Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OPRINALE! (Oprah Finale)

Today is the day we have all been waiting for... Yet, it is also the day we have all been dreading. Today, May 25, 2011 is Oprah Winfrey's final show.

What can we expect?

Those who were fortunate enough to attend the final taping, which was taped yesterday, said there were no crazy giveaways. Camera crews were posted outside the studio in Chicago to speak with some of the audience members after the taping, in hopes to get any information they could about the finale "spectacular". Apparently, according to an audience member, before the show even started, Oprah said there will be no cars or elaborate gifts given away at this final taping. No gifts? No cars? None of Oprah's favorite things? This leaves one to wonder what the accomplished mogul has in store for everyone.

On her last episode, 25,000 trees were planted in her name. In addition, libraries were built in her name for underprivileged children. It seems as if these final shows are geared toward surprising Oprah herself. Seeing as Oprah could essentially get anything she wanted under the sun, people are thinking outside the box, to repay her for creating such a movement.

Honestly, what could one possibly surprise Oprah with? One of the most accomplished and inspirational women in the world, who happens to be a billionaire.

Watch today, at 4 p.m. est. on NBC, to see for yourself.

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