggert story after of this break.
Furthermore, she gave her statement recently about her new look when people talk about of her old posture. According to her, "real women gain weight." And she has a major point for that, right? Let's respect Nicole Eggert for her new lifestyle because somehow, some married woman really ends with this kind of size. Other than Baywatch, she also appeared in "Charles in Charge", a film where you can see a slimmer Nicole compare to the her current body figure.
Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates in related to Nicole Eggert story after of this break.
The Cape Season Premiere Online Video, Rounded Up!
If you missed to catch the season premiere of The Cape, you don't need to worry because there are variety of websites on the Internet that awaits you giving a free viewing of the show. Try to look around from here and few taps of your computer keyboards will take you to Megavideo, VidXDen, VidBux, or any full high-definition (HD) video format. Reviews, spoilers, and recaps of The Cape Season 1 Episode 1 is currently available for you to know the story that rounds from last Sunday, January 9, 2011 airtime programing.
For more, see the following recap of The Cape Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot (Season Premiere) to know more aside from few words of ours,
For more, see the following recap of The Cape Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot (Season Premiere) to know more aside from few words of ours,
"Former police officer Vince Faraday teams up with carnival misfits in order to fight crime; The Cape must rely on his friends to help him stop Chess from taking over Palm City's jails."Try to catch some more soon as we continue to bring you the highlights and next upcoming episodes of The Cape Season 1 after of this break.
Addison Timlin is Joining Californication Season 4
The woman who earned the interest of Henry "Hank" Moody (David Duchovny) in Californication Season 4 will be played by Addison Timlin as Sasha Bingham. She is the new cast of the show and guess what, you are about to see her in the season opener full of aggressive moves as noted by reviews and spoilers of Californication Season 4 Episode 1 - Exile on Main St. (Season Premiere) recently. You can catch her to the rest of this season and witness her special participation as she continue to increase her interest to Henry. The following details below will give you a little idea about of what will going to happen to the season premiere of Californication Season 4.
Here's a recap of Californication Season 4 Episode 1,
Here's a recap of Californication Season 4 Episode 1,
"Hank has a meeting with alluring attorney Abby Rhoads (Carla Gugino), who against her better judgment agrees to represent Hank. Then it’s on to the UTK Agency to discuss turning the novel at the center of the scandal into a movie. In addition to a director (Jonathan Kasdan) and veteran producer (Stephen Tobolowsky), the stolen Hank Moody novel has also attracted the attention of young Hollywood starlet Sasha Bingham (Addison Timlin), whose interest in playing the Mia role is soon intensified by her own interest in Hank Moody."Aside from Addison Timlin, Carla Gugino is another woman who will portray the legal adviser of Hank. Try to catch her once again as she stand as the lawyer who will protect her client from a several treat of case that will come on the way of Henry Moody. Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the highlights and next upcoming episodes of Californication Season 4 after of this break.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Incident Updates
It was clear that the man who shoot the congresswoman move to the nearest place where he can fire a semi-automatic pistol that can take down his target in just a matter of few ammunitions. According to the latest updates in regards of what happened to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, there are six victims that sacrificed their lives this Saturday morning, January 8, 2011. The brave eyewitnesses take down the gunman and later known as Jared Lee Loughner, a 22-years old man from Tucson as noted by few sources of his biography on the line.
Jared Lee Loughner is now in the custody of authority who leaves 6-dead and 12-wounded individual from Tucson Safeway rampage. The reason why he start to open his fire last Saturday was still unknown but police are now doing their best to trace the exact cause of this tremendous shooting incident in Tucson. People who tried to talk to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords immediately ran from their lines. And other people from the nearby store starts to panic as they heard the series of gun shots.
Politico noted everything, from the past happenings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords tweets and few words to the people of his district. They made a compilation of details not just from the background of congresswoman but also of what happened to Jared Lee Loughner after the incident. Her family and friends recently gave their statements about the background of Rep. Giffords sending their sympathy to the surviving family member of the politician.
Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates related to what happened to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Jared Lee Loughner is now in the custody of authority who leaves 6-dead and 12-wounded individual from Tucson Safeway rampage. The reason why he start to open his fire last Saturday was still unknown but police are now doing their best to trace the exact cause of this tremendous shooting incident in Tucson. People who tried to talk to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords immediately ran from their lines. And other people from the nearby store starts to panic as they heard the series of gun shots.
Politico noted everything, from the past happenings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords tweets and few words to the people of his district. They made a compilation of details not just from the background of congresswoman but also of what happened to Jared Lee Loughner after the incident. Her family and friends recently gave their statements about the background of Rep. Giffords sending their sympathy to the surviving family member of the politician.
Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates related to what happened to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Robert Gibbs is Now Leaving His Position
The President of United States of America recently confirmed this news in New York Times as noted by our source. According to report, Robert Gibbs will leave his position by next month and for now, nobody knows about the new upcoming press secretary who will work with Pres. Barrack Obama as his replacement. He's been with the White House for almost two-years already and now, he is stepping down for another position, he will serve as the external political adviser of the current president of the U.S. government. That's a great deal already, right?
Furthermore, one of Pres. Barrack Obama adviser recently confirmed this story on CBS News and according to Washington Post, Robert Gibbs is now planning to start his own business firm, a private consulting office as his preparation for the upcoming 2012 election. For more about the resignation of Gibbs, the following details below is a statement of the Pres. Obama about this issue,
Furthermore, one of Pres. Barrack Obama adviser recently confirmed this story on CBS News and according to Washington Post, Robert Gibbs is now planning to start his own business firm, a private consulting office as his preparation for the upcoming 2012 election. For more about the resignation of Gibbs, the following details below is a statement of the Pres. Obama about this issue,
"He's had a six-year stretch now where basically he's been going 24/7 with relatively modest pay. I think it's natural for someone like Robert to want to step back for a second to reflect, retool and that, as a consequence, brings about both challenges and opportunities for the White House."Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the latest updates we can get in regards with the resignation of Robert Gibbs.
Homeless Ted Williams With A God Given Gift
Recently, as we saw Ted Williams (not a long-ago baseball superstar) in Yahoo, we've been surprised by a few introductory words of the writer, "a homeless man with a golden voice somewhere in Columbus, Ohio." At first, we cannot believe that this man is just a personality living down the street of the city far from what we never expect. One of those concerned folks tried to reach Williams on Columbus Dispatch, along the hi-way asked him to do a little favor by making a few lines of words showing his golden voice. The following video after this cut will show you how this man talks like a professional radio announcer and you are about to witness his God-given gift he claimed.
However, you can watch the YouTube video of this man and you will probably surprise by the number of hits which actually reached to 5-million already. So it means, this online video of Ted Williams already reached to the attention of others. People around the world are probably aware of his talent as he spoke his voice over and unique type of voice on that video. Try to check the following video below for more.
However, you can watch the YouTube video of this man and you will probably surprise by the number of hits which actually reached to 5-million already. So it means, this online video of Ted Williams already reached to the attention of others. People around the world are probably aware of his talent as he spoke his voice over and unique type of voice on that video. Try to check the following video below for more.
A Mega Millions Winning Number Rounded Up in Ephrata
Guess what? People are now probably talking about the possible Mega Millions winning numbers and recently, we discover a few details in regards with one of this lottery numeric digits. And that story surfaced straight from Ephrata, Washington where one of this winning number circulates as noted by our source. According to the latest updates we heard from that place, this winning ticket has been bought from a supermarket, probably in Safeway as reporters tried to figure out the exact store. That is on the eastern part of Washington, a small town where the lucky person resided.
Scott Kinney noted that the last Wednesday winner of Mega Millions will going to share a great stake of $380-M jackpot prize. It is good to hear that this amount is quite big enough for a simple person to start an airline business, right? On the other side of the story, one Mega Millions ticket has been sold somewhere in Idaho but they never mentioned the name of those people who possibly wins the last Wednesday draw.
However, that winning numbers are 4, 8, 15, 25, 47, and 42, the combination which will turn the life of the winners to a great change in just a matter of draw. It was a series of Mega Ball number which actually earned a lot of interest from those people who spent their time to make a line in every lottery outlet.
There are few rumors that one of the winners came from a town somewhere in Texas but for now, we keep an eye to the other latest news and updates we can get just to know more about the lucky day that came to the lives of this lucky people in United States. You can look around to know the story and other related details that will probably tease you to start making your own bet to join the lottery soon. Try to check some more after of this break as we continue to bring you the highlights of this Mega Millions winning numbers after of this break.
Scott Kinney noted that the last Wednesday winner of Mega Millions will going to share a great stake of $380-M jackpot prize. It is good to hear that this amount is quite big enough for a simple person to start an airline business, right? On the other side of the story, one Mega Millions ticket has been sold somewhere in Idaho but they never mentioned the name of those people who possibly wins the last Wednesday draw.
However, that winning numbers are 4, 8, 15, 25, 47, and 42, the combination which will turn the life of the winners to a great change in just a matter of draw. It was a series of Mega Ball number which actually earned a lot of interest from those people who spent their time to make a line in every lottery outlet.
