Sunday, May 1, 2011

What women want

What do women want? Well, I can tell you, NOT anyone like Mel Gibson :p That is one scary man. Keep away from those types girls, once a hitter, always a hitter. And once a foul-mouthed racist, always a foul-mouthed racist. Not meeting your mother material.

So what does a girl look for in a man, what makes her heart beat faster, what romantic gestures does she want you to do? For men perhaps it's not always that easy to figure out, I've noticed by now that a lot of men make a lot of mistakes in the emotional department, not on purpose usually, but often because they just have no idea how our female brain works :D Also, unfortunately, if he doesn't have the romantic streak, big chance he never will get the hang of it. It all depends on the type of girl you are, and on how much the emotional and romantic side of a relationship matters to you.

Cause believe it or not guys, not all women are sappy and romantic and prone to overemotionalness. Most of us are, naturally, clichés are there for a reason. Which is also why the cliché for men being crap at romance, change the subject when you're being emotional, and don't help much around the house, is often true. But there are plenty of exceptions.

Some women actually don't like men who are romantic and corny, they are independent, and don't need to hear from their man all the time and you won't hear from them all the time either. Men might read this and think, the perfect woman! But you'd be suprised on how many men do not like the distant girl type. A lot of men feel awkward when a girl goes out a lot without him, and jealousy is never far away.

I'm afraid I'm not a part of the above type. I do like the corny stuff, although I don't want it to go too far. Sending poems or singing me songs would mostly annoy me. I like a man romantic, but manly. I think many women will agree. Although I'm sure there are some girls out there who would love to be serenaded to and come home to a pathway of rose petals to the bedroom and Bon Jovi playing and all that crap :D

I recently saw some lame show on tv about weddings; in which a guy proposed to a girl by showing her a video of him singing this really really sappy song about her and then ending with want to be my wife. No feeling of aww on my end, I just wanted to punch the guy in the face, he was that annoying. Maybe it's shallow, but I want to still have a man with balls, to say it crudely :p

But I'm sure the majority of you will agree, we do not want a man like this:

Better is!:

Yup, we need a man who gets us weak in the knees, all romance novel-like. Someone with some seducing skills! Who needs a pathway of rose petals, if you can have a man who pulls you into his arms and kisses you passionately whilst carrying you up the stairs to the bedroom, leaving a pathway of clothes!.. :p sorry! :D But hey! don't say you don't like that mental image, who wouldn't want a passionate man, it's so important in a relationship. It keeps the fire burning.
And you know, a little present every now and then doesn't hurt us either ;) It doesn't have to be Valentines Day, we like a little spontaneity! a little spoiling! Come home with some flowers, or a pretty necklace that you thought we'd love. More than little things like that we generally don't ask for, big giant gestures are good for proposals and all that, but men really don't need to think that hard to find something romantic to do to put on a smile on their girl's face.

To me, words are the most romantic. Just a 'you're beautiful' whispered in your ear, grabbing you tight and saying how much you love her, those moments are the best in the world. So even if you really suck at romance, and you have no idea what 'do something special' entails, whisper something romantic in her ear, and that's all she'll need guys. Really really.

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