Monday, May 30, 2011

Time to get off my lazy ass

Yup, even though I give big speeches about feeling good in your own skin and not to be obsessed with looking perfect, I do have my not so confident moments. Lately, being always either on the train or sitting at the desk at work, I've been feeling like a bit of a fatass. I gained like three kilos, which is not that visible on me I suppose, and not a big deal, but I feel unfit. I never get any exercise anymore! Not that I'm the athletic type.
I do enjoy couch potato moments. But right now I feel like some fresh air and exercise would do me good, and would get rid of that annoying babybelly, as you call it. The annoying thing to me about gaining weight is that it doesn't spread out evenly ( I think so anyway). Mostly I wish all the weight would just go to my boobs, but that's idle hope :p

So I decided I should start going for runs! Not every day, as I only get home after 8 and the last thing I want to do then is go for a run. But perhaps on a Friday and a Sunday, just 15 minutes to start, could work no? And I could build it up once I start getting fitter. If it would make me look only slightly as toned and tight as that woman on the picture, it'll be worth it! I could use the confidence boost!

Because you can say what you want, everyone, even if you're a man, sometimes feels unattractive. Mirrors are usually the culprit (don't you just hate some of the mirrors in clothing stores, they often make you look like the monster from the deep) or not fitting in old clothes anymore, or seeing other people who look better. Well, no point in moaning about it and drowning yourself in chocolates. If you really really think you could look better, take some action. Soon you'll be feeling better (I hope) and when you get ready for a night out and get yourself in that sexy dress knowing you don't look half bad, that will bring that confidence right up.

And it's nearly summer, we all feel a little more self-conscious then. I also wish my legs looked like this: slightly tanned (I want those shoes too!)

and not: milk bottle lookalike (photo not of me btw)

Maybe I should try a light fake tan thing, and post the results, would be fairly fun. I tried it once at fifteen, unfortunately I used my mom's, who is darker than me, so the product was waaay too dark for my superwhite skin. I ended up with orangy, stripey, legs and the rest of me superwhite. Not a good idea! I just want some beachworthy legs, that so much to ask! I don't want to be in Spain and Australia looking like a ghost in a bikini, surrounded by annoyingly tanned people. Stupid type 1 skin!

Ah those insecurities...

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