There are few rumors that one of the winners came from a town somewhere in Texas but for now, we keep an eye to the other latest news and updates we can get just to know more about the lucky day that came to the lives of this lucky people in United States. You can look around to know the story and other related details that will probably tease you to start making your own bet to join the lottery soon. Try to check some more after of this break as we continue to bring you the highlights of this Mega Millions winning numbers after of this break.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Coach Rich Rodriguez Was Fired by Michigan Wolverines
We are not aware of this news recently when the name of Brady Hoke appeared as the new official head coach of Michigan Wolverines noted by SB Nation report. According to our source, former head coach Rich Rodriguez has been fired already and those other candidates for the position starts to appear few days ago as his replacement. However, we cannot confirm this issue for now but let's try to listen to another story that will comes out later to connect the current dot on the line about Brady Hoke as the potential person to replace Rich Rodriguez.
For you to know a few words about the background potential of Brady Hoke, the following details below will give you a little idea about him noted by SB Nation recently,
For you to know a few words about the background potential of Brady Hoke, the following details below will give you a little idea about him noted by SB Nation recently,
"Hoke coached defensive line at Michigan from 1995 to 2002, leaving to take the head coaching job at Ball State, where he had played linebacker from 1977 to 1980. From there he moved to SDSU in 2009."We are keep an eye to this issue right now to determine the cause why the team need fire him out. Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow Rich Rodriguez and Brady in Michigan Wolverines after of this break.
Ron Franklin Harsh Comments to Jeanne Edwards
Ron Franklin is one of ESPN former announcer who's been fired due to his misconduct recently. According to report, his harsh comments on his fellow co-worker Jeanne Edwards cause his dismissal in the prestigious broadcasting and television company. People are probably talking about of what happened on him and Jeanne because of those words that reached to the attention of the administrative side of the private firm. Bleacher report noted that the past Fiesta Bowl brought a lot of issue about the man and a part-time reporter who's currently on their way broadcasting live straight from the event.
However, it is sad to hear that Ron Franklin already served ESPN for almost 25-years and now, he probably need to look for another spot in similar industry from where he fit to do his job. It is a great lesson for anyone and not just for Franklin, right? We are not so familiar of the exact thing about of what happened during that time but as the story goes too far, we understand that those words that really catch the attention of a woman brought him a negative image to the masses.
He apologized last Friday because of this but the issue remains on the heart and minds of those people who knows too much of him, right? Probably, he is now asking for more aside from what they used to do during that time and he just accidentally slipped his tunes in just a matter of seconds. Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow this issue between Ron Franklin and Jeanne Edwards after of this break.
However, it is sad to hear that Ron Franklin already served ESPN for almost 25-years and now, he probably need to look for another spot in similar industry from where he fit to do his job. It is a great lesson for anyone and not just for Franklin, right? We are not so familiar of the exact thing about of what happened during that time but as the story goes too far, we understand that those words that really catch the attention of a woman brought him a negative image to the masses.
He apologized last Friday because of this but the issue remains on the heart and minds of those people who knows too much of him, right? Probably, he is now asking for more aside from what they used to do during that time and he just accidentally slipped his tunes in just a matter of seconds. Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow this issue between Ron Franklin and Jeanne Edwards after of this break.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Missing Kristi Cornwell Remains Was Found
Kristi Cornwell has been reportedly missing since the year 2009 and recently, a report taken straight from the nearby woods of their residence in Northern Georgia can probably unlock the mystery of her disappearances. According to our source, the human bones found on that area was identified because of her dental records. The local authority confirmed everything but according to report, they are now working for further investigation to determine the exact cause of her death.
Furthermore, the abduction incident in Ranger recently has been interconnected by police officers to the case of Kristi Cornwell. They probably tried to trace back the responsible person of her death and to the other suspect of the recent incident. According to report, the other woman escaped from the hands of her kidnapper and recently gave her statement in regards with the person that tried to drag him off.
In regards with Kristi Cornwell, according to our source, the previous reports shows that the woman is currently walking home talking with her boyfriend on the phone when the abduction was happened. The following details below will give you a little idea about of what happened to Kristi during that time noted by Babbly recently,
Furthermore, the abduction incident in Ranger recently has been interconnected by police officers to the case of Kristi Cornwell. They probably tried to trace back the responsible person of her death and to the other suspect of the recent incident. According to report, the other woman escaped from the hands of her kidnapper and recently gave her statement in regards with the person that tried to drag him off.
In regards with Kristi Cornwell, according to our source, the previous reports shows that the woman is currently walking home talking with her boyfriend on the phone when the abduction was happened. The following details below will give you a little idea about of what happened to Kristi during that time noted by Babbly recently,
"The suspicion by police has been that Cornwell was kidnapped while talking to her boyfriend on her cell phone as she walked along a rural road near her parents’ house. He reported to authorities that she said a car pulled up alongside her and he overheard a struggle as she screamed, “Don’t take me!” just before the phone went dead."Try to check some more soon as we continue to follow the latest updates we can get from the case of Kristi Cornwell after of this break.
