Monday, May 23, 2011

Still alive! Hooray

Made it through yet another apocalypse! Or has the world ended and the afterlife is exactly as annoying as the normal life? If so, heaven sucks.
But it appears the bible was wrong (is it really in the bible?), no guarantees even there! Didn't know the end of the world was 'awesome news' either. Religious fanatics really don't make sense. Where's the fun in being judged?

But no fear, another possible apocalypse at the end of next year! According to some the Mayan calender ends on December 21st of 2012, but I also read the whole thing might be miscalculated and be a few days or even years off. Also the Mayans never predicted Doomsday, it's just a calender. So hope remains we won't need to climb to the tallest mountain or build another ark to make it to 2013.

Big chance that if there is ever going to be an apocalypse, it will be our own fault for fecking up the planet. I find it unbelievable that so many people in the world don't give a toss about global warming and pollution, in spite of the obvious evidence that things really aren't going well and that it's getting worse far too fast. If people aren't experiencing it for themselves they don't believe it. Funny thing some people don't believe in global warming because they don't notice it, but do believe in religious apocalypses and judgement day and all those things. Gah! Oh well, people are too worried they have to dig in their wallet again to make a difference. I really worry about what it will be like in another fifty years, the weather is so different than it was when I was little already. Every year there's a record for the hottest month. Veggies and fruit are getting more expensive because the crops are failing due to lack of rain. Lack of rain in Belgium? Not normal!

But enough with the deep.

No apocalypse!

On to the next one.

UPDATE: Fake doomsdays lead to some hilarious pictures, feel like sharing :D

Conclusion: Apparently you're a sinner no matter what you do :D even if you stay away from 'the big ten'.

Guess he's just one of those people who are always late!

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