Death of Fish and Birds in Arkansas Updates
People in Arkansas are now probably talking about of what happened to thousands of birds and fish that surprised their town recently because of their sudden death. According to the latest updates, the local government is now on their way investigating the cause of this unusual phenomena. Last week, we've been surprised by tons of floating fish in the river of Arkansas and recently, a story we thought from the far side of the town about the falling dead birds from the sky crossed the local television news. However, there are variety of story that start to circulate on the Internet in regards of what happened to this creatures. The initial investigation noted that the disease that cause a tremendous death for the flock of birds and fish is now under the laboratory observations.
Furthermore, according to the latest updates from Arkansas local government observatories, the death of this other creatures is currently patterned to the possible toxic poisoning. On the other side of the story, there are few reports that the nearby unexplainable sounds has been heard by the local community which is probably one of the main cause of this unwanted incident to these animals. Other people are also working too hard on their neighborhood to investigate the true cause of this massive death of fishes and birds in Arkansas.
Here's the latest news updates from the local news center in Arkansas in regards with the story that surprised the national television viewers as they heard this report recently,
Furthermore, according to the latest updates from Arkansas local government observatories, the death of this other creatures is currently patterned to the possible toxic poisoning. On the other side of the story, there are few reports that the nearby unexplainable sounds has been heard by the local community which is probably one of the main cause of this unwanted incident to these animals. Other people are also working too hard on their neighborhood to investigate the true cause of this massive death of fishes and birds in Arkansas.
Here's the latest news updates from the local news center in Arkansas in regards with the story that surprised the national television viewers as they heard this report recently,
"65 carcasses of the red-winged blackbirds had been collected and were being tested to determine the cause of death."Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates we can get straight from Beebe, Arkansas after of this break.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Cyclone Tasha Left A Heavy Flood in Australia
According to the latest updates about the disastrous tropical cyclone Tasha, the wide area of Queensland is currently facing a tremendous floods that affected the livelihood and vicinity of about 400-thousands people. Our source noted that it is the most disastrous weather condition that struck the island last December 26, 2010 and now, people are currently facing a great devastation from a heavy rain fall next to the strong impact of the typhoon.
Search and rescue operation is currently ongoing to the remote area affected by about 8-meters high water in Queensland. People has been evacuated on the low lying area and the government recently sent some more help by providing a fast and efficient air transportation services to accommodate the total number of possible residents they can get.
Furthermore, about 80-percent of Queensland is currently facing this problem and the local government is currently working too hard just to save the remaining people who's currently on the middle of a tough situation in the affected area. Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates we can get from Queensland Australia after of this break.
Search and rescue operation is currently ongoing to the remote area affected by about 8-meters high water in Queensland. People has been evacuated on the low lying area and the government recently sent some more help by providing a fast and efficient air transportation services to accommodate the total number of possible residents they can get.
Furthermore, about 80-percent of Queensland is currently facing this problem and the local government is currently working too hard just to save the remaining people who's currently on the middle of a tough situation in the affected area. Try to check some more soon as we continue to bring you the latest updates we can get from Queensland Australia after of this break.
John Mellencamp Will Divorce Elaine Irwin?
This is the new story that rounds with the couple and recently, we just heard a few issue related to what happened with their 20-years of marriage life. People are now probably talking about of what is going on but in regards with John Mellencamp and Elaine Irwin, it is great to hear their public statement rather than relying to those issue which starts to rounds last Thursday, December 30, 2010. You can look around in celebrity gossip sites to know the issue better than what we had found from a front-page of a search engine site. A few taps of your computer keyboards will take you to the rest of this from here.
Why we have to start our topic with a question mark? It's because we are not aware of this. We do not expect the story that will cross the line recently about Elaine and John. What we start to asked from now is that, what is the reason why they need to cut their relationship? We follow the couple since the early years of their marriage but now, it is sad to hear this story that will probably surprise those other folks following them.
Try to catch some more soon as we continue to follow those other related issue with Elaine and John after of this break.
Why we have to start our topic with a question mark? It's because we are not aware of this. We do not expect the story that will cross the line recently about Elaine and John. What we start to asked from now is that, what is the reason why they need to cut their relationship? We follow the couple since the early years of their marriage but now, it is sad to hear this story that will probably surprise those other folks following them.
Try to catch some more soon as we continue to follow those other related issue with Elaine and John after of this break.
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